The two-year full-time Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGP), rated as the toughest MBA programme in the world to get admission, is the flagship programme of IIMA. Its main objective is to develop young men and women into competent professional managers, capable of working in any sector of organized activity, proceeding leadership and achieving excellence in performance while contributing to the welfare of the larger society. The programme specifically attempts to:
Equip students with the required conceptual and interpersonal skills and sense of social purpose for managerial decision-making,
Develop leadership capabilities to act as change agents and be a source of motivation in the organizations they work in,
Nurture the desire to excel in performance without compromising integrity, honesty and fairness.
IIMA is known for the depth and rigour of the programme. The curriculum, reviewed and revised periodically, remain relevant and contemporary.
Curriculum Overview
What is the curriculum like?
Every year the Indian Institute of Management at Ahmedabad admits select students in its post graduate programme. They are hand-picked out of about 20,000 high scorers — the cream of nearly two lakh aspirants who sit for the annual Common Admissions Test. The intense competition to gain admission to IIMA’s flagship management course affirms the Institute’s ability to give graduates the highest level of personal development, career opportunities, career satisfaction, and salary. The IIMA stamp certifies knowledge, practical skills and confidence. Continuous review, with an eye to latest trends in management needs and challenges, keeps the IIMA curriculum up to date. It is both rigorous and flexible, combining intellectual discovery and hands-on learning. While equipping students for their first job and it also prepares them for a lifetime of success.
What can students expect to do through the two years?
The two-year programme shapes competent professional managers, capable of achieving excellence in performance in any sector of organized activity to turn out innovators and leaders who contribute to the welfare of the larger society.
The PGP curriculum is designed to meet three objectives:
Equip students with the conceptual and interpersonal skills and sense of social purpose necessary for managerial decision-making;
Develop leadership capabilities to act as change agents and be a source of motivation in the organizations they work in;
Nurture the desire to excel in performance without compromising integrity, honesty and fairness.
Courses are of four basic types:
Foundational courses:
No matter what career path a student ultimately follows, they are going to need to be grounded in four key disciplines: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, and Organizational Behavior
Courses oriented to tools and techniques:
These are the “how to’s”: among other things, these courses teach operations, costing and control, quantitative methods, research methods, human resource management written analysis,
Functional courses:
Organizations succeed or fail on the basis of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling: Courses such as Legal Aspects of Business, Macro-Economics and Planning, Strategy, Information Technology, Interpersonal and Group Processes are devoted to providing functional competence.
Courses that provide perspective:
Successful managers see the big picture and recognize opportunities quickly. Seeking perspective is a habit of mind that is taught in courses such as Financial Markets, Social and Cultural Environment of Business, Business, Environment and Sustainability, Government Systems and Policy Process, and Internet-Enabled Businesses.
Courses Offered
Compulsory Courses in the First Year (Tentative)
Term 1 | ||
No | Course Acronym | Course Title |
1 | FM | Financial Markets |
2 | FRA | Financial Reporting and Analysis |
3 | HRM-I | Human Resource Management-I |
4 | ID | Individual Dynamics |
5 | LAB | Legal Aspects of Business |
6 | MGRCMN | Managerial Communication |
7 | MGRCMP | Managerial Computing |
8 | MKT-I | Marketing-I |
9 | ME | Microeconomics |
10 | OM-I | Operations Management-I |
11 | QM-1a | Quantitative Methods-IA |
12 | QM-1b | Quantitative Methods-IB |
13 | OB Area | Induction |
Term 2 |
No | Course Acronym | Course Title |
1 | CCS | Costing and Control Systems |
2 | FM | Financial Markets |
3 | HRM-II | Human Resource Management II |
4 | IGP | Interpersonal and Group Processes |
5 | MEP | Macroeconomics and Policy |
6 | MKT-II | Marketing II |
7 | OM-II | Operations Management II |
8 | PCE | Personal and Corporate Ethics |
9 | QM-2 | Quantitative Methods-2 |
10 | SCEB | The Social and Cultural Environment of Business |
11 | TBIT | Transforming Business through Information Technology |
12 | WIP | Workshop on Interviews and Presentations |
13 | WAC-I | Written Analysis and Communication-I |
Term 3 |
No | Course Acronym | Course Title |
1 | BRM | Business Research Methods |
2 | BES | Business, Environment and Sustainability |
3 | CF | Corporate Finance |
4 | GSP | Government Systems and Policy Process |
5 | IEB | Internet-Enabled Businesses |
6 | MKT | Marketing III |
7 | ODY | Organizational Dynamics |
8 | SM | Strategic Management |
9 | WAC-II | Written Analysis and Communication-II |
10 | OM-III | Operations Management- III |
Flexi-core Courses (FC) |
11 | SHRM | Strategic Human Resource Management |
TCM | Talent and Competency Management |
Courses Offered in the Second Year (Tentative)
List of Electives Courses in Second year (Area Wise) based on offerings in the past 5 years.
No | Course Acronym | Course Name |
IIMA Ventures | ||
1 | MCLB | Managing Creative & Lifestyle Businesses |
2 | NTADBM | New Technology Application, Design and Business Models |
Centre for Management in Agriculture |
3 | CINE |
Understanding Creativity, Innovation, Knowledge |
4 | G2G | From Grapes to Glass: The Value Chain Management Story |
5 | MIT | Managing International Trade |
6 | SY | Shodh Yatra |
Communication |
7 | CCR | Communicating Corporate Reputation |
8 | CST | Communication Skills for Team & Leadership Effectiveness |
9 | DC | Difficult Communication |
10 | EPETMC |
Media and Society: The Economics, Politics, Ethics, |
11 | IC | Intercultural Communication |
12 | MC | Managerial Communication |
13 | OC | Organizational Communication |
14 | PC | Persuasive Communication |
15 | SCDE | Strategic Communication in the Digital Era |
16 | SNS | Strategic Negotiation Skills |
17 | SST | Strategic Storytelling |
Economics |
18 | AMD | Auctions and Market Design |
19 | BEE | Behavioral and Experimental Economics |
20 | EDPG | Economic Development Policy and Growth |
21 | EEPI | Economic Environment and Policy in India |
22 | EFQ | Economics Of Food Quality |
23 | EIAI | Economic Ideas from Ancient India |
24 | EMBI | Economics and Management of Biopharmaceutical Industry |
25 | EoO | Economics of Organization |
26 | GAW | Gender and Work |
27 | GFT | Global Finance and Trade |
28 | GRFS | Governance and Regulation in the Financial Sector |
29 | GTA | Game Theory and Applications |
30 | HE | Health Economics |
31 | HITCH | Hitchhiker's Guide to Business and Economies Across Five Centuries |
32 | IEST | Indian Economy and Society Today |
33 | IPBD | Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Big Data |
34 | MEM | Managerial Econometrics |
35 | MTP | Monetary Theory and Policy |
36 | PAN | Pandemics! |
37 | PIAR | Polycrisis: Innovation, Automation and Regulations |
38 | REM | Real Estate Management |
39 | SPI | Social Policy in India |
40 | WEBGP | World Economy: Business, Government, and Policy |
Finance and Accounting |
41 | ABS | Asset Backed Securitization |
42 | AI | Alternative Investments |
43 | AMS | Analyzing and Managing Start-ups |
44 | AVI | Applied Value Investing |
45 | BB | Bitcoin and the Blockchain |
46 | BF | Behavioural Finance |
47 | BFI | Banking and Financial Intermediation |
48 | BSGR | Black Swans and Gray Rhinos: Managing under Financial Crises |
49 | CFS | Corporate Financial Strategy |
50 | CG | Corporate Governance |
51 | FD | Financial Derivatives |
52 | FF | Foundations of Finance |
53 | FoF | Financing of Firms |
54 | FIS | Fixed Income Securities |
55 | FORM | Futures, Options and Risk Management |
56 | FRM | Financial Risk Management |
57 | FSA | Financial Statement Analysis |
58 | IFM | International Financial Markets |
59 | InB | International Banking |
60 | MACR | Mergers, Acquisitions & Corporate Restructuring |
61 | MFI | Management of Financial Institutions |
62 | MFM | Microfinance Management |
63 | MIPM | Modern Investment & Portfolio Management |
64 | OML | Optimization Methods in Logistics |
65 | PEHF | Private Equity, Hedge Funds and Corporate Finance |
66 | PFWM | Personal Finance and Wealth Management |
67 | PMI | Private Markets Investing |
68 | PTP | Principles of Transfer Pricing |
69 | QAT | Quantitative & Algorithmic Trading |
70 | SCF | Stochastic Calculus in Finance |
71 | SPB | Strategic Perspectives in Banking |
72 | SR | Securities Regulation |
73 | UEPC | Unlisted Equities & Patient Capital |
74 | VoF | Valuation of Firms |
75 | VREI | Valuation of Real Estate Investments |
Human Resource Management |
76 | AIHRM | AI and Human Resource Management |
77 | BS | Business and Society |
78 | BTOT | Business Turnaround and Organizational Transformation |
79 | GPP | Games People Play: Psychology of HRM |
80 | HRMSS | Human Resource Management in Service Sector |
81 | LDT | Leading the Digital Transformation |
82 | MCEO | Making of a CEO |
83 | MHCP | Managing Human Capital in Projects |
84 | MHWSHRM | Mental Health, Wellbeing and Sustainable HRM |
85 | PA | People Analytics |
86 | PCIH | Personal Competencies for International HRM |
87 | SMT | Service Management |
88 | UBG | Understanding Bhagavad Gita: Managerial Perspective |
89 | UIOP |
Unleashing individual and organizational potentials: |
Information Systems |
90 | BDA | Big Data Analytics |
91 | DMBI | Data Mining and Business Intelligence |
92 | DMDP | Developing and Managing Digital Products |
93 | DPPDT | Digital Products, Platforms, Disruption and Transformation |
94 | DT | Digital Transformation |
95 | DVDM | Data Visualization for Decision Making |
96 | LTAA | Leadership through Analytics and Automation |
97 | MSPE | Management of Software Projects and Enterprise |
98 | ODA | Strategic Management of Information Systems |
99 | TISM | Tapping into Social Media |
100 | DBG | Doing Business with Government |
101 | PPC | Public Policy Communication |
102 | PPIDI | Public Policy for Inclusive Development of India |
103 | PPDPA | Public Policy Design Principles and Applications |
Marketing |
104 | AIDP | Privacy Paradox: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Platforms |
105 | AIM | Artificial Intelligence & Marketing |
106 | B2B | Business to Business Marketing |
107 | BM | Brand Management |
108 | BOPM | Bottom of the Pyramid Markets |
109 | CB | Consumer Behaviour |
110 | CBBS | Customer Based Business Strategies |
111 | DBBD | Driving Better Business Decisions Through Superior Customer Insights and Sensemaking |
112 | DBMS | Design Based Marketing Strategy |
113 | DEIM | Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Marketing |
114 | DM | Digital Marketing |
115 | DMCDM | Descriptive Models of Consumer Decision |
116 | GDBCE | Gamification: Designing Better Customer Experience |
117 | IM | Influencer Marketing |
118 | IMCM | Integrated Marketing Communications Management |
119 | INL | Innovation, Live |
120 | HPDS | Health-tech Products and Delivery Systems |
121 | LMSF | Leading and Managing Sales Force |
122 | MAIT | Monetizing Artificial Intelligence and Technology |
123 | MFS | Marketing for Startups |
124 | MME | Mobile Marketing Essentials |
125 | MCVD | Managing Customer Value Delivery |
126 | ML | Marketing Luxury |
127 | MMMG | Mobile Marketing - Mindshift for Growth |
128 | MMW | Marketing Management in the World of High Tech. and Innovation |
129 | MRB | Managing Retail Business |
130 | MRIS | Marketing Research & Information Systems |
131 | MS | Marketing Services |
132 | NCB | Neuroscience and Consumer Behaviour |
133 | NFS | Not for Sale : Psychology of Promotions |
134 | NPCD | New Products Creation and Development |
135 | NPD | New Product Development |
136 | PCG | Pricing |
137 | PGH | Product Growth Hacking |
138 | SBM | Strategic Brand Management |
139 | SM | Strategic Marketing |
140 | SMBC | Semiotics: Strategies for Media and Brand Communication |
141 | SMM | Strategic Models in Marketing |
142 | UNG | Understanding the New Gold: Digitalization, Fintech and Associated Technology, Regulation and Adoption |
Organizational Behaviour |
143 | CIW | Contemporary Indian Workplaces: Decent Work and Diversity |
144 | CSW | The Creative Self at Work |
145 | ERI | Explorations in Role and Identity |
146 | HPT | High Performing Teams: A Journey |
147 | HEAL | Mindfulness-based Happiness, Emotional Intelligence and Authentic Living |
148 | ITES | Inner Theatre: An Encounter with Self |
149 | NS | Negotiation Strategies |
150 | PPO | Power and Politics in Organization |
Operations and Decision Sciences |
151 | ACD | The Art and Craft of Decision Making |
152 | AMDA | Advanced Methods of Data Analysis |
153 | AMMMD | Advanced Mathematical Modeling for Managerial Decisions |
154 | BA | Business Analytics |
155 | BMDA | Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis |
156 | CTC | Coordinating the Crowd |
157 | DEALS | Deals |
158 | EC | Elephants and Cheetahs: Systems, Strategy and Bottlenecks |
159 | LOG | Logistics |
160 | MDS | Manufacturing Design and Strategy |
161 | MAOR | Managerial Applications of OR |
162 | MAP | Marketplaces and Platforms: Gaining Insights, Orchestrating Interactions |
163 | OS | Operations Strategy |
164 | PaC | Partnerships and Coalitions |
165 | RMA | Revenue Management and Analytics |
166 | SCM | Supply Chain Management |
167 | SCT | Supply Chain Thinking: Value Creation and Adaptation |
168 | SMDA | Statistical Methods in Data Analysis |
169 | UCR | Why Projects Fail? Uncertainty, Complexity and Risk in Projects |
170 | WwN | Working with Networks |
Public Systems Group |
171 | BLCA | Business Leadership and Corporate Accountability |
172 | CaF | Carbon Finance |
173 | EBD | Experimentation for Better Decisions |
174 | EBPD | Experiments for Business and Policy Decision-making |
175 | GDPP | Gender and Development Policy and Programmes |
176 | GGPLP | Good Governance and People Living in Poverty |
177 | ICSI | Investigating Corporate Social Irresponsibilities |
178 | IDF | Infrastructure Development and Financing |
179 | IMUT | Innovations in Managing Urban Transport |
180 | IPWH | Industrialisation: Perspectives from World History |
181 | ISIKG | Innovation, Social Institutions and Knowledge at the Grassroots |
182 | ITS | Intelligent Transport Systems |
183 | MEnB | Managing Energy Business |
184 | MFVW |
Managing Firms in a VUCA World: Policy, Governance, |
185 | MMM | Manipulation, Myth-making and Marketing |
186 | MVE | The Philosophical Underpinnings of Public Policy: Morals, Values, and Ethics |
187 | PGA | Probity in Governance and Administration |
188 | PP | Public Policy |
189 | PPP | Public Private Partnerships |
190 | PTfD | Participatory Theatre for Development |
Qualitative Research Methods for Understanding Business |
192 | RGG |
The Indian State, Democracy and Accountability Institutions: |
193 | RTPM | Rail Transport Planning and Management |
194 | SEISC | Social Entrepreneurship: Innovating Social Change |
195 | TSM | Transformational Social Movements |
196 | URBAN | Urban Economy and Business Environment |
Ravi J. Matthai Centre for Education Innovation |
197 | DIS | Designing and Implementing Surveys |
198 | EIE | Enterprise and Innovation in Education |
199 | EPI | Education Policy in India |
200 | GTLM | Gamification, Technology and Learning Motivation |
201 | MSLBET | Managing Self-Limiting Beliefs in Education and Training |
Strategy |
202 | BCR | Businesses and the Constitutional Rights |
203 | BLL | Business Leadership and Law |
204 | BPN | Business and Professional Negligence |
205 | BGL | Business, Government and Law |
206 | BIP | Business Intellectual Property |
207 | BNLL | Business Negligence, Liability and Law |
208 | BT | Business Taxation |
209 | CCCS | Competence, Capability and Corporate Strategy |
210 | CIB | Corporate Insolvency and Bankruptcy |
211 | CPSF | Consulting and Professional Service Firms |
212 | CTIB | Contract Terms in International Business |
213 | DSDT | Digital Strategy and Digital Transformation |
214 | DTR | Digital Technologies and Regulation |
215 | ETA | Entrepreneurial Thought & Action |
216 | EoS | Economics of Strategy |
217 | FBL | Frontiers of Business Law |
218 | IB | International Business |
219 | IBDR | International Business Dispute Resolution |
220 | LVMR | Leadership: Vision, Meaning and Reality |
221 | MoSA | Management of Strategic Alliances |
222 | MCSIEC | Multinational Company Strategies and International Expansion Choices |
223 | MYM | Mysteries in Management |
224 | RBLCA | Rights and Business: Lights Camera Action |
225 | RTNGB | Reimagining Telecom & Next Generation Businesses |
226 | SEM | Strategy in Emerging Marketing |
PGP (Others) |
227 | BBNCTU | Bootcamp on Building the Next Consumer Tech Unicorn |
228 | BIO | Bionics |
229 | CFI | Contemporary Film Industry: A Business Perspective |
230 | DBI | Doing Business in India (Only for Exchange) |
231 | IHC | India: History and Culture (Only for Exchange) |
232 | PFM | Philosophical Foundation of Management |
233 | RMBA | The Remains of the MBA |
Academic Calendar
Mid June to end June
Year 1
Mid June-Mid October
Summer Internship Interviews:
Mid October-Mid November
Mid November-End March
Summer Internships
April and May
Year 2
Mid June-March
Placement process starts in February
Programme Details
The Post Graduate Programme is designed to deliver the fundamentals first and then fine tune the courses to match individual career goals.
Year 1
The core courses are presented in the first year and add up to 23.80 credits. The classes come to approximately 480 sessions.
Between Year 1 and Year 2
Students undertake summer training with the Institute’s corporate partners in order to get first-hand experience of working in a organisation. The summer internship is a powerful source of practical managerial insights, validation of management concepts, and valuable market knowledge.
Year 2
In their second year, students choose from around 173 elective courses. These courses are conducted by the faculty of IIMA’s various Areas. They may be in-class courses (often with project components), Project courses, exchange programmes, and intensive field courses.
The second year consists of three terms; the duration of a term ranges between 9 and 12 weeks.
The number of sessions may be between 380 and 440, with total credits ranging between 19 and 22 credits. Each credit requires a minimum of eighty hours of work.
1st Year
The core program consists of about 30 courses. The First Year is spread over three Terms, each of which is of 10-14 weeks’ duration.
Term 1
- Financial Reporting and Analysis
- Financial Markets
- Human Resource Management I
- Individual Dynamics
- Legal Aspects of Business
- Managerial Computing
- Microeconomics
- Marketing-I
- Operations Management - I
- Quantitative Methods - 1a
- Quantitative Methods - 1b
- Managerial Communication
- OB Induction
Term 2
- Costing and Control Systems
- Financial Markets
- Human Resource Management II
- Interpersonal Group Processes
- Transforming Business through Information Technology
- Macroeconomics and Policy
- Marketing II
- Operations Management II
- Personal and Corporate Ethics
- Quantitative Methods – II
- The Social and Cultural Environment of Business
- Workshop on Interviews and Presentations
- Written Analysis and Communication – I
Term 3
- Business, Environment and Society
- Business Research Methods
- Corporate Finance
- Government Systems and Policy Process
- Internet - Enabled Businesses
- Marketing III
- Organizational Dynamics
- Strategic Management
- Flexicore Courses (FC)
- Service Operations Management
- Talent and Competency Management
- Written Analysis and Communication-II
- Operations Management- III
- Strategic Human Resource Management
2nd Year
The elective courses, offered in the second year of the programme allow students to choose a bouquet of courses that interest them and develop proficiency in the areas of their choice.
Elective courses can be chosen from the following areas
- Agri Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovations in education
- Strategy
- Communication
- Economics
- Finance and Accounting
- Human Resources Management
- Information Systems
- Marketing
- Organizational Behaviour
- Operations and Decision Sciences
- Public Systems Group
- Others
In addition to courses, second year students undertake projects that serve their individual interests and goals. Projects are of four types:
Student Exchange
Each year a quarter of the 2nd year students are chosen to spend one academic term at premier management institutes around the world. Similarly, students from the corresponding institutions spend an academic term at IIMA.
Student Exchange Programme
Over the years, the IIMA has established partnerships with leading management schools in Europe, North America, South America, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region. Each year, out of the second year class, some 150 students are chosen to spend one academic term abroad at a partner institute and the IIMA accepts about 90 students from its partners for the same period.
The Student Exchange Programme facilitates the flow of ideas between academic institutions and promotes better understanding of the methods and programmes of the partnering schools. Joint activities enhance knowledge and skills of students and faculty members alike; all participants gain international management perspective and cultural poise. This strong and self-sustaining exchange programme enhances academic standards all round.
Nearly every year some new institution abroad is added to the community of exchange partners. At present the participating institutions number 80. All demonstrate excellent academic standards which provide varied learning opportunities to exchange students. The enthusiasm shown by institutions across the world has been tremendous and speaks volumes for the quality of programmes offered at the Institute.
Each year the Institute selects eligible second year students to spend one academic term at premier management institutes around the world with which the Institute has forged partnerships. Similarly, students from the corresponding institutions spend an academic term at IIMA. IIMA has been able to increase the number of participating institutions up to 80.
The exchange programme makes it possible for students to gain international experience without any financial impediments. Apart from the scholarships instituted by IIMA, several students have received scholarships from participating schools, the French embassy, DAAD from Germany and some corporate partners.
Double Degree Programme:
IIM Ahmedabad has double-degree programme agreement with about seven International schools such as ESSEC Business School France, HEC, France, University of Bocconi, Italy, European Business School, Germany, University of Cologne, Germany and ESCP Europe, France. A double-degree program would be an added value to study abroad by integrating students within the respective programmes. In this sense, it goes beyond a regular exchange programme and would be an enriching experience for both institutions. The double-degree programme has sense in coherence with a deep immersion in the academic and business environment of the host institution.
IIMA, a Member of PIM
PIM, Partnership in International Management, is a consortium of leading international business schools, founded in 1973. Each member institution represents the highest degree of excellence in the fields of business administration and management, demonstrates leadership in their geographic region and delivers an MBA or a graduate-equivalent degree in management. PIM facilitates the development of international cooperation among members, fostering the development of joint programme, students and faculty exchange, joint research and cooperation among faculty members and researchers.
Currently, PIM has grown to a network of 62 business schools worldwide. Over the years, several thousand students have gone on exchange within the PIM member institutions.
As a member, IIMA shares the reputation for upholding the highest degree of academic excellence both regionally as well as globally and values the organization's spirit of international cooperation among its students, faculty and administrators.
Academic Resources
At IIMA a student will find many out-of-class supports for their academic work.

The first, greatest and most accessible resource for academic work is the faculty. IIMA instructors want to see their students succeed. It is significant that faculty are referred to as instructors rather than teachers. Be considerate: some instructors may encourage students to just drop by during office hours, others may ask that you email and fix a time first. Have your questions clearly in mind; don’t waste time coming to the point. Remember, IIMA instructors are among the best in the world: their objective is to bring out the best in their students – which typically involves making students work on their weaknesses. There is no place for rote learning at IIMA – learning is all about dialogue and exploration.

Classmates are another dependable source of help. peer to peer learning is one of the pillars of IIMA pedagogy. Most of this peer-to-peer learning will be informal, but two years ago the IIMA also set up a Mentorship Cell. Senior students were enrolled as mentors and mentor groups were assigned to each in-coming student. During the placement season, the Cell organized a workshop to help students in summer internship interview preparation. The Cell is in addition to Dorm Mentorship.
Faculty & Research Areas
IIMA faculty bring their cutting-edge knowledge to the classroom in ways designed bring the most transformative, enduring value for their students.
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