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Working Papers | 1978

Viability and Equity Objectives of Institutional Credit for Agriculture

Desai B M

The paper first discusses whether or not there exist on a priori grounds conflict between viability and equity objectives of institutional credit for agriculture. It then goes on to describe the past experience in this regard in India. This is done on the basis of readily available published data and some micro studies covering the aspects of distribution of credit and its over dues among different sized farms. In the last section some suggestions are offered to minimize the incompatibility of the two objectives.

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Working Papers | 1978

Role of Welfare Officers in Family Planning and Welfare

Verma Pramod

Working Papers | 1977

Utility Theory and Participation in Unfair Lotteries

Patel Nitin R and Subrahmanyam M G

Two alternative explanations have been proposed earlier to rationalize the participation of risk averse individuals in unfair lotteries within the framework of the von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility hypothesis. One relies on the "thrill of gambling" while the other postulates that individuals have utility functions that are initially convex and become concave for larger values of wealth. In this paper, we provide a more complete explanation that is consistent with consumer choice theory. The underlying assumption is that certain commodities mainly luxuries are available only in "lumpy" amounts. It is shown that the indivisibility of high value commodities creates situations where individuals participate in unfair lotteries and yet are behaving consistently with the expected utility maxim.

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Working Papers | 1977

Arrangements Covering International Trade in Textiles: A Summary View of Issues and Perspectives

Wadhva Charan D and Mote V L

This Study has primarily been concerned with the issues and perspectives on the historical evolution and working of the arrangements governing international trade in "textiles", particularly the latest such arrangement, unofficially knows as the Multi Fibre Arrangement (MFA). While we have discussed the problems of both the developed and the developing countries in the field of world trade in textiles and their implications for structural changes in the pattern of a more rational international division of labor, greater attention has been paid to the problems of the developing "textile" exporting countries with special reference to the Southeast Asian countries. The study has mainly concentrated on the adjustment problems in the working of the MFA. The working of the multilateral surveillance for the implementation of the MFA through the Textiles Surveillance Body (TSB) has been evaluated. In the light of the findings, the Study has offered a few suggestions for renegotiating the MFA in the near future to achieve its objectives more effectively. This Working Paper presents the 'Summary and Conclusions' of the Study mentioned above. A few tables and statements having a bearing on the issues and conclusions presented in this paper are appended to help the readers to get a better perspective.

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Working Papers | 1977

Positioning Strategy and Multiattribute Information Processing

Dholakia Nikhilesh and Dholakia Ruby Roy

The concept of "positioning" a brand in the mind of the buyer has evolved from the search for the most effective advertising strategy. The view that consumption objects are not notionally perceived as "products' but as conglomerations of attributes has altered the concept of positioning. Multi attribute positioning strategies rely on the manipulation of the way attributes are considered and evaluated. Several such strategies are discussed and a general framework is presented by which the interactions of positioning strategy with market conditions can be systematically explored for purposes of theory building, marketing practice and public policy.

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Working Papers | 1977

Mechanics of Planning: Need for Formal Replanning

C Rangarajan

One lacuna in the present process of planning is the absence of a systematic effort to modify the plan targets as surpluses and bottlenecks arise in the course of a plan. To meet this problem, it is not necessary to resort to rolling plan which involves planning for five years at the beginning of each year. A rolling for this purpose is too complex and cumbersome a procedure. It may in fact reduce the discipline required to implement a given plan. On the other hand, a formal re planning after a plan has been in operation for a few years will provide an opportunity for critically examining the past performance and for taking appropriate corrective measures. This paper has argued that the task of resetting the targets is not a mechanical one. It involves establishing a new set of consistent targets bearing in mind the dominant objective to be fulfilled. In the case of multiple objectives to be satisfied this will require the planners to establish a new trade off among them.

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Working Papers | 1977

How to get the Best from Your Advertising Agency

Sen Gupta Subroto

This paper deals with the advertiser-advertising agency relationship which has been described as the "critical partnership" for companies where the marketing function is of substantial importance. There are numerous structural problems in the relationship between the advertiser and the advertising agency in India. These problems stem from such factors as the nature of the financial relationship between advertiser and agency based on the 15% commission; they stem from the acute degree of competition, sometimes bordering on unhealthy competition, in the agency world. Most of them stem from the fact that many advertisers in India are only now emerging into a buyers' market and have not gained enough maturity in the marketing function to develop productive relationships with their advertising agency. The writer gives numerous real life illustrations to emphasize his arguments about the nature of a productive relationship between advertiser and agency. He puts forward 8 basic requirements for such a relationship. The entire problem has acquired a greater degree of topicality because of recent MRTP inquiries questioning the financial basis of the agency system.

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Working Papers | 1977

Choice of Estimated Econometric Models

Misra P N

One of the problems faced by researchers in the field of quantitative economics relates to choice of appropriate functional forms from amongst many that can be estimated on the basis of available data on a given set of causal and effect variables. Most economic phenomena could alternatively, be stated alternatively as an effect variable y depending upon k causal variables, namely x1, x2, …. and xk. A good understanding of economic reasoning both in theory and practice will help a lot to specify, define and quantity the above mentioned variables but it seldom comes to one's rescue while one battles to understand the mode of dependence between y and x variables. The coefficient of multiple correlations is usually used as a summary statistic for comparing the explanatory power to alternative functional forms. Wisdom of the use of the statistic in case of explanatory power of models that involve dependent variable in terms of different dimensions has been questioned by several authors and in this article a simple method is suggested to overcome this problem by way of suggesting the statistic that can always be calculated no matter what is the functional form. The significance of suggested approach is empirically illustrated with the help of three models.

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Working Papers | 1977

Using Personality Traits to Explain Consumer Behaviour: An Empirical Examination

Dholakia Ruby Roy

The use of personality theory in consumer behaviour research has met with more disappointments than success. The belief that individual difference in brand preference or choice behaviour are caused by personality differences has not always been supported by empirical research. Keeping the limitations of past findings in view, a study was conducted to test the relevance of personality trait theory for explaining consumption of instant coffee in India. The findings of this study help in defining the scope of the theory and their relevance for research and marketing strategy.

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Working Papers | 1977

Urban-Rural Income Differentials in India: An Inter-Regional Analysis

Dholakia Bakul H and Ravindra H. Dholakia

The present study aims at 1) estimating the magnitude of urban-rural per capital income differentials in Indian economy, 2) measuring the extent of inter-state variations in the urban-rural per capita income differential, 3) analyzing the contribution of the structural factors to the urban-rural differential and 4) analyzing the overall sensitivity of urban-rural income differential to sectoral productivity differentials. The study relates to the year 1970-71 and presents the estimates of urban and rural per capita incomes for the 15 major states of India whose population exceeded one per cent of the total population of the country in the census year 1971. The main findings of the study are: 1. The magnitude of urban-rural per capita income differential in India is of the order of around 2.4 to 2.5. 2. There exist considerable inter-state variations in the rural-urban per capital income differential, the ratio ranging all the way from 1.33 to 3.97. Rural per capita income shows a greater regional variation than urban per capita income. 3. The structural factors contribute marginally more to the urban-rural income differentials than the sectoral productivity differentials. 4. Within the sectoral productivity differentials the productivity differentials in the tertiary sector contribute more to the urban-rural income differential as compared those in the secondary sectors.

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