On-campus FDP in Pedagogy and Research Methods
The following courses are offered in the on-campus FDP. Each course has approximately 15 sessions and lasts 75 minutes. (Click here to download the course descriptions)
- Case Method in Management Education
- Communication for Management Teachers
- Crafting and Publication of Research
- Principles of Psychometrics and Scale Construction
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Statistical Data Analysis
Candidates can apply for admission to only one of two possible certification options A or B
A. Certificate of Participation in the Faculty Development Programme in Pedagogy and Research Methods
This certificate is awarded to those who complete the FDP in Pedagogy and Research Methods.
B. Certificate of Participation in the Faculty Development Programme in General Management
This certificate is awarded to those who complete the FDP in General Management.
Award of the certificate is subject to the participant meeting the necessary attendance requirements and satisfactory performance in the course work. The participant will become a member of alumni association of IIMA on completion of the programme. A Grade-Sheet containing the list of courses and the grade obtained in each will be made available to the participant.
Note: Although the participants will be staying in the campus, the mode of classes may either be offline or online, depending on the prevailing pandemic guidelines at that time.