Faculty Recruitment
IIMA seeks to appoint outstanding scholars in all fields of management as faculty members. IIMA is an equal opportunity employer. Women, non-Indian nationals, and those belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Other Backward Classes are encouraged to apply.
IIMA has about 100 full-time faculty members and an equal number of visiting faculty members engaged in teaching, research and consulting. From its inception the institute has believed in excellence in whatever it does.
IIMA ranks high globally in both academia and management practice thanks to the quality of our faculty, our alumni and our programmes. IIMA provides an excellent ecosystem to its faculty members helping them to grow and take up leadership positions in the academia.
The Institute is generous in funding the participation of its faculty members in national and international conferences every year. The faculty members also receive a faculty development allowance every year. New faculty members are provided a start-up grant. The Institute has a system in place to offer a variety of research grants internally to its faculty members, including large grants of INR 2 million per annum. The Institute rewards faculty members who publish in top journals.
The Vikram Sarabhai Library at the Institute is considered to be one of the best in Asia in management. The Institute's 40-hectare campus provides a verdant ambience for the campus housing that accommodates faculty members.
The Institute has created a number of Chair professorships through endowments received from industry. Eminent individuals are appointed to these positions through a transparent process, in recognition of their sustained, outstanding and creative contributions to research and/or teaching. The Institute expects its Chair professors to undertake, in consultation with the donor organizations, major research programmes that would embody the Institute's academic contribution to professional management in the Indian context. Chair professors are also expected to participate in other activities such as teaching and consulting.
The Institute has the following Visiting Chair Professor Positions:
- Chandrika Tandon Visiting Chair Professor in Management
- Edelweiss Visiting Chair Professor in Finance
- Hindustan Unilever Limited Visiting Chair Professor in Marketing
- Kasturbhai Lalbhai Visiting Chair Professor in Management
The Institute welcomes applications for faculty positions at all levels in the following Areas and Groups:
Areas & Groups:
- Centre for Management in Agriculture (CMA)
- Ravi J. Matthai Centre For Educational Innovation (RJMCEI)
- Strategy
- Economics
- Communication
- Finance and Accounting
- Human Resources Management
- Information Systems
- Marketing
- Organizational Behavior
- Operations and Decision Sciences
- Public Systems Group
- The JSW School of Public Policy is a centre of excellence in the making. It is seeking to appoint faculty members who have specialized in Public Policy/ Administration, Political Science, Sociology and related disciplines. For more information about the School please click here.
The candidates should have a strong commitment to produce high quality research, publishable in top academic journals, and they should demonstrate the ability to teach in post-graduate and doctoral programmes in management. They must have a Ph.D. in the relevant areas. For Associate/Full Professors the candidates should have demonstrated research and teaching excellence.
Assistant Professor: Candidates should have a Ph.D. or equivalent with a brilliant academic background. Experience, while desirable, is not essential. Those about to complete their doctoral degree may also apply.
Associate Professor: Candidates should have a Ph.D. or equivalent with a successful track record of research and publications and a minimum of 6 years of teaching/research experience, of which at least 6 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor at an institution of repute.
Professor: Candidates should have a Ph.D. or equivalent with a successful track record of research and publication and a minimum of 10 years of teaching/research experience, of which at least 6 years should be at the level of Associate Professor at an institution of repute.
Outstanding managers or professionals in their own field, working in industry and with established reputations, and who have made significant contributions to knowledge, but do not possess a Ph.D. degree, may also be considered for appointment.
For all the above positions, contractual or visiting appointment for specific periods will also be considered. The age of superannuation is 65 years.
Applications at all levels should include a cover letter, a complete CV, the research plan, the teaching philosophy, names of three recommenders with contact details and recent publications/ working papers. Fresh Ph.D. Applicants should submit the above documents except the teaching Philosophy.
To ensure full consideration the package should be sent electronically to director@iima.ac.in / dean-fac@iima.ac.in.
Recruitment Process:
Applicant credentials and associated documents are reviewed by the faculty members of the respective Area/Group/Centre/School, and a decision to invite them to campus to deliver a research seminar is decided by the Faculty Recruitment Committee (FRC)/Search & Selection Committee of the Area/Group/Centre/School, based on the inputs provided by the faculty members.
Applicants who are invited to campus are required to deliver a research seminar to the academic community of the Institute and also interact with the faculty members of the Area/Group/Centre/School, Dean (Faculty), and the Director of the Institute. Faculty members of the Area/Group/Centre/School thereafter provide their inputs on the Seminar, fitment with the Institute etc. based on which FRC/Search & Selection Committee makes a recommendation to the Director regarding the hiring of the applicant.
Applicants who are not considered for faculty positions are sent a communication regarding the same by the Dean / Area Chairperson’s office.
Salary and Perquisites:
- Professor: Pay level - 15 (Pay scale : INR 1,82,200 - INR 2,24,100)
- Professor: Pay level - 14A (Pay scale : INR 1,59,100 - INR 2,20,200)
- Associate Professor: Pay level - 13A2 (INR 1,39,600 - INR 2,11,300)
- Assistant Professor: Pay level – 13A1 (INR 1,31,400 - INR 2,04,700)
- Assistant Professor: Pay level – 12 (INR 1,01,500 - INR 1,67,400)
Plus allowances and superannuation benefits as per Government of India norms. Faculty is allowed to do consulting according to Institute norms.