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Working Papers | 1993

Interactions Between Corporate Strategy and Financial Strategy: Some Propositions for Practicing Managers

Korwar Ashok

This paper discusses the implications of corporate strategy choices for financial strategies of the firm, and the implications of finance theory for strategic decision-making of the firm. Some propositions of potential practical use to managers are advanced here. One set of propositions relates to the kinds of financial strategies implied by a given corporate strategy, another set relates to the implications of finance theory for strategic planning and decision-making, and the third set relates to the potential use of financial policies in implementing specific corporate strategies.

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Working Papers | 1993

Transfer Payments and Other Determinants of Working Poverty in Canada 1971-90

Ravindra H. Dholakia and Dholakia Archana R

Government policy of reducing transfer payments drastically is based on arguments of strong preference for leisure by the beneficiaries. Since this has direct bearing on working poverty, empirical evidence on the relationship between the incidence of working poverty and transfer payments in Canada is presented in the paper. Different categories of working poor are considered separately and determinants identified. Impact of unemployment benefits and other transfer payments on working poverty is examined holding other factors constant. Our findings suggest that cuts in transfer payments are likely to impose considerable social costs in terms of raising the incidence of working poverty in Canada.

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Working Papers | 1993

The Dialectic Between Globalization and Localization: Women, New Economic Policy and Strategies of Cultural Reproduction

Giri Ananta

The economic arrangement of all social systems is now in the midst of a fundamental restructuring, necessitated by the crisis of varieties of command economies and bureaucratic regulation of production, distribution and exchange. New economic policy is meant to free the economy from the shackles of the state and create more opportunities for both the producers and consumers. New economic policy, which emerged in advanced industrial societies, is now in a phase of global diffusion. But new economic policy valorizes the industrial and post-industrial mode of production and consumption and is bent upon destroying all other modes of livelihood, which are based upon centuries of experiments in self-sustenance and are less dependent upon market. New economic policy promotes global integration of our societal economies but is blind to the problem of articulation i.e. how “less familiar strategies of social reproduction” articulate with “world economic and political as well as cultural processes”. But the key question here is can the western style of life be universalized? Would our globe survive if the contemporary pattern of consumption prevalent in Western Europe and North America be universalized? This provides the challenge to preserve multiple strategies of production and reproduction not only for the survival of little enclaves but also for the long-term interests of mankind and the Mother Earth. This calls for a critical reflection on the dialectic between localization and globalization, anthropology and economics. The dynamics of new economic policy also raises the unattended questions of “functioning and capabilities”. The paper aims at discussing varieties of programmes of economic reconstruction which seeks to provide more support to vulnerable sections of society and forms of livelihood, not simply to perpetuate their dependence but to enhance their capabilities in the pursuit of a more meaningful integration between “food and freedom”. While looking into the vulnerablility of women in our globalized economy, the paper seeks to explore how we can preserve and universalize less familiar strategies of social and cultural reproduction by universalizing the feminine principle of “Shakti” in the face of the power of the new economy and its global onslaught.

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Working Papers | 1993

An Area of Study as a Discursive Field: Some Notes on Method and an Inquiry into the Challenge of Moral Education

Giri Ananta

This is a paper on the nature of modern academic disciplines and an inquiry into the origin of their boundaries in the discourse of modernity and their contemporary inadequacy in the face of the challenges of the present and also those of the future. The paper argues that there is a need now to move from disciplinary boundaries to areas of study, while conceptualizing areas of studies as discursive fields, and not as bounded systems. The paper discusses at great length the methodological issues involved in the study of discursive field, particularly in its description and explanation. The present inquiry contextualizes these issues with specific reference to the question of moral education in modern societies.

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Working Papers | 1993

Constrained Equilibrium Prices Under Fixed Rationing of Commodities

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper we prove the existence, restricted efficiency and incremental fairness of constrained equilibrium allocations.

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Working Papers | 1993

Recent Policies for Rural Banking by Commercial Banks

Desai B M

This paper discusses three recent policy changes for rural banking by the commercial banks. It first discusses likely impact of these policy changes. It then presents rationale for promoting rural banking infrastructure. Next it discusses existing and potential operations of the rural branches of the commercial banks. Based on these discussions it identifies three policy alternatives and recommends a better alternative to the one pursued by the GOI and the RBI.

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Working Papers | 1993

Generalized Dreze-Muller Equilibrium: Some Rationing Scheme in a Distribution Economy

Lahiri Somdeb

Here we view rationing as an instrument available in the hands of a social planner to effect a more equitable distribution of goods. We introduce a separate currency (like a coupon) alongside money, and both money as well as this auxiliary currency are used in the purchase of commodities. It is precisely in this framework that we study existence, and fairness of alternative rationing schemes.

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Working Papers | 1993

Education for Social Action the Fellowship Programme in Social Management

Vijaya Sherry Chand

The Fellowship Programme in Social Management, run by a non-governmental organization, aims at training development workers. It can be located within the tradition of non-formal educational experiments which try to develop a 'pedagogy of the oppressed'. The paper describes the model of education developed by the programme – the pedagogical assumptions, the integration of theoretical knowledge and the affective elements of learning in the context of both the individual and the group, and the development of the curriculum. The paper concludes that such experiments, while not providing solutions to the problems of the formal educational system, open up dialogue on the creation of a democratic theory of education. Such a theory implies an open teacher-taught relationship, and highlights the need for reflective educational institutions. Finally, the paper stresses the need for a democratic system of education to promote academic excellence and social justice, from the primary level upwards.

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Working Papers | 1993

School Drop-Outs as Bare-Foot Veterinarians Education Project

Vijaya Sherry Chand

This paper is based on the experience of a non-governmental organization in educating 113 school drop-outs as 'bare-foot' veterinarians in the tribal areas of Gujarat. The pedagogy focussed on 'unlearning' and countering certain internalized stereotypes like 'backwardness' in order to make a meaningful integration of theoretical knowledge and experiential learning possible. The development of the curriculum for the programme involved a combining of local material and cultural practices with external technologies in order to evolve blended material practices. Locating the latter in appropriate institutions was equally important. The paper develops a framework for understanding the content and context of learning and research in such educational projects which deal with people with minimum qualifications. While learning at the individual level is no doubt important, group-learning methodologies are especially relevant in order to understand the merging group technologies and to locate them in appropriate institutions. Developing 'reflexivity' is equally important for monitoring the context of learning.

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Working Papers | 1993

First Estimates of Stock of Capital at State Level and Data Gaps in India

Ravindra H. Dholakia

In the present paper the methodology and data sources to construct estimates of capital stock as on March 31, 1961 for 15 major state economies in India are described pointing out gaps in the availability of required data. The estimates of capital stock at state level in India are also presented by three broad sectors: primary, secondary and tertiary for the year 1960-61.

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