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Working Papers | 1993

Constrained Equilibrium Prices Under Fixed Rationing of Commodities

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper we prove the existence, restricted efficiency and incremental fairness of constrained equilibrium allocations.

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Working Papers | 1993

Recent Policies for Rural Banking by Commercial Banks

Desai B M

This paper discusses three recent policy changes for rural banking by the commercial banks. It first discusses likely impact of these policy changes. It then presents rationale for promoting rural banking infrastructure. Next it discusses existing and potential operations of the rural branches of the commercial banks. Based on these discussions it identifies three policy alternatives and recommends a better alternative to the one pursued by the GOI and the RBI.

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Working Papers | 1993

Generalized Dreze-Muller Equilibrium: Some Rationing Scheme in a Distribution Economy

Lahiri Somdeb

Here we view rationing as an instrument available in the hands of a social planner to effect a more equitable distribution of goods. We introduce a separate currency (like a coupon) alongside money, and both money as well as this auxiliary currency are used in the purchase of commodities. It is precisely in this framework that we study existence, and fairness of alternative rationing schemes.

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Working Papers | 1993

Education for Social Action the Fellowship Programme in Social Management

Vijaya Sherry Chand

The Fellowship Programme in Social Management, run by a non-governmental organization, aims at training development workers. It can be located within the tradition of non-formal educational experiments which try to develop a 'pedagogy of the oppressed'. The paper describes the model of education developed by the programme – the pedagogical assumptions, the integration of theoretical knowledge and the affective elements of learning in the context of both the individual and the group, and the development of the curriculum. The paper concludes that such experiments, while not providing solutions to the problems of the formal educational system, open up dialogue on the creation of a democratic theory of education. Such a theory implies an open teacher-taught relationship, and highlights the need for reflective educational institutions. Finally, the paper stresses the need for a democratic system of education to promote academic excellence and social justice, from the primary level upwards.

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Working Papers | 1993

School Drop-Outs as Bare-Foot Veterinarians Education Project

Vijaya Sherry Chand

This paper is based on the experience of a non-governmental organization in educating 113 school drop-outs as 'bare-foot' veterinarians in the tribal areas of Gujarat. The pedagogy focussed on 'unlearning' and countering certain internalized stereotypes like 'backwardness' in order to make a meaningful integration of theoretical knowledge and experiential learning possible. The development of the curriculum for the programme involved a combining of local material and cultural practices with external technologies in order to evolve blended material practices. Locating the latter in appropriate institutions was equally important. The paper develops a framework for understanding the content and context of learning and research in such educational projects which deal with people with minimum qualifications. While learning at the individual level is no doubt important, group-learning methodologies are especially relevant in order to understand the merging group technologies and to locate them in appropriate institutions. Developing 'reflexivity' is equally important for monitoring the context of learning.

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Working Papers | 1993

First Estimates of Stock of Capital at State Level and Data Gaps in India

Ravindra H. Dholakia

In the present paper the methodology and data sources to construct estimates of capital stock as on March 31, 1961 for 15 major state economies in India are described pointing out gaps in the availability of required data. The estimates of capital stock at state level in India are also presented by three broad sectors: primary, secondary and tertiary for the year 1960-61.

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Working Papers | 1993

Psychology and the Challenge of the Postmodern Condition

Giri Ananta

We are living in the midst of very fundamental processes of transformation which are global in nature and which touch almost all the domains of our lives, transforming both the contours of our lives and the horizons of our culture. Postmodernism refer to those processes of transformation, which challenge the discourse and organization of modernity, and which strive to create a more meaningful world for the human beings. Postmodernism not only challenges the way we imagine state and society, self and subjectivity in our contemporary world, it is also challenges the way we construct our sciences and the methods we use to make sense of the human condition. The present paper briefly describes the processes of postmodern transformation and then their implication for the way we imagine issues in psychology.

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Working Papers | 1993

Indian Economic Forecast: 1 September, 1993

Rastogi A B

Is 1993-94 a reform holiday to build a consensus in the country and a stronger political resolve to undertake a fresh EFF form 1994-95? A battery of committees suggests that, though the government has postponed the EFF negotiations until after the 1993-94 budget, the government is going to announce further reforms in the trade sector and political commitment to reforms. The Government's balancing act of stimulating economic activity and pursuing structural reform, coping with political tensions means that economy has gone into a transition phase. Notwithstanding the decline in the pace of reforms a 'silent revolution' in attitude towards a market friendly economic system is taking place in India.

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Working Papers | 1993

Human Development 1993 - Where do We Go From Here?

T. V. Rao

The UNDP Human Development Report of 1993 ranks India 134 out of a total of 173 countries. This raises serious questions about India's human development policies and procedures. This paper attempts to examine India's position in relation to other Asian countries on different dimensions of human development. Particularly literacy, life expectancy, science and technological capabilities, women's development are included in this comparison. On the basis of an examination of the experiences of other countries a number of strategies are drawn. The strategies drawn here are based on a survey of literature carried out by the author at the Institute of Development Studies, University of Susses, England and supported by the Commonwealth Secretariat, London.

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Working Papers | 1993

The Attribution Process in Person Perception: An Attributional Analysis of Success and Failure

Muncherji Nina B

How can we understand an individual? To understand him, there are several different sources of information, for e.g. his physical characteristics or collecting information indirectly through his friends and acquaintances, or else we may observe his over actions. Attribution refers to the process through which we seek to understand others' major traits and the causes behind their behaviour. Here an attempt has been made to study the causal attribution for services and failure of 37 Middle Management Executives with regard to a particular situation and to find out whether self serving Bias' is found within the group.

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