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Journal Articles | 2017

Delhi–Mumbai industrial corridor: Economic and environmental consequences

Seth Schindler and Shruti Sharma

Economic and Political Weekly: A Journal of Current Economic and Political Affairs

The Delhi–Mumbai Industrial Corridor represents a re-centralisation of urban planning in India with the primary objective to foster export-oriented growth. An analysis of census and manufacturing data shows that the DMIC is likely to increase regional inequality. Moreover, rather than fostering regional integration, this state-led corridor development remains a series of discontinuous and fragmented territories.

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Journal Articles | 2017

Size, value, and momentum in Indian Equities

Sobhesh Kumar Agarwalla, Joshy Jacob, and Jayanth Varma


Journal Articles | 2017

The Impact of self-deception and professional skepticism on perceptions of ethicality

Sobhesh Kumar Agarwalla, Naman Desai, and Arindam Tripathy

Advances in Accounting

This paper examines the impact of two contradictory psychological traits, self-deception (SD) and professional skepticism (PS), on individuals' assessment of ethicality of various earnings management choices. Whereas, SD allows individuals to reduce cognitive dissonance arising from self-serving unethical behavior, PS would force individuals to question such self-serving behavior and, as a result, could make them less likely to act unethically. Our results indicate that SD, PS, and participant type significantly affected the participants' ethicality ratings. Managers exhibiting high (low) SD and low (high) PS view the earnings management techniques that were generally considered to be unethical, as relatively more (less) ethical. However, the SD and PS scores of accountants are not significantly related to their ethicality ratings. This result could be driven by the fact that accountants tend to have greater exposure to information that emphasizes ethics (professional standards and education) and hence psychological traits have a lesser effect on their ethicality ratings.

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Journal Articles | 2017

HMiner: Efficiently mining high utility itemsets

Srikumar Krishnamoorthy

Expert Systems with Applications

High utility itemset mining problem uses the notion of utilities to discover interesting and actionable patterns. Several data structures and heuristic methods have been proposed in the literature to efficiently mine high utility itemsets. This paper advances the state-of-the-art and presents HMiner, a high utility itemset mining method. HMiner utilizes a few novel ideas and presents a compact utility list and virtual hyperlink data structure for storing itemset information. It also makes use of several pruning strategies for efficiently mining high utility itemsets. The proposed ideas were evaluated on a set of benchmark sparse and dense datasets. The execution time improvements ranged from a modest thirty percent to three orders of magnitude across several benchmark datasets. The memory consumption requirements also showed up to an order of magnitude improvement over the state-of-the-art methods. In general, HMiner was found to work well in the dense regions of both sparse and dense benchmark datasets.

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Journal Articles | 2017

Sentiment analysis of financial news articles using performance indicators

Srikumar Krishnamoorthy

Knowledge and Information Systems

Mining financial text documents and understanding the sentiments of individual investors, institutions and markets is an important and challenging problem in the literature. Current approaches to mine sentiments from financial texts largely rely on domain-specific dictionaries. However, dictionary-based methods often fail to accurately predict the polarity of financial texts. This paper aims to improve the state-of-the-art and introduces a novel sentiment analysis approach that employs the concept of financial and non-financial performance indicators. It presents an association rule mining-based hierarchical sentiment classifier model to predict the polarity of financial texts as positive, neutral or negative. The performance of the proposed model is evaluated on a benchmark financial dataset. The model is also compared against other state-of-the-art dictionary and machine learning-based approaches and the results are found to be quite promising. The novel use of performance indicators for financial sentiment analysis offers interesting and useful insights.

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Journal Articles | 2017

Replicating small farms, prosperous farmers in India: Lessons for policy and practice

Sukhpal Singh

Journal of Agribusiness Marketing

Small farm and small farmer viability has been a constant policy concern in India given its smallholder-dominated agriculture. Though there are different definitions of small farm in the literature, depending on local context, the term “smallholder” is a relative one in that it refers to the limited resource endowments of such farmers relative to those of other farmers in the sector in each local context. The Indian small farmers are in a state of agrarian distress, and the farmers’ quest for earning enough from a small farm continues. It is in this context of academic and policy discourse that this article makes evidence-based policy and practical recommendations for replicating the Small Farmer, Prosperous Farmer (SFPF) models of agricultural development in India based on empirical case studies of 35 small (who were just 2 hectares or smaller farm operators) and prosperous farmers (earning at least one lakh (0.1 million)Indian rupees per acre per year) across three states of India— Punjab, Gujarat, and Maharashtra. Major objectives of the study carried out in 2012 were as follows: document profiles of SFPFs in terms of their resources, costs, and profits; provide evidence of success (in terms of net income and prosperity) given small holdings; identify major factors in prosperity/success—personal, institutional, and social; and understand the role of policy and business environment, if any; and infer on possibilities of replicability of SFPF success given the other contextual factors in other regions. The study identifies sources of success and policy relevance of such factors for making inclusive agricultural development possible.

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Journal Articles | 2017

How inclusive and effective are farm machinery rental services in India? Case Studies from Punjab

Sukhpal Singh

Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics

Increasing cost of cultivation in most parts of India has led to the realisation that mechanisation of farm operations is one of the ways to tackle it as mechanical solutions are more efficient as well as cost effective compared with human labour based activities in most situations. However, given small farm dominance of Indian agriculture, it is not possible and viable for small farmers to own farm machinery and equipment for its use. Therefore, what they need is access to it, and not ownership. This has led to a new phenomenon of custom rental services of farm machinery and equipment in many parts of India by a range of players like co-operatives, private entrepreneurs, organised sector players and even producer companies. In this context of changing landscape of farm mechanisation, the paper examines the small holder inclusiveness of agro machinery rental service channels and the nature and the level of their effectiveness in helping the farmers access better services. It compares the performance of co-operative, private organised and local informal service providers in Punjab and identifies major issues and challenges in delivery of such services across types of farmers and examines the possible policy and enabling provisions to promote cost and quality effective custom rentals of farm machinery in India.

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Journal Articles | 2017

Online education worldwide: Current status and emerging trends

Anil Kumar, Poonam Kumar, Shailendra C. Jain Palvia, and Sanjay Verma

Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research

Journal Articles | 2017

Addressing the agrarian crisis in Punjab: Role of agro-markets and Policy

Sukhpal Singh

Economic and Political Weekly: A Journal of Current Economics and Political Affairs

The state of agricultural markets, the agricultural market policy and regulatory reforms in Punjab are reviewed in the context of the agrarian crisis. The farmer and farm worker manifesto of the Aam Aadmi Party is critically assessed. Policy mechanisms for agro-industrial development of the state are suggested.

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Journal Articles | 2017

Tenancy reforms: A critique of NITI Aayog’s Model Law

Sukhpal Singh

Economic and Political Weekly: A Journal of Current Economics and Political Affairs

There is no doubt that the agricultural land leasing laws in India need to be amended to make land leasing legal and easier. The Niti Aayog report (2016) proposes a formal model law on land leasing. Critically examining the logic for liberalisation of land leasing laws, the limitations of the model lease agreement are brought out. It is argued that the model law ignores the diversity and dynamics of leasing arrangements in India and the socio-economic implications of the realities of tenancy practices.

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