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Working Papers | 1991

Indian Technology Policy: Use of New & Traditional Technologies

Moulik T K

The debate on Technology Policy in India is not a recent phenomenon. The Indian Technology Policy has tried to maintain a balance between the anti-modern technological view of Gandhian philosophy and new modern technologies. The net result is pluralization of society in terms of benefits gained by different parts of society from different levels of technologies.

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Working Papers | 1991

Valid Inequalities and Facets for the Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem with Changeover Costs

Sastry Trilochan

We study a scheduling problem with costs and capacity constraints. The problem is NP-complete and combinatorial algorithms have not been very successful. We identify a general class of facets which subsumes as a special case all facets described earlier. We also develop a cutting plane based procedure for the dynamic version of the problem, and solve problem instances with up to 1200 integer variables to optimality without resorting to branch and bound procedures.

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Working Papers | 1991

Two Characterizations of the Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives Assumption

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper we propose alternative characterizations of the Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA) assumption, as conceived in bargaining theory. We provide two distinct characterizations, which, allows us to view both the deficiencies as well as the advantages of the IIA axiom from a new angle.

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Working Papers | 1991

An Evaluation of Farmers Price Expectation Process

Naik Gopal and Babu K R

Most dynamic models involve expectation of one or more variables. Existence of several expectation hypotheses, none of them being preeminent for all situations, makes it difficult to choose an expectation process while building models. In this context it would be helpful if empirical validity of different hypotheses is available for broad categories or situations. This study is aimed at evaluating farmers expectation process in terms of different hypotheses available. Here, the land allocation to chilly crop is assumed to be primarily based on expectation of subsequent prices. The resultant model from different expectation hypotheses are fitted on the acreage under chilly crop. Also, four different types of price indices for the period 1948-50 to 1988-89 are used to estimate and test the models. The best fit model is selected based on R2, Amemiya Prediction Criteria (APC) and forecast accuracy measured by Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The actual best fit model (ideal model) for price is also identified using the above criteria and compared with the best expectation model used by farmers to assess the accuracy of the expectation form used. The results indicates that the extrapolative model proposed by Turnovsky is the best model for explaining farmers' expectations. This model also seems to be the ideal model for forecasting prices, especially for the recent years.

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Working Papers | 1991

Deterministic Lot-Size Inventory Model When Delay in Payments are Permissible for a System with Two Storage Facilities

Shah Nitin and Shah Y K

In this paper a mathematical model of the economic order quantity with two storage facilities for single item has been considered under the condition that when the fixed delay in payments are permissible by the supplier. In practice, however, supplier allows some fixed delay in settling the account after receiving goods, and no interest charges are payable on the out-standing as longs as the account is settled within the specified delay period. The inventory system under consideration does not have sufficient space to accommodate the on-hand inventory. In such situation W units are stored at Own Warehouse (OW), and excess inventory is required to be kept in Rented Warehouse (RW). The holding costs at RW are higher as compared to OW. In this paper an attempt is made to analyse: a) when the system has both the warehouses facilities to accommodate the order quantity; b) when the OW has large capacity to store the on-hand inventory; c) when one does not wish to take RW services and stores maximum of OW capacity; and d) when simple EOQ model of single storage systems. The system suggest that when to hire RW services for more profitability among the given four alternatives. An expression for optimal order quantity is derived for all the above cases with an example to illustrate the methodology.

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Working Papers | 1991

A Market Share Approach to Pricing Commodity Exports

Naik Gopal and Asopa V N

In this paper a market share model is developed for formulating appropriate export strategies for commodities by exporting countries. Assuming individual consumer in an importing country makes discrete choice regarding the source of a commodity or product depending on his/her perception of quality of the commodity or product from each sources and their prices, the aggregate demand of the importing country for each source is obtained. Based on this a market share model is developed assuming logistic distribution for the utilities. This market share model can be used by an exporting country to examine whether there is a premium or discount for its product/commodity and its magnitude which will help in determining (i) the relationship between relative prices and market share (ii) the level of price at which the country can earn maximum foreign exchange. This would help in formulating appropriate policies to influence freight-on-board (fob) prices thereby aligning with the changing international trade scene so as to effectively compete in the preferred markets to retain or increase market share which would maximize export earnings. The applicability of the model is illustrated using fennel seed export from India as an example.

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Working Papers | 1991

Metric Rationalization of Bargaining Solutions and Respect for Unanimity

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper we represent bargaining solutions by means of a metric which is defined on games, whereby the solutions are precisely those payoffs which are closest to being unanimously highest. Subsequently we study the properties of “welfare optimal rules” and rationalizability of bargaining solutions by symmetric metrics. This latter condition leads to anonymous bargaining solutions which satisfy “metric respect for unanimity”.

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Working Papers | 1991

Canada-India Investment Promotion and Transfer of Technology with Special Reference to the Role of Joint Ventures in Retrospect and Prospect

Bhatt M C

This paper attempts to identify areas which offer good prospects for Indo-Canadian cooperation based on a study of industries where the existence of a 5-20 year technological gap makes Canadian technology particularly appropriate. It is argued that the Free Trade Zones (FTZ) and 100% Export Oriented Scheme (EOS) create a particularly favourable climate for technology transfer and that opportunity for collaboration also exists through Third Country projects.

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Working Papers | 1991

Monotonicity of Compromise Solutions with Respect to the Claims Point

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper we establish that a family of well-known normed compromise solutions for two-person claims problems respond appropriately to changes in the claims point.

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Working Papers | 1991

Cutting Plane Based Methods for Integer Programs

Sastry Trilochan

We develop a general cutting plane based paradigm for three standard problems: lot-sizing, plant location and general network design, with and without capacity constraints. Other methods for solving these problems like branch and bound and Lagrangean relaxation have not performed well in all cases. We explore some theoretical and computational issues. These methods have wide ranging applications in road and rail transport network designs, irrigation systems and communication networks.

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