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Working Papers | 1990

Trade Union Praxis -2 Macropraxis of Alienation - Politicolegal Framework of Industrial Relations

Joseph Jerome

A deeper understanding of the context of the macropraxis of alienation would be facilitated if there is an awareness of the modalities of the politicolegal framework of industrial relations in the Indian socio-economic formation. This paper, therefore, examines key procedural legislative enactments related to employer and employee rights in the context of industrial relations.

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Working Papers | 1990

Trade Union Praxis -3 Macropraxis of Alienation - Work Organizational Structures and Processes

Joseph Jerome

Man-in-the world becomes man-at-the-world through acting on the world. It is this "action-reflection" on the world we can call "work" or "labour". Work being the central reference point of human history, the structure and modalities of work organization in the context of a particular mode of production constitutes the micropraxis of alienation. This paper examines the modalities of work organizational structures and processes in feudal, capitalist and socialist modes of production.

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Working Papers | 1990

Trade Union Praxis -4 Modalities of the Alienation of the Working Class

Joseph Jerome

The praxis of work organizations is linked inextricably with the politicoeconomic context of the larger society in which the organization is located. The organizational structures and processes given the relations of production constitute the alienation of activity whether it is a capitalist, socialist or a mixed economy. It is within the above framework that this paper tries to examine the implication of the alienation of activity for the alienation of labour. The paper will also examine whether the modalities of alienation vary depending upon the profile of the socio-economic formation within which alienation is experienced.

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Working Papers | 1990

Trade Union Praxis -5 Praxis of Disalienation Worker Organizational Processes

Joseph Jerome

The argument that the alienation of the worker impels him to participate in trade unions calls for an analysis of the modalities of trade unionism given the socio-economic formation and the concomitant work organizations in a given context. This paper makes an attempt to assess whether trade unions are part of the praxis of alienation or the praxis of disalienation of the working classes.

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Working Papers | 1990

Trade Union Praxis -6 Role of Trade Unions in Society

Joseph Jerome

This paper re-examines the role of trade unions in society utilizing the framework of the praxis of alienation. The concepts of "fundamental" alienation and "peripheral" alienation help in clarifying the praxis of trade unionism.

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Working Papers | 1990

Cooperatives and Rationalisation of Indian Agriculture

Gupta V K and Gajanana T M

Indian economy is still predominantly agrarian and over 70 per cent of the workforce is still engaged in agriculture. Small and marginal farmers predominate the agricultural scenario in India. However, relative neglect of agriculture in the recent past has resulted in its dwindling share in net national product (NDP). This decline has been the result of declining productivity of agricultural inputs. Investment in agriculture (as is evident from gross capital fomation (GCF) in agriculture) has also declined considerable during the 80s. Added to this is the adverse terms of trade and the growing unemployment in agriculture. Further, share of agriculture in total export earnings has also been going down. However, production and productivity requirements are going to be of a high order by 2000 A.D. In such a deterirating situation, rationalization of Indian agriculture becomes very important. An attempt is made in this paper to examine as to how cooperatives can arrest this trend and bring prosperity to farmers besides accelerating the pace of economic development.

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Working Papers | 1990

Diffusion of Improved Chula Technology: Strategies and Policies

Moulik T K and Mehta Swati

The National Project on Improved Chulhas has been taken up by the Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources with a view to reducing deforestation and meeting the cooking energy crisis particularly in the rural areas. The Project is designed as a programme for women for mitigating their drudgery and health hazards and also saving precious fuel in the bargain. The project also provides local employment opportunities for the persons who will be involved in the construction and maintenance of the chulha. India is know for unity in diversity. The diversity exists in every walk of life, right from cultural habits to languages. 'Food habits' are no exception. We find differences in tastes, foods, cooking habits etc. In this context, it is necessary to have different chulhas according to different needs. Various design of chulhas have been approved by the DNES having thermal efficiency above 20%. Under the project, which has a multi-model and multi-agency approach, several models of improved chulhas, both fixed and portable type, which have been approved by the DNES, are being demonstrated and installed all over the country through the Nodal agencies/Departments identified by the State Governments. The improved chulha programme has established itself as a symbol of scientific and technological development reaching even the poorest household in the country.

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Working Papers | 1990

Optimal Ordering and Inspection Policies when the Incoming Lots are Subjected to Sampling Inspection

Rao P Poornachandra

In this paper a mathematical model has been developed in which the interactions of Economic Order Quantities with quality control policies have been considered. The incoming lots of an inventory system are assumed to be subjected to single sample inspection plan. Expressions for optimal order quantities and inspections policies have been developed assuming the probability distribution function of fraction defective in an incoming lot is uniformly distributed. A numerical example has been provided to illustrate the model.

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Working Papers | 1990

Planning and Management for Excellence and Efficiency in Higher Education

T. V. Rao

Higher education has multiple goals of character building for social development, skill building for national development and teacher competency building for education development. Higher education today faces many challenges some of these include balancing between quantitative and qualitative aspects of education, increasing enrolment and at the same time providing employment, coping with fast changing technologies and incorporating them in the curricula, having systems of internal governance that encourages innovativeness, reluctance of client systems to participate in improving education and simultaneously growing expectations from higher education etc. In this paper it is proposed that Faculty Development and Institutional Leadership are two important keys to the excellence and efficiency in higher education. This paper highlights some of the current practices of educational planning and their limitations. The Paper also makes suggestions for professionalisation of management and administration of higher education and points out to the areas of international cooperation.

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Working Papers | 1990

Institution Building and Self Renewal Needs of Education Systems

T. V. Rao

A large number of educational institutions have become static, rigid, complacent and change-resistant. This is because they have not paid adequate attention to their own internal culture, values and processes from the beginning of their existence. They have also not established any mechanisms for self-renewal or competency development HRD of their staff. This paper attempts to highlight the need for institutionalising various processes and mechanisms that may make educational institutions more dynamic, purposeful, cost-effective and effective. Paying attention to goals, values and institutional culture; conducting self-renewal exercises periodically; paying attention to internal HRD; enhancing accountability through individual activity plans, performance appraisals and participant evaluation procedures; establishing and renewing environmental linkages and having courage to liquidate defunct units and departments are some of the ways in which education systems can be strengthened and made effective. The paper also presents a check-list of institution building and self-renewal capabilities of educational institutions.

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