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Books | 2017

Law of sale, lease and mortgage, Gurgaon

Pathak A.


Books | 2017

Critical perspectives on work and employment in globalizing India. London

Noronha E. and D’Cruz P. (Eds.)


Books | 2017

Corporate Communication through Social Media: Strategies for managing reputation. New Delhi

Kaul A. and Chaudhri V.


Books | 2017

High impact opportunities for energy efficiency in India. Copenhagen

Garg A., Mohan P., Shukla S., Kankal B. and Vishwanathan S.S.


Journal Articles | 2017

Discriminative aggregation operators for multi criteria decision making

Manish Aggarwal

Applied Soft Computing

A general aggregation formalism for multi criteria decision making (MCDM) applications is presented that allows us to represent the existing aggregation operators as well as generate the new ones. Using this formalism, we develop new discriminative aggregation operators for aiding MCDM. Four families of the proposed discriminative aggregation operators are developed and applied in a managerial decision making application.

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Journal Articles | 2017

Ownership structure and internationalization of Indian firms

Chitra Singla, Rejie George, and Rajaram Veliyath

Journal of Business Research

This paper examines the relationship between ownership structure and the firm internationalization, in a longitudinal sample of Indian firms. Drawing from principal-principal (PP) agency theory and the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm, we argue that divergent motivations among the firm's owners affect the firm's inclination to pursue internationalization, while resource heterogeneity among the firm's owners affects the firm's capability to pursue internationalization. Since both motivation and capability are required for a firm to pursue any strategic initiative, we argue that differences in ownership, which influences both the motivation and the capability of firms, impact firm's internationalization strategies in different ways. In addition, through examining two modes of internationalization, i.e., outward foreign direct investment (FDI) and exports from a prominent emerging economy, we uncover an interesting dichotomy. While family and other domestic owners favor exports (and not FDI), foreign owners favor both exports and FDI. Further, we find that family owners have a dominant influence on internationalization and their preferences appear to supersede those of the other owners.

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Journal Articles | 2017

Brand adoption by BoP retailers

Piyush Kumar Sinha, Suraksha Gupta, and Saurabh Rawal

Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal

Previous studies with regard to brand adoption by retailers have focussed on large retailers who are approached directly by the brands. There is a lack of studies on how BoP retailers adopt brands who sell to a very different set of customers and are served indirectly through long indirect channels. Most studies have approached the subject from a distribution perspective of reaching to these markets. Sixty retailers belonging to different villages of Central and North Gujarat, were interviewed to understand their brand adoption process. The interviews were audio recorded, transcribed and analysed. A grounded theory based analysis was carried out. The analysis brought out six criteria used by the retailers in selecting brands with demand for the brand as the most dominant factor. Other criteria included brand adoption by other retailers, profitability, influence of wholesaler/distributor, and packaging.

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Journal Articles | 2017

Classification shifting: impact of firm life cycle

Neerav Nagar and Kaustav Sen

Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting

Purpose - This paper examines whether firms in the decline stage of life cycle manipulate core or operating income through misclassification of operating expenses as income-decreasing special items. Design/methodology/approach - Our sample comprises of firms from an emerging market, India with data from 1996-2011. We use the methodology given in McVay (2006) and multiple regressions. Findings - Managers of Indian firms also engage in classification shifting, primary incentive being desire to avoid reporting of operating losses. Further, the use of classification shifting is dependent upon the stage of life cycle in which firm is in. Specifically, firms in the decline stage of life cycle are more likely to use classification shifting to avoid reporting of operating losses. Practical implications - The paper sheds light on a critical phase of the firm life cycle-decline, which increases the possibility of use of classification shifting-an earnings management technique which auditors, investors and regulators find tough to detect. Originality/value - We extend the literature on classification shifting, and present first evidence that such shifting is more likely to take place during the decline phase of firm life cycle.

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Journal Articles | 2017

Global risk and demand for gold by central banks

Balagopal Gopalakrishnan and Sanket Mohapatra

Applied Economics Letters

This paper examines the influence of global risk on the holding of gold by central banks based on annual data for 100 countries during 1990-2015. We use a dynamic panel generalized method of moments (GMM) model to estimate this effect, controlling for a variety of domestic factors. Consistent with portfolio diversification and perception of gold as a safe asset, we find that the gold holdings of central banks increase in response to higher global risk. This effect is larger for high-income countries than for developing countries. Moreover, greater capital account openness is associated with a stronger response of central banks' gold holding to global risk, while a higher ratio of overall reserves to imports is associated with a weaker response. We also find evidence that the sensitivity depends on whether the currency regime followed is fixed or floating, with higher responsiveness in the case of fixed rate regimes. The baseline results are robust to alternate estimation methods, exclusion of crisis years, active and passive management of gold reserves and additional controls. These findings suggest that central banks adjust their gold holdings in response to changes in global risk conditions, with the magnitude of response depending on reserve management capacity and country-specific vulnerabilities.

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Books | 2017

Weaving Analytics for Effective Decision Making" SAGE India, August 2017

Banerjee A and Banerjee T.
