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Working Papers | 1984

Cognitive Algebra of Exam Performance: Tests of Hypothesis of Cultural Difference, task Difficulty, and Imputations

Singh Ramadhar

In a series of six experiments, prediction of exam performance from information about motivation and ability as well as about motivation alone or ability alone of students was studied. The factorial plot of the Motivation x Ability effect always yielded the parallelism pattern with subjects from both student and nonstudent populations. Manipulation of difficulty of exam did not alter this parallelism pattern. Results agreed with the hypothesis of cultural difference between the adding and constant-weight averaging rules disclosed a developmental trend: High school and undergraduate college students followed the averaging rule; post-graduate students followed the adding rule. Establishment of these rules allowed analyses of imputations about missing information. The conventional distinguishing tests which rely on just one of the two heterogeneous types of information were found to be more useful in analyses of imputation rules than in diagnosis of cognitive algebra. Manipulation of information reliability disclosed presence of two initial opinions, one about motivation and another about ability, contrary to the finding of one initial opinion in American students.

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Working Papers | 1984

The Art and Science of Identification of Agricultural Research Projects of the ICAR: Some Observations

Gupta Tirath

The paper deals with the procedures and practice of identifying operational research projects (ORPs) sponsored by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), and the ORP areas. It is based on case studies of three ORPs implemented in 1974 in different States of the Indian Union by the agricultural universities/research institutions. On the basis of available quantitative and qualitative data upto the year 1980-81, it has been concluded that at least in two out of three cases the ORP areas were not identified with the deserved and desired care so as to meet the stated objectives. More importantly, it appeared that these were not ORPs but agricultural research projects in the usual sense of the term. This implied that the main objective of identifying the socio-economic constraints in transferring a tested technology to the field conditions could just not be achieved. One of the issues raised is whether the scientists and the administration of agricultural universities look at the ORPs as comparatively convenient avenues for finding research funds. To be able to find solutions to the problems the role of multidisciplinary teams from the stage of writing a project proposal, and the role of the ICAR and administration of the agricultural universities have been discussed.

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Working Papers | 1984

Analysis of Rice Production and Productivity in Eastern India

Desai D K

The problem of low productivity of rice in Eastern India is currently being discussed among the policy makers, academicians and technologists. This paper attempts to analyse the date of rice production, are and productivity of Eastern India and individual states for a period of 1971-72 to 1981-82. The low productivity is the result of the slow adoption of high yielding varieties which points to the fact that the varieties evolved are not suitable for the area or proper rice technology is not evolved. The analysis of district data indicates that there are few districts with positive growth rates and a large number of districts with negative growth rates of productivity. A comparative study of these two groups of districts will reveal factors which govern low productivity in the region. Because of the analysis of the district data, it was possible to identify the districts in the two groups. It is suggested that a research project be undertaken in the selected districts of the two groups to identify factors governing the low productivity and to suggest measures to policy makers, development agencies and research agencies to improve productivity and enhance production.

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Working Papers | 1984

Role of Public Enterprises in Backward Regions Generating Peasants Perspectives?

Gupta Ramesh

To prevent accentuation of regional imbalances, the role of public enterprises in backward region is well recognized in most developing countries. However the exact processes through which such a development could match the expectation of rural poor in these regions remains ambiguous. The growth centre bias in such policies is strongly disputed in this paper. In part one, the dynamics of backwardness with specific reference to semi-arid drought prone regions is discussed. The key ecological characteristics of such regions along with various risk-adjustment efforts of peasants are mentioned. In next part the contradictions between public policies implemented though state enterprise and the household characteristics are discussed. Major problems listed are: Inappropriateness of demand based organization in regions where very feeble demand base exists; sedentary organizations ill equipped to deal with mobile populations, absence of popular protest misinterpreted as a sign of popular tolerance or satisfaction etc. Specific illustrations of commercial Bank Branch Expansions policy, viability norms for milk routes in dairy development policy, inequitous cost sharing norms of cooperative services, uniform agricultural extension personnel for regions with different population

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Working Papers | 1984

Technological Innovations in a National Laboratory in India: A Case Study

Chaudhari Shekhar

This paper gives a historical account of a major technological innovation in India. The technology was developed in a national laboratory and successfully transferred and commercialised by public sector corporation and promoted by one of the state governments. This paper focuses mainly on the managerial processes involved in the innovation. The innovation process was found to be an extremely complex one with a large number of organizations involved in it at different points in time. The laboratory faced a number of problems as a result of a high degree of uncertainty in the government's policy towards it, a hostile external environment and a lack of credibility with its external constituencies. The total innovation process could be categorised into three stages on the basis of the dominant managerial orientation; (i) entrepreneurial, (ii) reactive-muddling through and (iii) Planned-learning. The planned-learning mode seemed to be superior to the other two. A number of factors associated with the managerial actions seem to have aided in the success of the innovation. These were : (i) the presence of a product champion during the most of the technology development stage, (ii) continued support of the project by the Director-in-charge of the laboratory after the departure of the product by the Director-in-charge of the laboratory after the departure of the product champion, (iii) strong commitment of the technology development team based on pride in indigenous technology, (iv) effective relationship developed by the product champion with the key decision makers in government, (v) close association with the team of committed consultants for a considerably long period of time.

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Working Papers | 1984

Multi-Item Inventory with Multiple Restrictions

Tripathy Arabinda

The normal procedure to deal with multi-item inventory situation with restrictions is to obtain the e.c.q. of all items individually and to check for violation of restrictions assuming that the replenishment of all the items may occur simultaneously. In case of violation of restrictions the problem is solved by using the well known lagrangean multiplier method. The lagrangean multiplier method is quite tedious even for one restriction and results in only fifty percent utilization of the constrained resource. The equal order interval for multi-item inventory with one restriction results in more than fifty percent utilization of the constrained resource and it is also computationally very simple. The principle of equal order interval has been used here for two restrictions situation and an working procedure for the same has been evolved.

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Working Papers | 1984

The Minimum Weight Rooted Aborescence Problem: A Branch and Bound Solution

V. Venkata Rao and Ginnia L F Mc

A Subgraph S of a rooted acyclic graph G is called a rooted arborescence if (a) S contains the root as one of its vertices, (2) S is connected, and (3) No two arcs of S are directed towards the same vertex. This paper studies the problem of finding a minimum weight rooted arborescence in a rooted acyclic graph with weights on nodes. This problem is related to the incapacitated plant location problem. A branch and bound method is developed for this problem, and computational results are reported.

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Working Papers | 1984

A Need for Location Specific Rice Research in India

Desai D K

This paper pertains to the problems of agricultural research management in India. Rice research has not yielded results of the same order as wheat research. The paper goes into the details of rice production, area and productivity by different states and districts. In the analysis of the growth-rates of production and productivity of different rice-growing districts, it was possible to identify high-production and high productivity growth-rate districts vis-à-vis high production and low productivity growth-rate districts. A conclusion is drawn that different kinds of rice varieties were needed for high-production-low productivity districts. This can be done through a location specific research. Right kind of policy formulation has to be developed to undertake location specific research. It is through the research policies that mini-agro-climatic areas would be taken into consideration while evolving varieties and practices for rice. The socio-economic factors effecting the recommendations of rice research will have to be studied and efforts would be required to be made to either remove socio-economic constraints or to take these factors into account in research where it is not possible to remove the constraints.

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Working Papers | 1984

Mid-Term Appraisal of the Sixth Plan: Why Poverty Allevation Lags Behind

Paul Samuel

This paper presents an analysis of the performance of India's poverty alleviation programmes during the first three years of the Sixth Five Year Plan based on the mid term appraisal published by the Planning Commission. In relative terms, our poverty alleviation programmes have performed much less satisfactorily than the conventional economic and infrastructure programmes and sectors. This paper then examines the underlying causes and argues that the orientation and process of Indian planning must be changed radically in order for our poverty alleviation strategies and programmes to perform better.

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Working Papers | 1984

A Profile of Voluntary Health Effort in Gujarat

Subramanian Ashok K and Mehta Mona

The role of voluntary (non governmental, non profit) agencies has been increasingly realised as significant, particularly in the organization and delivery of social services. Their contributions in functions and areas where the governmental system does not or cannot make an impact have now been recognized. This paper presents a profile of voluntary health agencies in the state of Gujarat. It is based on a survey of about 100 such agencies in the state. The paper discusses the pattern of distribution of voluntary agencies in the state, their services and reach. Their work in relation to the state is also discussed.

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