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Working Papers | 1979

Effect of Sexual Illustrations on Brandy Product Recall: An Experimental Study

Mehta Subhash C

This research study has attempted to experimentally measure effect of sexual illustrations on brand-product recall. The study is an extension of the work done by M. Steadman and M.W. Alexander and Ben Judd, Jr. Published in Journal of Advertising Research of February 1969 and March 1978 respectively. The study seriously questions the validity of the conclusions arrived at by these authors. The experiment was conducted in a laboratory where 70 subjects in small groups of 10 each were exposed to slide projections of non-sexual ads and sexual ads specially prepared for this research. Later the recall of brands-products and their ability to associate these with the illustration were measured. The recall rates were also co-related with the sex of the subjects and their extent of westernization measured through administration of especially constructed instrument for this purpose. The major findings of the research are: 1. Human illustrations are more effective than landscape scenes. 2. Sexual illustrations are more effective for products where use of sex is consistent with the nature of the product. 3. Female sexual illustrations are more effective when ad is directed towards women. 4. Extreme sexual exposure is recommended only for highly westernized audience. In most cases advertiser would be better off using moderate (or lesser) sexual exposure, consonant with the values of the audience.

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Working Papers | 1979

Housing Conditions and Housing Shortage in India - An Interstate Analysis

Dholakia Bakul H

This paper makes an attempt to examine the existing housing conditions and quantify the extent of housing shortage in Indian economy. The main objectives of the study are: (a) to examine the growth and composition of housing stock; (b) to estimate the extent of housing shortage using alternative criteria; (c) to forecast the likely magnitude of housing shortage in the years 1980-81 and 1990-91 and (d) to examine the overall investment implications of the housing policy aiming at eliminating the housing shortage by 1990-91. The study covers the period from 1960-61 onwards. The analysis of housing conditions and housing shortage is made separately for rural and urban areas at the state level.

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Working Papers | 1979

Management of Decentralised Sector: A Conceptual Framework

Balakrishnan K and Dholakia Nikhilesh

Decentralised industrial sectors are important features of the economies of most of the developing countries. This paper provides a contextual definition to the key words "decentralised" and "sector", explains the rationale for setting up decentralised sectors, and illustrates the employment and developmental significance of such sectors in the Indian context. It further attempts to help formulate the objectives and strategies for such sectors. The problems in striking an optimal balance among developmental, commercial and regulatory goals are highlighted. The features of the multiple organizational set up for managing such sectors and the unifying role played by centralized financial assistance are pointed out. The conceptual framework also attempts to illustrate an operating scheme by which the various functions like marketing, finance, organization, etc can be split into purely commercial, purely developmental and development oriented commercial sub-functions. The paper ends with the recognition for a committed leadership which alone can provide the right set of value and ideology for effectively safeguarding the developmental needs from being subsumed under the quest for commercial success.

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Working Papers | 1979

Status of Personnel in Corporate Structure

Monappa Arun and Kamat D S

An analysis of the Annual Reports of the Top 150 Companies, as rated by Economic Times, 1975, was done to identify those companies having personnel departments. Further analysis was done on the basis of the industry and sector (public/private) classification. The remuneration of the personnel employees in the 217(2A) category was compared to those in other functional areas, again by industries and sectors. While the public sector had more number of employees, they were paid less than their private sector counterparts. Another finding was that personnel employees were paid as much as if not more than their counterparts in other areas. The variety of designations used, the educational profile of the personnel officers were also studied. Correlations were also made in respect of the total wages, sales, profits and remuneration of all 217(2A) category employees and personnel 217(2A) employers. The personnel function is recognised and given a distinct identity and status in a majority of the companies. The remuneration of personnel employees is on par if not greater in some cases than other non personnel employees.

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Working Papers | 1979

Spatial Overview of Urban Systems

Giridhar G

The broad focus of this paper is to seek a framework of functional Urban regions to give better understanding of the impact of public policies in the fields of population distribution and economic development. There are two major concerns which prompted this effort. First, there is a feeling among planners that one or more of the largest cities is too big in the sense that social costs of further growth exceed the social benefits. Secondly, it is felt that assistance should be given to promote the growth of lagging regions, which usually tend to be rural. Obviously the problems of big cities, lagging regions and other parts are not independent of one another because these are linked by flows of goods and services, migration etc and therefore there is a need for a common framework. Further, since growth-producing innovations are normally transmitted downward through the urban hierarchy as well as from urban centres to their surrounding hinterland, we need to understand this process in its entirety. For example if we lack cities in a certain critical size-range to facilitate such spread effects, then one objective of national urban policy could be the development needed urban centres. Finally a tentative list of research topics is provided at the end, followed by a focus on management inputs to the dynamics of urban systems. This is done in a typical hand-waving fashion and needs further work.

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Working Papers | 1979

Lagged Variable Models and Their Estimation

Gupta G S and Chawla Deepak

The paper discusses the reasons for hypothesizing various kinds of lagged variable models, their characteristics and the appropriate methods for estimating them. In particular, the distributed lag model, the partial adjustment model and the expectation model are explained and the Liviatan and/or Almon's methods are recommended for their estimation. These various models and methods are illustrated by hypothesizing and estimating a consumption function for India using annual time series data for 1950-51 through 1975-76. The short-run and long-run marginal propensities to consume are estimated to be 0.29 and 0.90, respectively.

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Working Papers | 1979

Perfect Least Squares Estimation

Misra P N and Handa Puneet

This paper suggests a method of estimation that is the least-squares estimator in the general situation when observations are interdependent or independent. The method is designated as perfect least-squares (PLS) because there is no other method, known so far, that provides lower magnitude of the optimality criterion. The method holds good for data collected according to any sampling method or census method. It is shown in this paper empirically as well as theoretically that PLS estimator scores over OLS and GLS estimators. The method is also extended to simultaneous equation systems. It can be applied straightaway to dynamic models.

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Working Papers | 1979

State Income Inequalities and Interstate Variations in the Growth of Real Capital Stock in India

Dholakia Bakul H and Ravindra H. Dholakia

This paper makes an attempt to analyse the behaviour of regional income inequalities and capital inequalities in India. It also seeks to examine the relationship between the trend in regional income inequality and regional allocation of investment among different states. Part I of the paper presents the estimates of the extent of income and capital inequalities among different states for the years 1960-61 and 1970-71. Part II analyses the interstate variations in capital-output ratio. The final part of the paper examines some alternative approaches to balanced regional development.

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Working Papers | 1979

Wages Determination for Self-employed Persons: Some Methodological Explorations

Malya M Meenakshi and Gosalia Anant

The methodological problems of determining a fair economic return ("wages") for services rendered by a group of self employed workers have been discussed. Four alternatives have been considered and their relative merits explored.

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Working Papers | 1979

Macroeconomic Analysis of Housing Demand and Housing Investment in India

Dholakia Bakul H

An attempt is made in this paper to examine various aspects of housing demand and housing investment in India. The main objectives of the study area: (i) to estimate the income and price elasticity of demand for housing in India; (ii) to examine the interstate Differences in the elasticities of housing demand; (iii) to examine the trends in housing stock in the Indian Economy; (iv) to estimate the relative importance of various factors influencing housing investment in India; and (v) to examine the extent of interstate variations in housing investment and its determinants.

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