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Working Papers | 1994

Restrictive Trade Practices in India, 1969-71 Experience of Control and Agenda for Further Work

Sandesara J C

This paper purports to apprise principally the experience of control of Restrictive Trade Practices (RTP) in India by the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (MRTP) Commission under the MRTP Act, 1969. This experience is examined by the Commission since the enactment of this legislation till 1991 to which the latest published information relates. Among the major findings are: 1. Of the 3,474 RTP inquiries instituted during 1972-91, only 2 (0.05 per cent) were instituted upon reference from government, and 171 (5 per cent) from trade/consumer associations, etc. The principal burden of initiating inquiries has fallen on the Director-General and the Commission with 2,186 and 1.115 inquiries (63 and 32 per cent) respectively to their credit. 2. Of the 3,033 inquiries disposed of during 1972-91, 1,125 (37 per cent) were found by the Commission to prejudicial to public interest and subjected to cease/desist or consent order, and 1,908 (63 per cent) were disposed of otherwise. 3. Of the different types of RTP in the inquiries disposed of during 1982-91, 1,328 out of a total of 3,415 (39 per cent) were found by the Commission to be prejudicial to public interest, and subjected to cease/desist or consent order, and 2,087 (61 per cent) were disposed of otherwise. 4. Thus, the number of inquiries in, and of RTP against, which prejudice to public interest was found were each small, nearly two-fifths of the respective totals. Based on this experience, as a second objective, this paper also presents an agenda for further work in this area. The major points which emerge in that context are: 1. The 1984 and the 1991 amendments to the MRTP Act necessitate a new preamble or a major change in the existing preamble. Two alternative draft preambles are suggested in the paper. 2. For further and better particulars on the inquiries disposed of, the present pro-forma in which the information is given needs to be modified as per the details given in the paper. 3. Specific studies relating to the composition of RTP inquiries disposed of, the efficacy of RTP control, and the general effects on the public interest of certain RTP as such as also with reference to some products/services are called for to increase our knowledge on this subject and also for their possible policy value. 4. The evidence on the arguments for a change in favour of per se approach are not yet sufficiently persuasive, so it is as well that the present rule-of-reason approach continues.

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Working Papers | 1994

State, Private Sector and Labour: The Political Economy of Jute Industry Modernization, West Bengal, 1986-90

Chowdhury Supriya Roy

In the decades since independence, the jute industry underwent a sharp eclipse as exports and profits declined, technology remained stagnant, mills closed and workers were thrown out in large numbers. In 1986 a Jute Modernization Fund was created by the central government in order to revive the industry. Additionally, the government sought to sustain and expand domestic demand for jute by making jute packaging compulsory for certain sectors such as cement, sugar, etc. Almost all of jute manufacturing takes place in West Bengal. The Left Front government has been in power in West Bengal since 1977. As leader of the leftist coalition, the CPI(M), in order to reinvigorate West Bengal's ailing industrial scene, has sought to encourage private business in general and to some extent, neutralize labor. This paper examines the state's relationship to jute mill owners and to the industry's workforce in the context of the attempted restructuring of the jute industry. The paper does not present an economic analysis of jute restructuring: it locates the halting pace of jute industry modernization in the emerging presence of raw jute traders in the industry, and in the state's vulnerabilities both to mill owners and to workers. The dynamics of these relationships set the limits to the restructuring efforts that had begun in the mid 1980s. In the context of these findings, the paper ends with some reflections on received theories of the developmental state.

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Working Papers | 1994

Motivation, Leadership, and Human Performance

Kanungo R N and Misra Sasi B

This review critically examines and integrates the vast and diverse research on motivation and leadership in organizations during the past decade (1983-1993). The review prepared for the ICSSR sponsored Fourth Survey of Psychology primarily focuses on research in the Indian context. The main conclusions drawn are: (i) research in the area of work motivation and leadership in organizations in order to be meaningful must be theory driven (ii) programmatic as contrasted to fragmented research in these areas must be initiated (iii) research dealing with measurement of variables must demonstrate construct and criterion related validities and finally (iv) indigenous approaches to problems and measuring instruments developed in the Indian context are necessary.

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Working Papers | 1994

IIMA Today - A Case of Depleted Networth

Ragunathan V

Institution building is only one phase of the institutional life cycle. After an institution is built, it must grow, and mature with a healthy long life. Thus, aspects of institution maintenance, and arresting of institution erosion, and institution decay for sustained excellence become increasingly more important as an institution grows older. How is IIMA shaping in the regard? Is it being successful in elongating the growth and maturity phase of its life cycle? Does it show the symptoms of emulating, even if to a limited extent, its more long lasting internationally reputed cousins? Is it maintaining its cherished values, norms and practices-in short, the institutional culture-dreamt and built assiduously in the past by its founding fathers with some care and concern? This paper attempts to provide some perspectives in this direction.

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Working Papers | 1994

Sharing Costs and Sharing Revenue: The Proportional Solutions

Lahiri Somdeb

Consider a group of people who have just been awarded a sum of money to undertake a consultancy for a research project. The problem that now confronts them is to share the revenue as well as the costs of the overheads involved in undertaking the project. In this paper we propose a proportional solution to this problem, prove the existence of such a solution (in a special case) and establish its optimality.

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Working Papers | 1994

Leaders in Action: Some Illustrations and Inferences

Ramanarayan S and Rao Ram Mohan

Cases of six outstanding organizational helmsmen who had successfully built up and nurtured enduring organizations form the leit-motif of this essay. These organizations are: the Oberoi chain of hotels built up to dizzying heights by Rai Bahadur Mohan Singh Oberio; the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, nurtured by Ravi John Mathai to a pride of place in higher education; the Ahmedabad Textile Industry's Research Association founded by Vikram Sarabhai as a unique industry-sponsored technology institution; Ralegaon Siddhi transformed by ex-army man Anna Hazare; the eucalyptus plantation movement inspired by Vinayak Rao Patil; and the SBI monolith as the prime mover of development banking under the stewardship of R.K.Talwar. following the glimpses of the organizations and the work of six leaders, the paper attempts to understand their role in a theoretical perspective distilling from disparate leadership conceptions and abstractions of John Kotter (distinction between leadership and management), Ake Philips (the intensity of purpose animating the leaders to act as “souls of fire”). Sooklal (leaders as “brokers of dreams”) Roger Harrison (leadership as involving creation of not only passion but also harmony) and Richard de Charms (notion of “origins” and “pawns”). The paper highlights the centrality of institution building in perpetuating the continuity of the best and the brightest of approaches, practices and norms initiated by them. The lasting tribute to leaders is that the culture, institutions and practices set in motion by them persist long after their own departure from the organizational scene. Whereas these organizations move on the imprints of these leaders continue to animate them.

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Working Papers | 1994

Existence of a Pareto Optimal Equal Loss Allocation in Pure Distribution Problems

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper we show, that for a large class of pure distribution problems, embedded in a very general framework, a Pareto optimal equal loss allocation exists.

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Working Papers | 1994

Institution Building: Intrepreneurship in Academe

Thomas P S

Somehow, manufacturing doesn't seem to grow naturally into a potential field of distinction for IIMA as other areas an uphill struggle. During the 1980s, the author found himself informally engaged in precisely such an effort. While much has been achieved there is still a long way to go before IIMA becomes synonymous with industrial management. The author's purpose is to look back and recount those incidents from his personal experience as a research associates at IIMA from the mid-70s onwards to which some present day situations vis-à-vis “industrial management” can be traced. Among these are the origins of manufacturing policy and Japanese management, including just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing at IIMA. The visit of Harvard University President Derek C.Bok at the time of IIM's Silver Jubilee celebrations is also touched upon. The author concludes by pointing to a need to change the concept of the Institute and to strike a balance between the teaching of placement friendly courses and those such as manufacturing where management innovations are rife. The challenge is to plant the seeds of a synthesis in PGP so as to reap benefits in MDPs, research and even consulting.

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Working Papers | 1994

A Note on Axiomatic Characterization of the Nash Bargaining Solutions

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper, to begin with we present a generalization of the independence of irrelevant expansions assumption to the situation with an arbitrary yet finite number of players, and with the help of a comparatively simpler proof than the one suggested by Thomas (19981), we uniquely characterize the Nash bargaining solution. In a recent paper, Lahiri (1993) introduces the concept of a shift for bargaining problems. A shift for a bargaining problem amounts to a displacement of the origin to a point in the nonnegative orthant of a finite dimensional Euclidean space (in which the bargaining problem is defined) so as to reduce the original problem to a new one consisting only of those points that weakly Pareto dominate the new origin. A characterization of Nash bargaining solution is also obtained in this paper using a convexity assumption. A related version of this convexity assumption and a similar characterization theorem can be found in Chun and Thomson (1990) and Peters (1992). An intermediate property used in the latter characterization called localization, which can be found in Peters (1992) is similar in spirit to the independence of irrelevant alternatives assumption. We also obtain a characterization of the Nash solution, by relaxing this localization property and invoking Pareto continuity.

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Working Papers | 1994

Malaysias Privatisation Programme

Dholakia Bakul H and Ravindra H. Dholakia

Malaysia is among the first few developing countries that launched a large scale programme of privatisation of public enterprises. Malaysia's experience of formulating and implementing the privatisation programme is generally hailed as a success story. An attempt has been made in this paper to examine success story. An attempt has been made in this paper to examine various aspects of Malaysia's privatisation programme, such as the objectives of privatisation policy, methods of privatisation, issues in implementation of privatisation programme and the impact of privatisation programme on the Malaysian economy.

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