NIIF Chair in ESG
Public Systems Group
Amit Garg specializes in energy, climate change and sustainable development issues and offers courses titled Carbon Finance, Managing Energy Businesses, Sustainable Finance, Energy and Environment Policy, and Public Management. His current research interests include carbon and climate finance, energy businesses, corporate accounting of greenhouse gases, energy and environment modeling, water-energy nexus, and preparing businesses for climate change challenges.
He has co-authored 12 books, 25 international research reports and published extensively in international journals. He is a Lead Author for five reports of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He is currently the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Carbon Management journal.
Prof Garg was felicitated by the Prime Minister of India in 2007 for his outstanding contributions to climate change research. He was also a prominent member and contributed to the award of Nobel Peace Prize to IPCC in 2007. He received the Distinguished Young Professor Award for Excellence in Research at IIMA in 2010 and Outstanding Researcher Award at IIMA again in 2016.
Prior to joining IIMA, Prof Garg worked as Senior Economist at UNEP Risoe Centre, Technical University of Denmark. He has worked on a large number of research and consulting assignments for international and Indian organizations including IEA, the World Bank, UNDP, UNEP, USAID, the European Union, UK government, German Government and Government of India's Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture, University Grants Commission, and many state governments.
Primary Area : Public Systems Group
Email :
Phone : +91-79-7152 4952
Secretary : Reji Pillai
Phone : +91-79-7152 7953
Website : Personal Website
Fellow of IIMA (Ph.D), Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India (IIMA), 2001
Master of Technology , (Computer Science & Technology), Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India (IITR), 1987
Bachelor of Engineering, (Electronics & Communication), Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India, 1985
Public Management
Energy, Environment and Climate Policy
Carbon Finance
Managing Energy Businesses
Sustainable Finance
PhD Dissertation Supervision (Thesis Advisory Chair/member)
2009 Salman Shakir Khan (Member of Advisory Panel)
Title of Thesis: Managing Climate Change Risks in Cities: A Study of Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies
2011 Amir Bashir Bazaz (Member of Advisory Panel)
Title of These: Managing the Water-Energy-Climate Change Nexus: An Integrated Policy roadmap for India
2014 Prakriti Naswa (Chair of Advisory Panel)
Title of Thesis: Uncertainty and Risk Management of Climate Change Impacts on Infrastructure Assets
2014 Hem H. Dholakia (Chair of Advisory Panel)
Title of Thesis: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Public Health in India: Impact Assessment and Adaptation Strategies
2017 Rajiv Ranjan (Member of Advisory Panel)
Title of Thesis: Self-Initiated teacher innovations in government rural elementary schools: Evolution, impact, and sustainability
2018 Saritha Sudharmma Vishwanathan (Chair of Advisory Panel)
Title of Thesis: Integrating Water and Energy Systems for India
2018 Debdatta Mukherjee (Chair of Advisory Panel)
Title of Thesis: Essays on Corporate Social Performance (CSP) & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A global to firm level analysis
2018 Jigeesha Upadhyay (Chair of Advisory Panel, CEPT University)
Title of Thesis: Managing specific energy consumption and related emissions for power sector and major energy intensive industrial sectors of India
2019 Vidhee Avashia (Chair of Advisory Panel)
Title of Thesis: Development, Climate Change and Indian Cities: Framing and Implementing Policies 2019
2020 Dipti Gupta (Chair of Advisory Panel)
Title of Thesis: Aligning Decarbonization of Energy Systems and Sustainable Development in India: Synergies and Tradeoffs
2020 Arpit Shah (Chair of Advisory Panel)
Title of Thesis: Urban land use and the heat island effect
2021 Vanita Singh (Chair of Advisory Panel)
Title of Thesis: Achieving Universal Health Coverage through Publicly Financed Health Insurance Schemes: Implications for Access, Equity and Quality in Health Care
2022 Omkar Patange (Chair of Advisory Panel)
Title of Thesis: Mitigation Strategies for Transitioning Towards ‘Net-Zero’ Emissions from Energy Systems
2022 Jyoti Maheshwari (Co-Guide of Advisory Panel, School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Energy University)
Title of Thesis: Smart-Microgrid: Facilitating Energy Internet in Commercial Buildings in India
PhD examiner for candidates from Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Copenhagen, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore and CEPT University Ahmedabad.
REVIEWER - International and Indian journals
Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, The Energy Journal, Climatic Change, Energy Policy, Climate Policy, Atmospheric Environment, Journal of Environment Management, Environmental Science and Technology, OPSEARCH, Current Science, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Science of Total Environment, Greenhouse Gas Measurement & Management.
Blockchain based Peer-to-peer energy sharing and trading platform:
From being central generation to decentralized power generation, the energy systems are undergoing a rapid transition nationally and internationally. With the proliferation of rooftop solar system, electric vehicles and energy storage, grid based electricity is slowly becoming a backup supply. Furthermore, decentralized approach has opened up numerous opportunities of trading and transfer of electricity between sources of distributed generation, load points and grid companies. The proposed segregation of wire and supply of electricity will change the way electricity sector functions bringing in much needed competition and choice for buyers. However, peer to peer trading will also lead to challenge of handling a very large volume of trades every minute, which can be addressed using blockchain technology, an open and decentralized ledger that allows users to get into instant contracts, track fulfilment and process settlements instantly.
Water-energy-agriculture-climate change nexus:
Water is projected to become a scare resource in medium- to long-terms, if not managed well. Water stresses are already being experienced by Indian rural as well as expanding urban areas. We are measuring irrigation pumping efficiency and also including water as a resource in bottom-up energy-economy-environment models. Smart grids and grid responsive buildings: Smart grids are required for a third industrial revolution. For instance, grid-responsive and connected building application is key to link energy efficiency and daily operations, such as demand response (DR), to achieve electricity reliability and operational efficiency
Green Infrastructure, Energy Policy and Energy Modelling:
Green infrastructure and energy systems, regional and sectoral policies, global and national policies, technology policies and socio-economic policy analysis for economy-energy- environment. We have also introduced new courses such as "Managing Energy Businesses" and "Energy markets and Agribusinesses" at IIMA for management students since last year. I also have intensive experience with internationally used models like MARKAL and AIM family (Enduse, Local, Country, Trend, Air). I have also worked closely with the International Energy Agency for their World Energy Outlook 2006.
Green products and services:
I created and co-founded one of the first Eco-Label in India for product and services THE GREEN SIGNAL in June 2011 that certified environmental footprints of products and services during their use phase. Link
Green corporates:
I conceptualized and co-founded another green label for Indian corporates with Bombay Stock Exchange termed as GREENEX in February 2012. The index captured the energy and greenhouse gas intensities of BSE-100 companies. This index consistently out-performed BSE Sensex. Link
Uncertainty assessment and risk management for corporates due to climate change:
Corporates and businesses are increasingly becoming sensitive to the additional risks from changing climate. The risks could be myriad such as physical threats to infrastructure, to supply chains, to demand centers, energy prices, and carbon pricing. We help to quantify additional risks faced and to design risk management strategies including appropriate financing and insurance products, and also to leverage existing adaptation funding mechanisms.
Carbon Finance:
This is a fast emerging area internationally and is drawing considerable interests from business, government and common public alike. We are teaching new courses such as "Carbon Finance" and "Agribusiness and Carbon Finance" at IIMA for management students since last 4 years. These cover carbon market concepts, financial instruments for carbon mitigation, financing carbon mitigation projects and technologies, and emerging carbon finance opportunities. These courses have become quite popular since their initial offerings. I also guide post-graduate students for independent business and research projects on carbon markets and finance issues.
Adaptation Policy for Climate Change Impacts:
Climate change impacts and vulnerability assessment, practice and policy inter-linkages for adaptation - especially for long-life assets, development and adaptation to climate change.
Climate Change Mitigation Policy:
GHG emission mitigation potential assessment, construction and analysis of alternative mitigation scenarios, non-CO2 gas emission projections and mitigation analysis.
Development, Energy and Climate Change:
Energy and income generation relationships, energy transitions and development, Millennium development goals, energy and climate change, linkages between alternate development pathways and GHG emissions, equity aspects of climate change mitigation on human health (through mitigating local air pollution).
Solar agriculture pumps:
India has over 25 million agriculture pumpsets, and the power supply is not reliable at many locations. This adversely impacts optimum irrigation to various crops while creating uncertainty and increased cost (diesel pumps) for the farmers. Electricity subsidy is also a huge burden on State exchequer. Solar systems could provide solution.
Emission Inventory Assessment:
Developed sub-regional and large point source level energy consumption, GHG and local pollutant emissions inventory for India. It is designed as an instrument for regional and sectoral business and policy analysis of Indian emissions. Non-CO2 GHG emission assessment, future projections and mitigation analysis are my core research interests. Corporate accounting of greenhouse gas emissions and strategies to mitigate these are integral aspects of my research interests.
Demand Side Management:
End-use electricity efficiency improvements offer an inexpensive way to reduce power shortages. The economic potential for cost-effective end-use energy efficiency improvements could be large enough to eliminate electricity shortages. The saved electricity could be provided as additional power to high-end consumers or to fulfill social policy agenda such as providing 1 kWh-electricity per day to every rural household. Provision of electricity is an enabling condition for enhancing productivity and income generation of poor households.
New and Renewable Energy Technology Policy:
Renewable energy and climate change, global status and outlook on renewable energy, new technologies such as CO2 capture and storage, IGCC and their potential and implications for energy systems, multiple GHG sink-source modeling in a GIS-environment for India, regional and sectoral emission source clustering.
Professor (Higher Administrative Grade), Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, September 2018 – Current
Professor in the Public Systems Group, IIM Ahmedabad, 2011 - 2018
Associate Professor in the Public Systems Group, IIM Ahmedabad, 2008- 2011
Senior Economist at the UNEP Risoe Centre, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark (now UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre– UNEP-CCC), 2004 – 2007
Expert Consultant with the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India and member of the Core Implementation Team for the preparation of India's Initial National Communication to the UNFCCC., 2001 – 2004
Senior Executive with the Indian Railways (IRSSE), 2000 – 2001
Pursued PhD, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad., 1996 – 2000
Executive with the Indian Railways (IRSSE), Government of India in various capacities., 1987 – 1996
Member of "Working Group Committee for the establishment and operationalization of the Goa Blended Climate Finance Facility" by the Government of Goa (GoG) with assistance from the World Bank, (2025)
Mentor of the Advisory Group on Climate Risk & Sustainable Finance, Institute of Actuaries of India, (2024-2026).
Member of Niti Ayog task force for working group 1 on "Macroeconomic implications of Transition" to develop pathways for meeting national commitments on Net Zero and proposing strategies and interventions for achieving the same, (2024-2025)
Member of the Monitoring Committee to review the progress of Fast Track Translational (FTT) projects under the "Environment, Earth and Ocean Sciences & Water (E3OW)" theme at the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), (2024-2026)
Member of the Board of Advisory Council in NTPC Green Energy Ltd, (2024-2025)
Member of Scientific Advisory Board for Renault Group, (2024-2025)
Member Independent High-level Expert Group Member of Sustainable Finance Working Group (SFWG) Expert committee, G20 Brazil presidency, (2024-2025)
Guest Editor, Special Issue on Hydrogen Economy, Energy and Climate Change (Elsevier), 2024
Coordinator NITI Aayog's India Energy Modelling Forum Task Force on Economic Analysis, (2021-2022)
Co-chair NSE IFSC's international sustainability platform, 2022
Member of Technical Advisory Committee of Experts (TACE) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, 2022
Member IPCC Emission Factor Database Editorial Board (Energy Sector), 2022-2023
Member Expert Group on Carbon Neutral Development of Ladakh, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, 2020-2022
Member of Indian Delegation 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom, 31 October to 13 November 2021
, Member of Committee Experts on Sustainable Finance by International Financial Services Centres Authority (IFSCA), 2021-2022
Co-Chair Adaptation Working Group (AWG) of the Independent Global Stocktake (iGST), (2021-2022)
Member Steering Committee, India Climate and Energy Modelling Forum (ICEMF), NITI Aayog, Government of India, 2021
Co-Chair IPCC Emission Factor Database Editorial Board , 2018-2021
Lead Author Chapter 6 (Energy Systems) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), Working Group III of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) , 2018-2022
Coordinating Lead Author IPCC Refinement to GHG Inventories 2019, Energy volume, 2017-2019
Co-Lead Chapter 5, Coal Phase-down, The Emissions Gap Report-A UNEP Synthesis Report, United Nations Environment Programme, 2017
Co Editorial-in Chief Carbon Management, Taylor and Francis, 2015– current.
Co-Lead, Core writing team UNEP Global Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) Assessment Report, United Nations Environment Programme, 2015
Lead Author Chapter 3, The emissions gap in 2025 and 2030, The Emissions Gap Report-A UNEP Synthesis Report, United Nations Environment Programme, November 2015., 2012
Contributing Author Chapter 2, What emission levels will comply with temperature limits? The Emissions Gap Report-A UNEP Synthesis Report, United Nations Environment Programme, 2014.
Member National committee on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for climate change, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India., 2012-2015
Member Governing Council of J&K State Council on Climate Change, Forest Department, Government of Jammu and Kashmir, India, 2014–2017
Member Expert Committee of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India, 2014-2017
Member National committee on Biennial Update Reports to UNFCCC, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India )., (2012-Current)
Member Expert Group on Aviation, Nominated by Ministry of Civil Aviation to ICAO, 2012
Member Sub-Group on Equity (under Climate Change), Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, 2012
Member Sub-Group on Climate Change under the Working Group on Environment and Climate Change for the 12th Five Year Plan 2012-2017, Planning Commission, Government of India, 2011.
Member Ahmedabad Air Quality Expert Working Group, 2015-current.
Lead Author Chapter 7, Energy, Fifth Assessment Report, Working Group III of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2010-2014.
Member Editorial Board, Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, Society for Science of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment, (2011–2019).
Member Editorial Board, Greenhouse Gas Measurement & Management, (Earthscan), 2010 - current.
Member Indian Network of Climate Change Assessment (INCCA) Advisory Committee for implementation of Science Programme, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, 2011-2012.
Convener The Green Signal Steering Committee (India's first Ecolabel) established by the Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE), Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 2011-2014.
Member Scientific Committee, International SWAT Conference 2012, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, July 16-20, 2012
Member Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Steering Committee on New Integrated Climate Change Scenarios, 2006 – 2007.
Lead Reviewer United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) panel of expert reviewers for Progress on Kyoto Protocol and Initial Reports, 2006 – current.
Lead Reviewer United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) panel of expert reviewers for Annex-I Party National Communications, 2006 – current.
Lead Reviewer and Energy expert United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) panel of expert reviewers for Annex-I Party inventories, 2004 – current.
Member Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Task Group on New Emission Scenarios, 2005-2006.
Contributing Author Chapter 2 of IPCC Assessment Report 4, Working Group III, 2004 – 2007.
Coordinating Lead Author Energy volume of 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 2004 – 2006.
Lead Author IPCC Special Report on CO2 Capture and Storage, 2003 – 2005.
Member Government of India Delegation for the "Twentieth Session of the Subsidiary Bodies to the UNFCCC", 2004.
Member Government of India Delegation for the "Eighth Conference of Parties (COP-8) to the UNFCCC", 2002.
Member Core Implementation Team, India's Initial National Communication to the UNFCCC, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, 2001- 2004
Member Advisory Council on Climate Change, Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Government of India, 2001 – 2002.
2020 - Recipient of "Madan Mohanka Research on Internalization of Business Award" at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
2016 - Recipient of "IIMA Outstanding Researcher Award 2016" at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
2010 - Recipient of "Distinguished Young Professor Award for Excellence in Research" at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
2007 - Member of the UN body Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
2007 - Commemoration by the Prime Minister of India for outstanding contributions to climate change research
1999 - Awarded the Institute's Award for "Best Thesis Proposal" at Indian Institute of Management,Ahmedabad
1999 - Awarded the "Industrial Finance Corporation of India" Award for Best Thesis Proposal at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
1998 - Financial recognition for "Outstanding Scholastic performance" in second year at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
1985-87 - Awarded "Indian University Grant Commission's fellowship" for two years during Post graduation at the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
1981-85 - Awarded "University's scholarship for outstanding performance" for all the four years during under graduation at the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
1981 - Awarded "University's scholarship for outstanding performance" for all the four years during under graduation at the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
1979 - Secured 20th rank amongst more than 100 thousand students in UP Education Board's exam for 10th grade.
The Economic Times, 2024
The Economic Times, 2022
The Economic Times, 2022
Kautilya Economic Conclave (KEC) - Redefining The Future , 2022
Indian National Academy of Engineering – INAE, 2022
COP26, 2021
IAMC, 2021
The Economic Times, 2021
The Economic Times, 2022