Mathur, Navdeep and Kuldeep Mathur. 2007. ‘Policy Analysis in India: Research Bases and Discursive Practices.', in Frank Fischer, GJ Miller and M Sidney (Eds) Handbook of Public Policy Analysis. Taylor and Francis.
Mathur Navdeep. 2007. ‘Urban Revitalization and Participatory Governance: Methodology for a Discursive Policy Analysis'. Policy and Society. 25, 2. 77-108
Mathur, Navdeep. and Chris Skelcher. 2007. Evaluating Democratic Performance: Methodologies for Assessing the Relationship between Network Governance and Citizens Public Administration Review 67 (2), 228–237
Smith, Mike, Navdeep Mathur and Chris Skelcher. 2006. ‘Corporate Governance in a Collaborative Environment'. Corporate Governance: An International Review. Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 159-171
Skelcher, Chris, Navdeep Mathur and Mike Smith. 2005. The Public Governance of Collaborative Spaces: Discourse, Design and Democracy. Public Administration, 83 (3): 573-596
Mathur, Navdeep. 2004. ‘Public Service Case Review - Starting the New Job' in D Olshfski, K Callahan, E Schwella (Editors), Global Public Management - Cases and Comments, Thousand Oaks, California, Sage Publications
Skelcher CK, Mathur, N and MM Smith. 2003. ‘Travels in Quangoland'. Public Finance, November 27th 2003
Mathur, Navdeep. 2002. ‘Revitalization: Newark's Tale of Two Cities (Decline or Renaissance)', New Jersey Reporter, Public Policy Center of New Jersey, USA.
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