Faculty & Research


List of Courses

Ph.D.Compulsory courses
1. Marketing Strategy
2. Behavioural Science Applications in Marketing
3. Seminar on Quantitative Models in Marketing
4. Marketing Theory and Contemporary Issues
5. Reading Seminar in Marketing Management

Ph.D. Electives
1. Seminar on  BOP
2. Qualitative Methods
3. Mental Accounting,  Pricing and Neuro Marketing
4. Structural Equation Modeling

The Area offers two compulsory courses in marketing in the first year of the Post-Graduate Program. In the second year, the Area offers the following elective courses:

1. Advertising and Sales Promotion Management
2. Business to Business Marketing
3. Consumer Behaviour and Technology
4. Customer Based Business Strategies
5. Customer Relationship Management
6. International Business and Foreign Market Entry in BRIC Countries
7. Managing Customer Value Delivery
8. Managing Luxury Business
9. Market Research and Information Systems 
10. Marketing Management in the World of High Technologies and Innovation
11. Neuroscience and Consumer Behaviour
12. Pricing 
13. Seminar on Brand Management
14. Seminar on Retail Management
15. Sports Marketing
16. Strategic Marketing
17.Strategies for Digital Marketing and e-Business

These elective courses become more productive as the faculty attempts to admit selected students and therefore work more closely in order to achieve higher levels of learning. Most of these courses have dovetailed field experiences to deliver real life experience to the participants.

In addition to the above electives the area offers one course "International Trade and Investment" along with other area (with Economic).

The Area offers compulsory and elective courses to PGPX.

Compulsory Courses
1. Assessing & Creating Customer Value
2. Delivering and Managing Customer Value

Elective Courses
1. International Marketing
2. Marketing Management in the World of High Technologies and Innovation
3. Professional Selling
4. Retail Management
5. Seminar on Customer Business Strategies
6. Strategic Marketing

Area offers three elective courses to FDP participants:

Marketing to the BOP

Neuroscience and Consumer Behaviour

Business to Business Marketing.