Information Centre & Security
Information Centre & Security
Security Activities:
Smooth management of traffic, security, and safety operations of both campuses
Physical and electrical security surveillance checks
Liaising with the Government officials
Providing security services during various institute events
Solving security/safety related issues day to day
Supervising the work of regular servicing and refilling of fire extinguishers and fire equipment
Coordination and monitoring help desk systems of IIMA
Keeping close watch of outside IIMA boundary area for not doing any encroachment and other activities
Coordination works for the Information centre for providing on and offline information on any IIMs activities, other courses,
and the latest information on the subject.
Looking after the welfare activities of Dogs, Birds, and other animals inside the campus through NGOs
such as Jivdaya Charitable Trust and AMC officials if required
Looking after security and admin work of Kothara site, Kutch
Process/Steps: Planning, designing, quantity survey, estimation, tendering, execution, and billing
Services/Functions of the Department
Security and safety of both campuses.
Supervising of work of Fire extinguishers and their equipment.
Coordination of Information Centre.
Coordination of incoming courier services.
Looking after the welfare of Dogs, birds, and other animals.
Coordination of obtaining existing walkies-talkies wireless radio sets from the Govt. of Communication Dept.
Coordination of Mygate mobile and Visitor management system of both campuses.
Subdivisions of the Department
Execution Team
Recordkeeping & Billing