Logistics Transformation with Humans and Intelligence

18/08/2023 - 18/08/2023

Logistics Transformation with Humans and Intelligence

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The world of logistics is transforming rapidly. In large developing economies the abundance of labor pool presents great opportunities particularly with respect to Gig workers and Artificial Intelligence.  In this talk, I will discuss our learnings from recent research projects in this area. I will conclude with an interactive discussion about supply chain and logistics challenges and opportunities in India in the upcoming decade. 

About the Speaker:
Jayashankar(Jay) Swaminathan is the GlaxoSmithKline Distinguished Professor of Operations at the  Kenan-Flagler  Business  Schoolat  University  of  North  Carolina  at  Chapel  Hill.  An internationally recognized thought leader on productivity and innovation in business operations, he  is  an  inducted Fellow of The  Institute  for  Operations  Research  and  Management  Science (INFORMS),  Manufacturing  and  Service  Operations  Management  Society (MSOM)and Production and Operations Management Society (POMS). Dr. Swaminathan has published more than 70 scholarly  journalarticles and  is  the  author  of the  edited  volume “Indian  Economic Superpower: Fiction or Future?”and co-author of the edited volume “Responsible Operations”. He  currently  serves  as  a  Department  Editor  for Management  Scienceand Production  and Operations Managementjournals.Recently, he was listed among the Top 10 Scholarin theworld in terms of publications in majorjournals (MS, MSOM, POM, JOM) from2000-2015as well as Top 1%of scholars worldwide in Operations Researchfieldand across all disciplines.He has received numerous awards for his work, including the National Science Foundation CAREER Award, George Nicholson Prize, Schwabacher Fellowship, Weatherspoon Distinguished Research, Weatherspoon Excellence in Teaching and Roy Holsten Award for Exceptional Service.He has consulted with numerous firms over thelast30years, including AGCO, Agilent, IBM, Kaiser, Nokia, Public Health Institute, Railinc, Samsung,Siemens,Sara Lee, and UNICEF. He has served in various leadership roles at UNC Kenan-Flagler including  Senior Associate Dean for  Academic Affairs, Associate Dean for  Global Executive MBA Programs, Director of UNC Global Business Center as well as Area Chair of Operations Faculty. Prior to joining UNC, he was a faculty at theHaas School of Business at UC Berkeley. He received his PhD and Master's degree in industrial administration from GSIA (now Tepper) at Carnegie Mellon University and his Bachelor's degree in computerscience and engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.