Hubner, S., Tripathi, N., Frese, M., Song, Z. L., Xing Le, & Kaschner, T. (2020). Team Innovativeness and its predictors in China, India and Singapore. Indian Academy of Management, January 2-4, 2020, Tiruchirappalli, India.
Hubner, S., Tripathi, N., Xing Le, & Kaschner, T. (2020). Investigating Cross-cultural Innovation among Entrepreneurial Teams in China, India and Singapore. OB Division, 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 7-11, 2020, USA (Virtual).
Patel, C., & Tripathi, N. (2019). Presenteeism at work: Paper development workshop (with Editors, JOB Special Issue on Presenteeism). Professional Development Workshop (PDW). 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 9-13, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Tripathi, N. (2018). Paradoxical Leadership. Session Chair. 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 10-14, 2018, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Tripathi, N., & Miron-Spektor, E. & Lewis, M. (2018). A dual process model for dynamic impact of paradoxical leader behavior on subordinates. 34rd Colloquium of European Group for Organizational Studies, July 5-7, 2018, Tallinn, Estonia.
Tripathi, N. (2018). Appraising as Opportunity yet as Threat: Dynamics of Paradoxical Tensions on Performance. OB Division, 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 10-14, 2018 - Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Tripathi, N. (2018). Reverse the Lens, set Focus on Follower: Resource Dependence & Bottom-up Leadership. OB Division, 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 10-14, 2018 - Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Tripathi, N., & Miron-Spektor, E. & Lewis, M. (2018). Mixed Blessings: Dynamic Impact of Paradoxical Leader Behavior on Subordinates. OB Division, 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 10-14, 2018 - Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Tripathi, N., & Savani, K., (2017). Revisiting Asia: Novel Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Asia. Symposium organized at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 4-8, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Discussants: Jason D Shaw and Xiao-Ping Chen.
Tripathi, N., Song, Z. L., Zhu, J. L., Lu, J. F., Fang, R., & Wang, N., (2017). When and How Proactive Employees Acquire Network Centrality at Workplace. 32nd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, April 27-29 Orlando, USA.
Tripathi, N., Song, Z. L., & Zhu, J., (2017). Dynamics of Perceived Paradoxical Leadership and States of Discrete Emotions across Time. 33rd Colloquium of European Group for Organizational Studies, July 6-8, 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Tripathi, N., & Zhao, X., (2017). India and China: Leadership Comparison in Two Economic Giants in Asia. In symposium Tripathi, N., & Savani, K., (2017). Revisiting Asia: Novel Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Asia. OB Division, 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 4-8, 2017 - Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Tripathi, N. (2017). A Theoretical Framework on the Dynamics of State Justice Climate and Team Innovation. ENT, Division, 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 4-8, 2017 - Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Tripathi, N. (2017). Hindrance or Challenge: Dynamics of Paradoxical Leadership and Subordinate’s Work Motivation. OB Division, 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 4-8, 2017 - Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Tripathi, N., & Ou, Y. A., (2016). Dynamics of Paradoxical Leadership: Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Evidence. Symposium organized at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 5 - 9, Anaheim, California, USA. Discussant: Robert E. Quinn.
Zhu, J. L., Lu, J. F., Song, Z. L., Li, W. D., Wang, N. & Tripathi, N. (2016). The Role of Formal Team Leader in the Development of Shared Leadership. Paper Presented at the 2016 conference of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Hang Zhou, June 15-19.
Zhu, J. L., Tripathi, N., Jacob G. H., & Wang, N., (2016). The Dynamic Construction of Entrepreneurial Identity: A Dual-process Model. ENT Division, 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 5 - 9, in Anaheim, California, USA.
Tripathi, N., & Wang N. (2016). A Dynamic Perspective on Empowering-Directive Leadership Paradox. In symposium Tripathi, N. & Ou, Y. A. Dynamics of Paradoxical Leadership: Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Evidences. OB Division, 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 5 - 9, in Anaheim, California, USA.
Zhu, J. L., Tripathi, N., Jacob G. H., & Wang, N. (2016) The Dynamic Construction of Entrepreneurial Identity: A Dual-process Model. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2016.
Wang, N., Dormann, C., Wang D., & Tripathi, N. (2015). Effects of Achievement and Personal Recognition Events on State Work Engagement: A Dual-Path Model. OB Division, 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 7 - 11, in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Tripathi, N. (2015). Conditions to Enable Virtuous Cycles in Paradoxical Leadership Behaviors. In symposium Ou, Y. A. & Keller, J., Examining paradoxes at the individual level. OB Division, 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 7 - 11, in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Wang, N., Dormann, C., Wang D., & Tripathi, N. (2015) Effects of Achievement and Personal Recognition Events on State Work Engagement: A Dual-path Model. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, 2015.
Tan, M., Tripathi N., Zuiker S. J., & Seah H. S. (2010). Building an Online Collaborative Platform to Enhance Creativity. Paper presented at the Fourth IEEE international Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies, DEST 2010, Dubai, UAE.
Tripathi, N. & Lim, V. K. G. (2014). Moderating Effect of Machiavellianism and Perceived Similarity on Cyber Incivility & its Outcomes. 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 1-5, 2014.
Pinson M. H., Wolf, S., Tripathi, N., & Koh C., (2010). The Consumer Digital Video Library. Paper presented at Fifth International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics, VPQM, Arizona (USA).
Tan, M., Tripathi N., Zuiker S. J., & Seah H. S. (2010). Building an Online Collaborative Platform to Enhance Creativity. Best Paper Award at the Fourth IEEE international Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies, DEST 2010, Dubai, UAE.
Tripathi N., Seah H. S., Zuiker, S. J., & Tan M. (2009). VisuaPedia: A Social Media based Visual Encyclopedia”, Paper presented at ACM Multimedia 2009, Workshop on Social Media 2009, Beijing (China).
Panda, A., Tripathi, N., & Srikanthan T., (2007). Improved Spectral Subtraction Technique for Text-Independent Speaker Verification. Paper presented at Digital Signal Processing 2007, Cardiff (UK), 2007.