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Working Papers | 2016

An Examination of One Dimension Marginal Distributions: Selling and Non-selling Activities of a Salesperson

Dheeraj Sharma and Mir Ghulam Haider Talpur

Past researchers have endeavored to examine and ascertain the time that salespeople spend engaged in core and non-core activities. In this study, the time spent by a salesperson on non-core activities is called vacation time. This study examines the number of times a salesperson engages in vacation and the time taken by the number of vacations by controlling the number of customers. The one dimensional marginal probability generating (transform), density and cumulative distribution functions of the random variables , and are obtained by controlling the variability of two random variables simultaneously.

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Working Papers | 2016

Human Resource Issues in Maternal and Neonatal Health in India

Sunil Kumar Maheshwari and Dileep Mavalankar

One in seven women die from complications related to pregnancy or delivery in some of the African countries, compared to one in many thousands in Europe and North America. More than 95 per cent of maternal deaths occur in developing countries. In the developing countries complications of pregnancy mainly due to inadequate Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC) is the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age. They account for 18 per cent of the burden of health disease in reproductive age group-more than any other single health problem (World Bank ,1993). At least 40 per cent of pregnant women experience some type of complication during their pregnancies. Most maternal complications and death occur either during or shortly after delivery and are difficult to predict. Nearly 15 per cent of complications are life-threatening that require immediate EmOC. However, many of them do not receive adequate EmOC. Hence, "Safe Motherhood" will remain a dream in the absence of adequate EmOC.
As in any services, health services are highly dependent of the human resources - its availability, quality, commitment and performance. EmOC services are even more dependent on highly skilled human resources as they need complex procedures as Caesarean Section (CS) and other emergency procedures. Thus ensuring access to quality maternal services including EmOC is a major challenge in Human Resources Management (HRM). In this paper we present an outline of key issues in HRM which specifically relate to MH and EmOC, based on our experience in India and review of literature.

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Working Papers | 2016

Open Innovation at different levels for Higher Climate Risk Resilience

Anamika Dey, Anil K. Gupta, and Gurdeep Singh

As climate variability is increasing, creating knowledge networks is becoming more and more important for bringing in, or leveraging the embedded resilience in the communities through cross-pollination of ideas, resources and insitutional linkages. Communities have developed knowledge systems around climate mediated environmental changes since time immemorial. Some social groups have capacity to cope with stress better. They have homeostatic advantage due to either accumulated surplus (Burton, 2001) or access to institutions, technology and social networks (Adger, 2003) . However, these knowledge systems often remain limited as isolated islands or small local networks resulting into asymmetries of knowledge at inter or intra-community level. Intermediary organizations become important to bridge the gap that exist among communities within the informal sector and also between the formal and informal sector. There organizations and platforms like The Honey Bee Network have been able to facilitate both horizontal exchanges, people to people learning and sharing; and vertical exchanges, connecting the informal actors with the formal system. The framework in this paper helps in studying the difference in different components of Open Innovation System through their degree of openness of sharing, self-governance and self-regulation. We explore the different activities and institutions of The HB Network to study the degree of openness and how they contribute to make the system which has now existed for 26 years, more sustainable. We draw lessons for other institutions, organizations, communities who strive towards an autopoietic system i.e. self-designed, self-organized and self-governed system with a feedback system from within and outside, making the whole innovation and knowledge ecosystem sustainable towards the changing and fluctuating environment.

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Working Papers | 2016

Executive Stock Options: Will It Work as a Good Governance Mechanism in all Scenarios?

Preet Deep Singh and Chitra Singla

Agency theory proposes different mechanisms to mitigate agency costs in the firms. An executive stock options (ESoPs) is one of such mechanism, which is given to the CEO of the firm to align CEO's goals with that of the owners. In this paper, we contend that ESoPs will not work as a good governance or mitigation mechanism in all types of firms. ESoPs can be an effective mitigation mechanism for a firm with dispersed ownership but it might not be the case for a firm with majority or block shareholding. We extend this argument for ESoPs given to board members as well. We present a framework to understand when it makes sense for a firm to incentivise top management with ESoPs.

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Working Papers | 2016

Empathetic climate resilient frugal innovations for sustainable communities

Anamika Dey and Anil K. Gupta

Dealing with risk and uncertainty has contributed to the evolution of local knowledge, institutions and culture among farming, pastoral and artisanal communities at grassroots level. The traditional institutions, practices and ways of finding contemporary innovative solutions to emerging problems still remain relevant even if some of the indicators or specific practices may have lost their relevance (Leonard, Sonia, et al , 2013, Corinne Valdivia, D. Green and G. Raygorodetsky, 2010 , Coleen Vogel et. Al., 2007 ). Institutional adaptation plays no less important a role through collective action (Daivi Rodima-Taylor, Mette F. Olwig, Netra Chhetri, 2012, also see www.sristi.org/cpri). The resilience requires not just actor based study but also the role of entire socio-ecological system (Gupta, 1984, Donald R. Nelson, W. Neil Adger,and Katrina Brown, 2007) This paper focuses more on technological adaptation and innovation (Gupta, 1992,1995, 1989, 2006, 2012). The grassroots innovations emerging in a materially constrained environment invariably leverage knowledge, ingenuity and local resources in a very frugal and empathetic manner.
In part one, creative and innovative coping strategies of knowledge rich-economically poor people are summarized. Part Two deals with the contours of emergent inclusive innovative ecosystem in India over the last 25 years of Honey Bee Network. Part three lists emerging inclusive models of innovations having bearing on creativity at the grassroots level. Trends in innovation literature, particularly from an open innovation perspective are reviewed in part four followed by a summary of key points at the end.

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Working Papers | 2016

Factors Determining the Roles Board Members Play in Firms

Chitra Singla

Directors play an important role in influencing board's action and its effectiveness (Adams, Hermalin, & Weisbach, 2010). Therefore, corporate governance researchers have looked extensively at the determinants of director selection in a firm. Most of the work in this literature has looked at board composition and its size. However, there is limited amount of work that looks at the determinants of the role directors play in firms. Directors are expected to have both social and human capital and that is why they are invited on the boards of the firms. However, which of these capitals are they supposed to exploit more is not studied much. This is where this paper makes an attempt to contribute to the existing literature. In this paper, we present propositions on factors that determine the roles directors play in firms. We focus on three major roles that are played by directors: advisor, resource provider, and monitor. We argue that factors like firm's characteristics (size, age, ownership structure), environmental dynamism, and life cycle stage of the firm determine which of these three roles will be played by the directors of the firms.

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Working Papers | 2016

Dedicated High Speed Rail Network in India: Issues in Development

G. Raghuram and Prashanth D. Udayakumar

India and Japan have signed a memorandum of understanding to set up a high speed rail (HSR) network costing INR 976.36 billion, between Mumbai and Ahmedabad. As of now, the top speed in India is 150 kmph, and that too for a few special trains in limited segments of their run. The Ministry of Railways first proposed HSR in 2007-08 and have conducted pre-feasibility studies on various routes in the country.
While documenting the progress of proposed HSR routes for India, the paper also draws lessons from international HSR experience in Europe and Asia. For the development of HSR network in India, there are a variety of issues. This paper examines issues with regards to route fixation, choice of technology partner and need for standards, location of stations, choice of grade level, choice of gauge and interoperability of trains beyond core networks, and pricing, revenues and funding.

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Working Papers | 2016

Ownership Structure and Internationalization of Indian Firms

Chitra Singla, Rejie George, and Rajaram Veliyath

This paper examines the relationship between ownership structure and the firm internationalization, in a longitudinal sample of Indian firms. Drawing from principal-principal (PP) agency theory and the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm, we argue that divergent motivations among the firm's owners affect the firm's inclination to pursue internationalization, while resource heterogeneity among the firm's owners affects the firm's capability to pursue internationalization. Since both motivation and capability are required for a firm to pursue any strategic initiative, we argue that differences in ownership, which influences both the motivation and the capability of firms, impact firm's internationalization strategies in different ways. In addition, through examining two modes of internationalization, i.e., outward foreign direct investment (FDI) and exports from a prominent emerging economy, we uncover an interesting dichotomy. While family and other domestic owners favor exports (and not FDI), foreign owners favor both exports and FDI. Further, we find that family owners have a dominant influence on internationalization and their preferences appear to supersede those of the other owners.

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Working Papers | 2016

Impact of Board and CEO characteristics on Firms' Performance

Chitra Singla

Corporate governance characteristics like board composition and leadership impact a firm's performance. Researchers have attempted to explain the relationship using different theoretical perspectives like agency theory, resource dependence theory, and stewardship theory. However, the literature presents ambiguous results where some empirical findings support negative impact and other support positive impact. In this paper, we argue that ambiguity in results could be due to the context specificity of the nature of this relationship. In some contexts, agency theory might be more valid than other theories and in others stewardship theory or resource dependence theory might be more valid. Building on this context specificity, we look at the relationship between board and CEO characteristics on firm's performance in a longitudinal sample of Indian firms. Our findings suggest that none of the above mentioned theories are completely valid in the India context because we get mixed support for these theories. This calls for a mid-range theory to explain the relationship between corporate governance characteristics and firm's performance.

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Working Papers | 2016

Incorporating gender and age in genetic algorithms to solve the indexing problem

Diptesh Ghosh

In this paper we propose new genetic algorithms for the tool indexing problem. Genetic
algorithms are said to be nature-inspired, in that they are modeled after the natural process of
genetic evolution. The evolution process that they model is asexual in which individuals can
potentially live forever. In this paper, we propose a genetic algorithm in which solutions are of
two genders, reproduction happens by a combination of solutions with dierent genders, and
each solution has a nite life. We compare our genetic algorithms with the best known genetic
algorithm for the tool indexing problem and report our computational experience.
Keywords: Genetic algorithm, permutation problem, crossover, mutation

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