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Working Papers | 1994

Indian Auto Component Industry - Learning to Export and Grow

M. R. Dixit

This paper reviews the developments in the Indian auto component industry in the context of new economic policies. It analyses the technical capabilities and export experiences of the industry. It presents the findings of field and mail surveys aimed understanding the nature of competition, key capabilities and the involvement of internal and external agencies in technology development, and new product introduction. It concludes by saying that the industry is on the growth path and can exploit the emerging opportunities in the international market if the pace of learning by the industry is quickened.

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Working Papers | 1994

Indian Machine Tool Industry - Caught at the Cross Roads

M. R. Dixit

This paper reviews the development of the Indian machine tools industry since independence. It analyses the key capabilities and growth experiences of the industry in the domestic and international context. It presents the findings of field and mail surveys aimed at understanding the nature of competition, capabilities of the firms in the industry, and the involvement of the internal and external agencies in product and process developments. It concludes with the remark that the industry is at cross-roads. It is caught between increasing domestic competition and declining export competitiveness. It needs to build new capabilities.

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Working Papers | 1994

Group in Organizations

Bhatnagar Jyotsna and Singh J P

This note deals with the basics of Group Dynamics. It discusses the nature and types of groups in organization and elaborates on the need to study group behavior as well as why individuals join groups. The note also discusses the underlying processes in Group Behavior. Here the Interdependence between the group and the individual is discussed. The note also focuses on the distinction between what happens in a group (the content) and the way it happens (the process). It describes various stages of group development and discusses issues relating group structure and cohesiveness. The final section focuses on analysis of Group Interaction and the advantage and disadvantages of groups in organizational setting.

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Working Papers | 1994

The Conquest of Self? Intimacy and the Overcoming of Boundaries

Giri Ananta

The present paper looks at the changes taking place at present in the realm of intimacy and human sexuality in Europe and North America. The paper presents the description of such changes as offered by Anthony Giddens, an engaging sociologist of our times, in his recent book. The Transformation of Intimacy. It questions some of the assumptions that are taken for granted in the dominant discourse on this subject today such as the celebration of boundaries in the exploration and practice of intimacy, the delinking of sexuality from reproduction, and the irrelevance of the question of purity of purpose and intention in the work of so-called "pure relationship" where every one is free to enter and free to exit. The paper presents ethnographic work on American culture today, mainly on anti-abortion and pro-life movements, to argue that even in contemporary American society there are women who question the delinking of sexuality from motherhood and see in this devaluation the eclipse of the self-sacrificing aspect of culture itself. The paper argues that sexuality can itself be a field of "renewal of spirituality:" and intimacy can overcome boundaries rather than helplessly reproduce these.

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Working Papers | 1994

Technology Development in the Indian Foundry Industry: A Case of Choked Potential

Ramanarayan S

1174 The paper presents the results of a field study covering 25 foundries and 5 institutions involved in education, consultancy, and R&D in the foundry sector. The field study was supplemented by interviews with foundry experts in the country and a review of the literature on the Indian foundry industry. This report is an attempt to integrate the different ideas and view obtained from these sources on technology management in the Indian foundry industry. The paper begins with a brief history of the industry and its present form, size, and structure. It, then, presents a brief summary of a study of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research on the technology status in the Indian ferrous foundry industry. This is followed by a description of some of the key institutions concerned with technology development in the foundry sector and the problems faced by them. In the following two sections, the factors blocking technological learning and the factors contributing to technological upgradation are discussed. The report ends with a short summary and some concluding observations.

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Working Papers | 1994

Shifts in Choice Problems

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper we consider choice problems which are bounded both above and below and provide a new axiomatic characterization of the equal loss choice function. We subsequently turn to a study of various properties implied by shifts in the choice problem, one of which was used in characterizing the equal loss solution. Then we characterize rational choice behavour when a decision maker is confronted with a choice problem. Finally we turn to an axiomatic characterization of a particular rationalizable choice function – the utilitarian choice function – using a shift invariance property.

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Working Papers | 1994

Determining Lags in Export Supply Function in India

Ravindra H. Dholakia and Peru Muthu

This paper considers a partial adjustment model of the export supply function in Indian economy at the aggregate level. A minimum of one month and a maximum of 12 months is considered as the plausible range of the length of lags in exports supply in India with respect to both the independent variables – domestic production and real effective exchange rate. Instead of the distributed lag model, a specific lag in the two independent variables is simultaneously considered in the paper. Different lags in the two variables would yield alternative models for export supply in India. Since the methodology based on nested model is not likely to work efficiently in such cases, an alternative procedure is suggested here to select the most appropriate model which amounts to determining the lengths of the lags in the two independent variables in the export supply function. The paper uses monthly data on Indian exports and other variables for the period January 1982 to July 1993. It appears from the selected model that in Indian economy export supply response lags by 12 months with respect to domestic production and 5 months with respect to real effective exchange rate changes. The extra-sample forecast accuracy of the elasticity of export supply with respect to exchange rate changes before 5 months are 0.52 in the short run and 1.11 in the long run. It is hoped that the suggested method in the present paper is likely to work more efficiently than the nested model method of selecting the most appropriate regression model whenever a choice has to be made from among a set of highly collinear alternative independent variables.

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Working Papers | 1994

Financial Sector Reform: Institutional and Technological Imperatives

Samir K. Barua and Jayanth R. Varma

This paper takes the view that financial sector reform is not only a matter of jettisoning old regulations nor even merely a matter of prudential regulation accompanying structural deregulation; it is intimately bound up with institutional and technological issues. On the basis of a detailed analysis of the stock market, debt market and the banking system the paper demonstrates the need for major institutional and technological changes in the Indian financial sector in order to face the challenges posed by liberalization and rapid growth. In our view, the government and regulatory authorities have an important role in facilitating this modernization. Not only should regulatory hindrances be removed, but there should be a positive bias in favour of change. We do believe that changes would take place even without regulatory support, but we also believe that regulatory intervention could hasten the process and make it less painful. This is because the technology is characterized by large externalities and often requires action at the industry level.

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Working Papers | 1994

A Note on Cost Monotonic Group Decision Mechanisms

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper we study the problem of project selection as a group decision making problem and obtain a characterization of cost monotonic group decision mechanism. We furnish two examples of cost monotonic group decision mechanisms – the egalitarian mechanism and the egalitarian equivalent mechanism. The latter is shown to belong to the core of the group decision making problem. In the process of defining an egalitarian equivalent mechanisms we invoke the concept of a composite public good.

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Working Papers | 1994

Indian Economic Forecast: Post Budget Analysis - April 1994

Rastogi A B

The collective impact of a battery of reforms coming hard on the heels of one another, is still being felt in boardrooms and chaupals. The credibility of the reform dictates that consistent liberalisation policies should be followed. The last budget has introduced the changes in tax structure which are consistent with the liberalisation process. We are forecasting a growth rate of around 6% in 1994-95 and underlying rate of inflation of around 8% as unwinding of many administered prices take place in the first quarter of 1994-95. Current account may post a small surplus in the current fiscal year. Exports would rise by as much as 15% in dollar terms. Improving world trade volume and low crude oil prices are expected to give positive supply shock to the world economy which would benefit Indian exports. Total import value may not rise more than 5% in dollar terms due to a lower value of imports of petroleum products. Dumping of 'exit policy' plans has put industrial restructuring process in the slow land and therefore, generation of large number of permanent jobs in organised sector has got a set back for some time to come.

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