Past Events Brij Disa Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Home Faculty & Research The IIMA Chronicle Our Faculty Research & Publications Case Centre Academic Areas Research Centres JSW - SPP IIMA Knowledge Centres Faculty Recruitment Connect with Us Research Centres Ashank Desai Centre for Leadership and Organisational Development Brij Disa Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Centre for Sustainability and Corporate Governance Research (CSCG) Centre for Digital Transformation Centre for Innovation Incubation & Entrepreneurship (CIIE) Centre for Management of Health Services (CMHS) Centre for Transportation and Logistics Gender Centre India Gold Policy Centre (IGPC) Misra Centre for Financial Markets and Economy (MCFME) NSE Centre for Behavioural Science in Finance, Economics and Marketing Brij Disa Centre for... Centre's Research Dissemination Centre Activities Executive Committee Advisory Board Events Newsletters & Reports *Gallery Connect with Us Centre's Past Events 15/04/2024 CDSA Webinar (Guest speaker during Workshop on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence) | Gen AI 14/04/2024 CDSA Webinar (Guest speaker during Workshop on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence) | Rethinking ML Problem Formulation for Maximizing Business Impact 13/04/2024 CDSA Webinar (Guest speaker during Workshop on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence) | Personalisation in Retail 11/04/2024 CDSA Webinar (Guest speaker during Workshop on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence) | Data Science in Banking 13/12/2023 Responsible News Dissemination and Echo Chambers: Impact of Personality Type and Idealogy on Echo-Chamber Driven Misinformation 05/12/2023 Anomaly detection for time-series data: Online data-driven changepoint detection for high-dimensional dynamical systems 22/12/2023 Payments Data and Machine Learning: Opportunities and Challenges 30/10/2023 CDSA Webinar | Generative AI and Personalized Video Ads 19/10/2023 Hybrid seminar titled "The Changing Regulation of AI: A view from the UK". 01/11/2022 Mechanisms to Infer the Wisdom of the Crowd 07/06/2023 Environmental and Social Convergence Through Cross-border Acquisitions: Evidence from Emerging Market Multinationals 11/09/2022 Search Neutrality and Competition between First-party and Third-party Sellers 13/09/2022 Scalable bundling via dense product embeddings 26/08/2022 You Cannot Optimize What You Do Not Know Evidence From A Reform (1) 26/07/2022 Polarization in Covid Vaccine Discussions on Twitter 15-7-2022 21/07/2022 A Bias Correction Approach for Interference in Ranking Experiments 23/06/2022 Consumer Reviews and Regulation Evidence from NYC Restaurants 13/06/2022 Do Incentives to Review Help the Market Evidence from a Field Experiment on Airbnb 13/06/2022 Summer school on large scale Optimization 04/05/2022 Auditing and Designing for Equity in Resident Crowdsourcing 31/03/2022 Using Explainable AI- To understand what your brain cares about 16/03/2022 CXO panel discussion on rejuvenating businesses using AI+ 24/02/2022 Quantum key distribution- A paradigm shift in secure communication 28/01/2022 Can machines learn to see without humans teaching them 20/01/2022 Advances in AI for Social Cyber-Safety 19/11/2021 Programmatic High Impact Information Systems Research Using Data Science to Address Grand Challenges