Why Experiments?
Experiments improve decisions. The last couple of decades have seen phenomenal growth in the use of experiments in business decision-making. Hundreds of small to large scale experiments are continuously being conducted by social networking companies like Facebook, transportation network companies like Uber, retail giants like Walmart, car manufacturers like Toyota, financial service providers like Capital One, technology companies like Apple, etc. for making critical business decisions. Experimental approaches are helping companies across sectors and geographies to find effective and efficient strategies for improving their products and services.
Experiments drive innovation. Organizations use experimental results for improving the quality of online social interactions, developing new pricing and operational strategies, enhancing physical and online retail experiences, attracting more customers, improving performance of products, and so on. Experiments are gradually becoming principal tools for prudent decision-making that promote business value and growth.
Experimentation requires training. While some businesses have embraced the experimental approach, others have been relatively slow or hesitant in adopting experiments. Decision-makers need to develop experimental mind-sets, learn the art and craft of experimental design, and be trained in making sense of the experimental data. We must recognize that the predominant approach of making predictions based on past trends is useful, but does not always provide insights on implications of innovative, bold decisions.
For more information or any questions, contact Suman Verma: suman-exed@iima.ac.in | +91 92277 93191
Individuals in a decision-making role in organizations across industry sectors, and entrepreneurs in any space. For example:
Business owners across industry sectors and domains Mid- to senior-level professionals in any industry sector managing their own teams Persons in charge of organizational policy-making and planning Individuals who conceptualize and implement innovative services, products or practices Online platform managers, designers, and analysts Marketing professionals who design and run online and offline campaigns Entrepreneurs in any sector/domain
The “Experiments for Business Decisions” programme will help businesses to make rigorous evidence-based decisions based on experiments, instead of relying solely on “gut feel” or “common sense,” or predictions from past trends.
The goal of this programme is to encourage organizations to develop an experimental mind-set and adopt systematic “test and learn” approaches for drawing the right conclusions.
The programme will impart critical skills for the design of experiments, their analysis, and the interpretation of results. Learnings from this programme will be relevant for marketing strategy to human resource management, from business policy to production and operations planning, and from pricing to product design.
The main objective of this programme is to equip business managers with skills necessary to design experiments within their domain of work.
Participants will learn the value of experiments and experimental approaches, evaluate when and where experiments are useful, explore what insights can be gained from experimental settings, and recognise the advantages and limitations of experiments.
In sum, participants will learn about various experimental approaches, and develop frameworks for interpreting, designing and analysing experiments.