Faculty & Research

Human Resources Management

List of Courses

Ph.D. Core Courses

  1. Foundation Course in Human Resource Management (FCHRM)
  2. Foundations of Research in Human Resource Management I (FRHRM-I)
  3. Foundations of Research in Employment Relations Management I (FRERM-I)

Ph.D. Electives

  1. ​Foundations of Research in Human Resource Management II (FRHRM-II)
  2. Foundations of Research in Employment Research Management II (FR EHRM-II)
  3. Quantitative Techniques in Human Resource Management (QTHRM)
  4. Qualitative Methods in Human Resource Management (QMHRM)
  5. Theoretical Understanding in HRM (TUHRM)

MBA Compulsory Courses

  1. Human Resource Management I (HRM I)
  2. Human Resource Management II (HRM II)
  3. Managing Workplace Dynamics and Employee Collectives (MWP) (Flexi core)
  4. Talent and Competency Management (TCM) (Flexi core)

MBA Electives

  1. Business Turnaround and Organizational Transformation (BTOT)
  2. Games People Play: Psychology of HRM (GPP)
  3. Human Resource Management in Service Sector (HRMSS)
  4. Making of a CEO (MCEO)
  5. Understanding Bhagavad Gita: Manager’s Dilemmas (UBG)
  1. Analyzing and Building Competencies (ABC)

PGP-X Compulsory Courses

  1. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)

PGPX Electives

  1. Business Turnaround and Organizational Transformation (BTOT)
  2. HR Practices in India: A Practitioner’s Perspective (HRPP)
  3. Negotiation Lab (NL)
  4. Understanding Bhagavad Gita: Managers’ Dilemmas (UBG)
  5. Games People Play (GPP)
  6. Managing Firms in Service Sector (MFSS)
  7. Creating High Performance Organization (CHPO)

e-PGP Compulsory Courses

  1. Human Resource Management I (HRM-I)
  2. Human Resource Management II (HRM-II)

e-PGP Electives

  1. Business Turnaround and Organizational Transformation (BTOT)
  2. Understand Bhagavad Gita: Managers’ Dilemmas (UBG)
  3. Negotiation Lab (NL)
  4. Managing Firms in Service Sector (MFSS)
  5. Managing Human Capital in Project (MHCP)
  1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in HRM
  2. HR Analytics

FDP Core Courses

  1. Human Resource Management (HRM)

FDP Electives

  1. Perspectives on Contemporary HRM Research (PCHRM)
  1. Human Resource Management (HRM)
  2. Health Services Management (HSM)
  1. Advanced Human Resource Management
  2. Managerial Effectiveness
  3. Strategic Human Resource Management
  4. Developing Internal Talent and Leadership
  5. Employer Branding
  6. Enhancing Sales Force Effectiveness
  7. Neuroscience of Leadership
  8. HR Analytics
  9. HR Audit