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Working Papers | 1994

Group in Organizations

Bhatnagar Jyotsna and Singh J P

This note deals with the basics of Group Dynamics. It discusses the nature and types of groups in organization and elaborates on the need to study group behavior as well as why individuals join groups. The note also discusses the underlying processes in Group Behavior. Here the Interdependence between the group and the individual is discussed. The note also focuses on the distinction between what happens in a group (the content) and the way it happens (the process). It describes various stages of group development and discusses issues relating group structure and cohesiveness. The final section focuses on analysis of Group Interaction and the advantage and disadvantages of groups in organizational setting.

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Working Papers | 1994

The Conquest of Self? Intimacy and the Overcoming of Boundaries

Giri Ananta

The present paper looks at the changes taking place at present in the realm of intimacy and human sexuality in Europe and North America. The paper presents the description of such changes as offered by Anthony Giddens, an engaging sociologist of our times, in his recent book. The Transformation of Intimacy. It questions some of the assumptions that are taken for granted in the dominant discourse on this subject today such as the celebration of boundaries in the exploration and practice of intimacy, the delinking of sexuality from reproduction, and the irrelevance of the question of purity of purpose and intention in the work of so-called "pure relationship" where every one is free to enter and free to exit. The paper presents ethnographic work on American culture today, mainly on anti-abortion and pro-life movements, to argue that even in contemporary American society there are women who question the delinking of sexuality from motherhood and see in this devaluation the eclipse of the self-sacrificing aspect of culture itself. The paper argues that sexuality can itself be a field of "renewal of spirituality:" and intimacy can overcome boundaries rather than helplessly reproduce these.

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Working Papers | 1994

Indian Machine Tool Industry - Caught at the Cross Roads

M. R. Dixit

This paper reviews the development of the Indian machine tools industry since independence. It analyses the key capabilities and growth experiences of the industry in the domestic and international context. It presents the findings of field and mail surveys aimed at understanding the nature of competition, capabilities of the firms in the industry, and the involvement of the internal and external agencies in product and process developments. It concludes with the remark that the industry is at cross-roads. It is caught between increasing domestic competition and declining export competitiveness. It needs to build new capabilities.

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Working Papers | 1994

Indian Auto Component Industry - Learning to Export and Grow

M. R. Dixit

This paper reviews the developments in the Indian auto component industry in the context of new economic policies. It analyses the technical capabilities and export experiences of the industry. It presents the findings of field and mail surveys aimed understanding the nature of competition, key capabilities and the involvement of internal and external agencies in technology development, and new product introduction. It concludes by saying that the industry is on the growth path and can exploit the emerging opportunities in the international market if the pace of learning by the industry is quickened.

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Working Papers | 1994

The Market for Technical Services in India: An Empirical Study

Chaudhari Shekhar and M. R. Dixit

This paper presents the findings of a mail survey study of 132 firms covering seven industrial sectors: auto parts, machine tools, foundry, polymers, pharmaceuticals, textiles and software. The study examines the nature of usage of technical services by the surveyed firms, the sources from which the services are obtained, and the benefits and problems associated with sources. The most commonly used services were found to be; standards and testing, education and training, and information. Sectoral differences were found in the usage of some services. Locational concentration was found to be associated with a higher degree of usage of certain sources of technical services. Amongst the various organizational characteristics it was found that size, technological orientation and technical capabilities influences the choice of sources of technical services.

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Working Papers | 1994

Institutional Infrastructure for Industrial Technology Development in India: A Review

Chaudhari Shekhar and M. R. Dixit

This paper provides an overview of the institutional infrastructure available for technology development in Indian industry. An attempt has been made to develop a system for classifying the various institutions. The paper also discusses briefly the role of the government in the development of industrial technology and analyses the achievements and failings of India; a science and technology infrastructure.

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Working Papers | 1994

Firm Size and Export Behaviour in a Developing Country

Patibandla Murali

In the context of Indian industry, this paper argues that in the presence of capital market imperfections and sub-optimal contractual arrangements, small firms face higher transaction or selling costs in the domestic market. One of the strategic responses by small firms towards overcoming the mobility barriers imposed by high transaction costs in the domestic market is to break into the competitive world market. Small firms that could realize a critical level of production efficiency and possible information externalities that arise through inter-firm linkages might be the ones that could succeed in exports. The empirical observations derived from the analysis of fire level survey data provide reasonable support to the main arguments.

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Working Papers | 1994

Interaction Between Firms and Technology Institutions in India: Reflections on a Multi Industry Study

Chaudhari Shekhar and M. R. Dixit

This paper presents the overall findings of a study of industry technology institution interaction in seven industrial sectors in India; auto parts, machine tools, foundry, pharmaceuticals, polymers, textiles and software. In analyzing the nature of interaction between industry and technology institutions we have used an organizational stage model of technological development at the firm level in conjunction with demand and supply side factors: technological capabilities of firms and the demand for technical services; and its capabilities and the supply of technical services. On the basis of our analysis we present some implications for technology institutions for enhancing their interaction with industrial firms.

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Working Papers | 1994

Motivation, Leadership, and Human Performance

Kanungo R N and Misra Sasi B

This review critically examines and integrates the vast and diverse research on motivation and leadership in organizations during the past decade (1983-1993). The review prepared for the ICSSR sponsored Fourth Survey of Psychology primarily focuses on research in the Indian context. The main conclusions drawn are: (i) research in the area of work motivation and leadership in organizations in order to be meaningful must be theory driven (ii) programmatic as contrasted to fragmented research in these areas must be initiated (iii) research dealing with measurement of variables must demonstrate construct and criterion related validities and finally (iv) indigenous approaches to problems and measuring instruments developed in the Indian context are necessary.

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Working Papers | 1994

Sharing Costs and Sharing Revenue: The Proportional Solutions

Lahiri Somdeb

Consider a group of people who have just been awarded a sum of money to undertake a consultancy for a research project. The problem that now confronts them is to share the revenue as well as the costs of the overheads involved in undertaking the project. In this paper we propose a proportional solution to this problem, prove the existence of such a solution (in a special case) and establish its optimality.

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