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Working Papers | 1984

Why Dont We Learn?

Anil K. Gupta

Rural development is essentially a process of widening decision-making options of the majority of the poor. Creating choices without generating capacity to act might impair learning abilities of both, who create choices and also those who have to exercise these. Development agents, institutions and organizations often recognize after the fact that they failed to keep track of their learning vis-à-vis the learning of those with/for whom they worked. Cost of their learning is paid for by the poor who learn sometimes to be helpless. This paper lists certain aspects of mutual-monitoring for appropriate learning at both the ends. Development experimentation involves costs which are often paid by those who benefit least from it. Policy planners seem to know all about why developmental programmes fail and yet we have not learnt to be impatient with failures? Why don't we lean! How do we learn from those who have learned to live with our ignorance! The paper lists a few theorems on monitoring and learning besides identifying areas of future research.

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Working Papers | 1984

Issues for Research on Rural Development in South Asia

Anil K. Gupta

There has been tremendous upsurge in writings on rural development during last decade. Incidentally the economic policies followed during this period in various countries of South Asia have intensified interventions has been not to resolve these contradictions, instead to contain them or dilute their implications which might destabilise the social structure. Academists have contributed to this situation but pursuing answers to the social problems defined in the same paradigm in which planners have done so. I have tried to dispute this tendency in rural development research by identifying few key areas in which dominant research paradigm needed to be radically altered. These areas are as follows: a) Rogesian vice in literature on technology generation and diffusion, b) Standardised design of institutions and organizations to serve dissimilar ecological concepts, c) Excessive reliance on credit as instrument of mobilising technological change without in any way modifying the package, d) Neglect of small farming and landless household in dry regions which failed to attract market forces, bureaucracy, academist and political attention, all alike. E) Growth centres bias in investment policies which like other policies rested on the assumption of trickle down. F) Training methodologies which were highly alienated from the real life problem context (as illustrated by excessive emphasis on PERT/CPM) and g) Recnet revival of international concern towards so called 'wastelands' and their privatization. Some other areas that need attention are: what should be the structure of district collectorate for 2000 AD, sole of collector and non-official bodies in local level planning. A greater debate is needed on this subject to redefine priorities in research and action.

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Working Papers | 1984

Vinchur Handloom Weavers Cooperative Society: A Case Study

Shingi P M

This paper, based on the detailed study of a village level handloom cooperative, brings out various dimensions in relation to the survival of a handloom industry. The major finding of the study is that extremely low level of wages given to the handloom weavers is the major reason why the weavers are leaving handloom and entering into other trades which promise them relatively more income.

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Working Papers | 1984

Manufacturing Resources Planning - A Study

Korgaonkar M G

The working paper on 'Manufacturing Resources Planning' or in short MRP-II present a study of one of the most significant software developments to have taken place in the field of Manufacturing Management in recent years. MRP-II can be regarded as a successor to an earlier development called Materials Requirement Planning (MRP). Details of MRP-II framework are discussed as applicable to process industry, repetitive manufacture and batch processing industry. Further, salient aspects concerning planning, organization and implementation of MRP-II projects are highlighted. Prerequisites of MRP-II including behavioral considerations are also considered. Essentially modular in concepts, MRP-II is a highly integrative approach which seeks to encompass almost the entire gamut of planning and control of production operations.

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Working Papers | 1984

Indian Business Houses and Entrepreneurship: A Note on Research Trends

Tripathi Dwijendra

The working paper is the survey of the work done in relation to large Indian business houses. It suggests the areas of further research and also a strategy for research in Indian entrepreneurial behaviour.

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Working Papers | 1984

On the Estimation of Elasticity in Economics

Das Gupta A and Misra P N

For the measurement of elasticity, given two observations of a bivariate relationship, the arc elasticity formula has been traditionally used by economists and statisticians. However, no proper statistical justification for this procedure exists in the literature. In this paper measures of elasticity on an arc are derived using widely accepted statistical criteria such as the minimum absolute deviation criterion and the least squares criterion. It is shown that in the linear bivariate case the minimum absolute deviation elasticity is the arc elasticity. However, the formulae according to the least squares criterion and other criteria differ from arc elasticity even in the linear case. A numerical comparison of formulae is also provided and these are assessed on the basis of a 'goodness of fit' statistic developed for this purpose.

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Working Papers | 1984

Household Energy Behaviour and Urban Development: The Case of Ahmedabad

Ganapathy R S and Norman Kent L

Energy is a key input to meet the basic needs of human beings like food, clothing and shelter. Household energy behaviour needs to be understood for ensuring individual and social well being. The urban household energy use in India is critical because of the wide variations in the quantity of energy use among the socioeconomic and ethnic groups residing in a city. This paper develops a conceptual framework and describes a case study of household energy behaviour in Ahmedabad, a major Indian city. In the context of the energy profile of the city, household energy is assessed from the demand and supply sides. A survey of three hundred households and secondary data analysis was done. The results link energy consumption to cooking patterns, technology and source availability. Three scenarios for the household energy use in year 2001 are constructed and policy instruments and programmes to achieve a desirable scenario that is sustainable, equitable and efficient, are developed. Some general policy options are also discussed.

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Working Papers | 1984

PLC: State-of-the-art Review

Nathan S V

Two decades of discussion has still to clear the fog surrounding the validity of the PLC concept. This paper reviews available evidence, and attempts to identify some of the issues that PLC researchers need to address. Literature pertaining to the following dimensions of the PLC concept have been examined: a) Empirical investigations b) Theoretical investigations c) Managerial applications of the PLC concept d) PLC in international trade. Finally, PLC has been evaluated as a theory. The conclusion is that the PLC concept falls substantially short of fulfilling the requirements of a theory. This will be possible only if hypotheses for PLC patters that are product-specific, market-specific, and time-specific, can be proposed and tested. These will have to include provisions for variations in PLCs, in response to changes in exogenous variables.

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Working Papers | 1984

Marketing of Oilseeds and Oils in India: Present and Future

Srivastava Uma Kant and Sah Abhay

The gap between demand and supply of edible oils in India has been widening over the years and have resulted in rising prices of edible oils. This paper illustrates the working of intermediaries in the terms of quantities handled, costs, margins, and working capital in various stages. It also looks at the role of marketing in the intensive development of non-traditional sources of oilseeds in the coming years. Working capital tied up in the production comes to Rs. 766.50 crores which accounts to Rs. 1.35/kg. of seed and Rs. 4.83/kg. of oil. The break-up of crop loan to farmers for groundnut production is not available in the Basic Statistical Returns published by the Reserve Bank of India. But based on our discussions with the knowledgeable persons, we could find that the percentage of bank finance (crop loan) available to farmers compared to their total requirement is not substantial. Coming to trade in seed, processing of seed for oil and cake, and marketing of oil, we find that Rs. 84.06 crores is tied-up. If one looks at the average production and quantity handled by for the years 1978-79 to 1980-81, working capital tied-up comes to 17 paise in terms of per kg. of seed, and 66 paise in terms of oil. The total bank finance for groundnut seed and oil accounts to about 17.01 percent of the money used by the trade after the seed has been disposed by the farmers. This clearly indicates that very liberal finance to farmers must be made available to facilitate higher yields and production of groundnut. It is here that the non-availability of bank finance makes a major difference in terms of net margins. At the same time if the farmer has sufficient financial support, he can sell the produce directly to the millers or cooperative societies. Moreover, similar facilities and mode of financing should be made available to the farmers engaged in cultivating other oilseeds. If steps are not taken by the trade to ensure remunerative prices to farmers, more and more government intervention may follow. It may take various forms such as direct controls (price and non-price), further curtailment of credit facilities to private trade and processing, and encouragement to cooperative oilseed marketing federations.

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Working Papers | 1984

Lease Evaluation-Yet Again

Ragunathan V

The paper provides a new decision rule for evaluating lease proposals. In doing so, it also explains why the decision rule suggested is superior to those suggested by other authors hitherto. The paper also discusses at length the debate of whether leasing is an investment or a financing decision and provides fresh insight into the issue. In the process, the paper also makes it clear as to why leasing can not be a replacements for debt.

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