Faculty & Research


List of Courses

The Economics Area Faculty offer the following courses in various programme.

Ph.D. Compulsory Courses

  1. Mathematics for Economics (MFE)

  2. Microeconomics – I

  3. Microeconomics – II

  4. Macroeconomics – I

  5. Macroeconomics – II

  6. Econometrics-I (EKT-1)


Ph.D. Elective Courses

  1. Global Business and Economic History (GBEH)
  2. Development Economics: Micro foundations (DE)
  3. Time Series Analysis (TSA)
  4. Advanced Econometrics
  5. Applied Financial Economics (AFE)
  6. Organizational Economics (OE)
  7. Computational Economics (CE)
  8. Foundations of New Institutional Economics (FNIE)
  9. Decentralization and Public Policy (DPP)
  10. Social Networks Social Interactions (SNSI)
  11. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
  12. Difference-in-Differences (DID)
  13. Applied Game Theory (ApGT)

MBA Compulsory Courses

  1. Microeconomics (ME)

  2. Macroeconomics (MEP)

MBA Electives

  1. Game Theory and Applications (GTA)
  2. Global Finance and Trade (GFT)
  3. Managerial Econometrics (MEM)
  4. Behavioral and Experimental Economics (BEE)
  5. Decentralization and Public Policy (DAPP)
  6. Real Estate Management (REM)
  7. Gender and Work (GAW)
  8. Hitchhiker’s Guide to Business and Economies Across Five Centuries (HITCH)
  9. Economics of Food Quality (EFQ)
  10. Economic Ideas from Ancient India (EIAI)
  11. Economic Development Policy and Growth (EDPG)
  12. World Economy: Business, Government and Policy (WEBGP)
  13. Auctions and Market Design (AMD)
  14. Health Economics (HE)

PGPX Compulsory Courses

  1. Firms and Markets (FAM)

  2. Open Economy Macroeconomics (OEM)


PGPX Electives

  1. Game Theory and Experiments (GTE)

  2. Hitchhiker’s Guide to Business and Economies Across Five Centuries (HITCH)

  3. Business, Government and Macro Policy (BGMP)

  1. Network Analysis (NA)
  2. Time Series Analysis (TSA)
  3. Panel Data Analysis (PDA)
  1. Microeconomics (MIE)
  2. Indian Economy (INE)
  3. Macroeconomics (MAE)
  1. Firms and Markets (FAM)
  2. Microeconomics (ME)
  3. Macroeconomics (MAC)
  4. Global Finance and Trade (GFT)
  5. Game Theory (GT)
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics

Faculty Research

Bhattacharya, P., & Rampal, J. (2024). Contests within and between groups: Theory and experiment. Games and Economic Behavior.

Chakrabarti, A. S., & Tomar, S. (2024). Multi-plant firms and the heavy tail of firm size distribution. Canadian Journal of Economics / Revue Canadienne D'Economique.

Fuad, M., Mohaghegh, M., & Malhotra, S. (2024). Advantages of foreignness and accelerator selection: A study of foreign-born entrepreneurs. Journal of World Business.

Mohapatra, S., & Nigania, A. (2024). COVID-19 pandemic intensity, migration status, and household financial vulnerability: evidence from India. Applied Economics.

Chakrabarti, A. S., Mishra, A., & Mohaghegh, M. (2024). Inequality and income mobility: The case of targeted and universal interventions in India. The Journal of Economic Inequality.

  • Tumbe, Chinmay, 'Migration and Industry: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Diaspora Networks', in Matthias Kipping, Takafumi Kurosawa, and D. Eleanor Westney (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Industry Dynamics (online edn, Oxford Academic, 13 Oct. 2021), accessed 27 Oct. 2023.

  • Gopalakrishnan, B., Lim, J. J., & Mohapatra, S. (2023). Pandemic panic? Effects of health system capacity on firm confidence during COVID-19. European Journal of Political Economy. 

  • Tumbe, C. (2023). The economic history of pandemics. In C. Chatterjee, A. S. Chakrabarti, & A. Deolalikar (Eds.) Flattening the curve: COVID-19 & grand challenges for global health, innovation, and economy. Singapore: World Scientific. 

  • Langer, N. and T. Jain (2023) Peer influence and IT career choice, Information Systems Research.

  • Chakrabarti, A. S., Bakar, K. S., & Chakraborti, A. (2023). Data science for complex systems. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

  • Chatterjee, C., Chakrabarti, A. S., & Deolalikar, A. B. (Eds.). (2023). Flattening the curve: COVID-19 & grand challenges for global health, innovation, and economy. Singapore:World Scientific.  

  • Aggarwal, M., Chakrabarti, A. S., & Chatterjee, C. (2023). Movies, stigma and choice: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry. Health Economics 

  • Chakraborty, P., Chakrabarti, A. S., & Chatterjee, C. (2023). Cross-border environmental regulation and firm labor demand. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 117, 102753 

  • Beyer, R. C., Jain, T., & Sinha, S. (2023). Lights out? COVID-19 containment policies and economic activity. Journal of Asian Economics. 

  • Jain, S., Desai, N., Pingali, V., & Tripathy, A. (2023). Choosing beyond compliance over dormancy: Corporate response to India's mandatory CSR Expenditure Law. Management and Organization Review. 

  • Dev, P., Unni, J., & Vijayalakshmi, A. (2023). Employment and Income Shock During COVID-19 Lockdown in a Metropolitan city in India. The Indian Economic Journal, 00194662221137837. 

  • Milap, A., & Sarin, A. (2022). Evaluating the efficacy of demand-side communication interventions on claiming rights: Evidence from an action research field experiment in India. Human Communication Research, 49(1), 85–103
  • Branstetter, L., Chatterjee, C., & Higgins, M. J. (2022). Generic competition and the incentives for early-stage pharmaceutical innovation. Research Policy, 51(10). 

  • Aggarwal, M., Chakrabarti, A., Chatterjee, C., & Higgins, M. J. (2022). Research and Market Structure: Evidence from antibiotic-resistant Pathogenic Outbreak .Research Policy. 

  • Adbi, A., Chatterjee, C., & Mishra, A. (2022). How do MNEs and domestic firms respond locally to a global demand shock? Evidence from a pandemic. Management Science. 

  • Deodhar, S. (2022). Pre-Kautilyan period: Crucible of proto-economic ideas and practices. Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. 

  • Deodhar, S. (2022). ShukraNitisara: A political economy treatise at the cusp of Indian kingdoms and colonial rule. Indian Journal of Democratic Governance , 3(1), 18-35. 

  • Dhar, D., Jain, T., & Jayachandran, S. (2022). Reshaping adolescents' gender attitudes: Evidence from a school-based experiment in India. American Economic Review , 112(3), 899-927 

  • Bose, G., Jain, T., & Walker, S. (2022). Women’s labor force participation and household technology adoption, European Economic Review. 

  • Tumbe, C. (2022). Women directors in corporate India, c. 1920–2019. Business History 

  • Tumbe, C. (2022). Globalization, Cities and Firms in Twentieth-Century India. Business History Review.  

  • Vijayalakshmi, A., Dev, P., & Kulkarni, V. (2022). Domestic workers and sexual harassment in India: Examining preferred response strategies. World Development,155 

  • Jha, P., Deshmukh, Y., Tumbe, C., Suraweera, W., Bhowmick, A., Sharma, S., Novosad, P.,Fu SH, Newcombe, L., Gelband, H., & Brown P. (2022). COVID mortality in India: National survey data and health facility deaths. Science. 

  • Rampal, J. (2022). Limited foresight equilibrium. Games and Economic Behavior. 

  • Chakrabarti, A., & Chakrabarti, A. S. (2022). Sparsistent filtering of comovement networks from high-dimensional data. Journal of Computational Science, 65, 101902 

  • Jain, T., Dhar, D., Kapoor, V., Kapur, V., & Raj, A. (2022). Measuring gender attitudes: Developing and testing Implicit Association Tests for adolescents in India. Plos one, 17(6), e0264077. 

  • Gopalakrishnan, B., Jacob, J., & Mohapatra, S. (2022). COVID-19 pandemic and debt financing by firms: Unravelling the channels. Economic Modelling, 114, 105929. 

  • Babbar, K., Rustagi, N., & Dev, P. (2022). How COVID‐19 lockdown has impacted the sanitary pads distribution among adolescent girls and women in India. Journal of Social Issues. 

  • Gangadharan, L., Jain, T., Maitra, P., & Vecci, J. (2021). Lab-in-the-field experiments: Perspectives from research on gender. Japanese Economic Review. 

  • Jain, T., Mukhopadhyay, A., Prakash, N., & Rakesh, R. (2021). Science education and labor market outcomes in a developing economy. Economic Inquiry. 

  • Bhattacharya, S. Chakraborty, P., & Chatterjee, C. (2021). Intellectual Property Regimes and Wage Inequality, Journal of Development Economics. 

  • Mohapatra, S. & Purohit, A. (2021). The implications of economic uncertainty for bank loan portfolios. Applied Economics. 

  • Guha, P., Bansal, A., Guha, A., & Chakrabarti, A. (2021). Gravity and depth of social media networks. Journal of Complex Networks, 9(2). 

  • Rathi, S., Mohapatra, S. , & Sahay, A. (2021). Central bank gold reserves and sovereign credit risk. Finance Research Letters. 

  • Peck, J., & Rampal, J. (2021). Optimal monopoly mechanisms with demand uncertainty. Mathematics of Operations Research. 

  • Gopalakrishnan, B., Jacob, J., & Mohapatra, S. (2021). Risk-sensitive Basel regulations and firms’ access to credit: Direct and indirect effects. Journal of Banking & Finance, 126. 

  • Adbi, A., Chatterjee, C., Cortland, Clarissa., Kinias, Z.,& Singh, J. (2021). Women’s Disempowerment and Preferences for Skin Lightening Products that Reinforce Colorism: Experimental Evidence from India. Psychology of Women Quarterly. 

  • Bhaskarabhatla, A. Anurag, P., Chatterjee, C.,& Pennings, E. (2021). How Does Regulation Impact Strategic Repositioning By Firms Across Submarkets? Evidence from the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry. Strategy Science. 

  • Higgins, M.J., Yan, X., & Chatterjee, C. (2021). Unpacking the effects of adverse regulatory events: Evidence from pharmaceutical relabeling. Research Policy, 50 (1). 

  • Saiyed, A. A., Fernhaber, S. A., Basant, R., & Dhandapani, K. (2021). The internationalization of new ventures in an emerging economy: The shifting role of industry concentration. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 38, 1467-1497. 

  • Jain, T., & Jain, B. N. (2021). Infection Testing at Scale: An Examination of Pooled Testing Diagnostics. Vikalpa, 46(1), 13-26. 

  • Chakrabarti, A. S., Mishra, A., & Srivastava, P. (2021). ‘Too central to fail’ firms in bi-layered financial networks: linkages in the US corporate bond and stock markets. Quantitative Finance. 

  • De, S., Mohapatra, S., & Ratha, D. (2021). Sovereign credit ratings, relative risk ratings and private capital flows: evidence from emerging and frontier markets. Studies in Economics and Finance, 38(4), 873-898. 

  • Kumar, S., Bansal, A., & Chakrabarti, A. (2020). Ripples on financial networks. The European Journal of Finance, 1-22. 

  • Gopalakrishnan, B., & Mohapatra, S. (2020). Insolvency regimes and firms' default risk under economic uncertainty and shocks. Economic Modelling, 91. 

  • Kumar, S., Di Matteo, T., & Chakrabarti, A. (2020). Disentangling shock diffusion on complex networks: Identification through graph planarity. Journal of Complex Networks, 8 (3). 

  • Mishra, K., & Rampal, J. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic and food insecurity: A viewpoint on India. World Development,135. 

  • Banerji, A., & Rampal, J. (2020). Reverse endowment effect for a new product. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 786-805. 

  • Tumbe, C. (2020). The rise of the technological manager in India in the 1960s: The role of the Indian institutes of management, Management & Organizational History, 192-206. 

  • Debnath, S., & Jain, T. (2020) Social connections and tertiary healthcare utilization. Health Economics, 29(4), 464-474. 

  • Aggarwal, M., Chakrabarti, A. S., & Dev, P. (2020). Breaking “bad” links: impact of companies act 2013 on the Indian Corporate Network. Social networks, 62, 12-23. 

  • Gopalakrishnan, B., & Mohapatra, S. (2020). The effects of reporting standards and information sharing on loan contracting: Cross-country evidence. Cogent Economics & Finance, 8(1), 1716920. 

  • Das, A. Bansal, A., & Ghosh, S. (2020). Financial misconduct, fear of prosecution and bank lending. Economic and Political Weekly, 54-61. 

  • Deo, S., Tyagi, H., Chatterjee, C., & Molakapuri, H. (2020). Did India's price control policy for coronary stents create unintended consequences?. Social Science & Medicine, 246, 112737. 

  • Adbi, A., Bhaskarabhatla, A., & Chatterjee, C. (2020). Stakeholder orientation and market impact: Evidence from India. Journal of business ethics, 161, 479-496. 

  • Basant, R., & Sen, G. (2020). Quota-based affirmative action in higher education: Impact on other backward classes in India. The Journal of Development Studies, 56(2), 336-360. 

  • Dev, P., & Grabiszewski, K. (2019). More is not always better: The case of counterterrorism security. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 63(8), 1923-1938. 

  • Drèze, J., Gupta, P., Khera, R., & Pimenta, I. (2018). Casting the Net: India's Public Distribution System after the Food Security Act. Economic and Political Weekly, 54(6) 

  • Basant, R., & Mishra, P. (2019). Impact of Vertical Integration on Market Power in Indian Manufacturing Sector During the Post-Reform Period. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 19, 561-581. 

  • Gupta, D., Das, A., & Garg, A. (2019). Financial support vis-à-vis share of wind generation: Is there an inflection point?. Energy, 181, 1064-1074. 

  • Das, A., Lahiri, K., & Zhao, Y. (2019). Inflation expectations in India: Learning from household tendency surveys. International Journal of Forecasting, 35(3), 980-993. 

  • Jaikumar, S., Pingali, V., & Virmani, V. (2019). Shareholders’ reaction to ethical image of sports teams: an event study in the Indian Premier League. Decision, 46, 283-300. 

  • Peck, J., & Rampal, J. (2019). Non-optimality of state by state monopoly pricing with demand uncertainty: An example. Economics Letters, 183, 108561. 

  • Chatterjee, C., Mohapatra, D. P., & Estay, M. (2019). From courts to markets: New evidence on enforcement of pharmaceutical bans in India. Social Science & Medicine, 237, 112480. 

  • Adbi, A., Chatterjee, C., Drev, M., & Mishra, A. (2019). When the big one came: A natural experiment on demand shock and market structure in India's influenza vaccine markets. Production and Operations Management, 28(4), 810-832. 

  • Tumbe, C. (2019). Corpus linguistics, newspaper archives and historical research methods. Journal of Management History. 

  • Basant R. (2018). Exploring linkages between industrial innovation and public policy: Challenges and opportunities.Vikalpa: The Journal of Decision Makers, 43(2), 61–76. 

  • Khera, R. (2018). The Aadhaar debate: Where are the sociologists? Contributions to Indian Sociology, 52(3), 336–342. 

  • Dev, P. (2018). Group identity in a network formation game with cost sharing. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 20(3), 390-415. 

  • Dev, P. (2018). Networks of information exchange: Are link formation decisions strategic? Economic letters, 162, 86-92. 

  • Tumbe, C., & Krishnakumar, S. (2018). From bazaar to Big Bazaar: Environmental influences and service innovation in the evolution of retailing in India, c. 1850-2015. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing. 

  • Tumbe, C., & Ralli, I. (2018). The four eras of “marketing” in twentieth century India. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing. 

  • Gopalakrishnan, B., & Mohapatra, S. (2018). Turning over a golden leaf? Global liquidity and emerging market central banks’ demand for gold after the financial crisis. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 57, 94-109. 

  • Chakrabarti, A. S. (2018). Dispersion in macroeconomic volatility between the core and periphery of the international trade network. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 88, 31-50.