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Working Papers | 1989

Fair Allocations and Distortion of Utilities: A Note

Lahiri Somdeb

Given two agents with von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities who wish to divide n commodities, consider the two-person non-cooperative game with strategies consisting of concave, increasing von Neumann-Morgenstern utility functions and whose outcomes are fair allocations to the commodity division problem determined by the strategies used. It is shown that any equal income competitive equilibrium allocation for the true utilities is a Nash equilibrium outcome for the non-cooperative game.

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Working Papers | 1989

Coalitional Fairness and Distortion of Utilities

Lahiri Somdeb

Given a finite number of agents with utilities who wish to divide a finite number of commodities, consider the non-cooperative game with strategies consisting of concave, increasing utility functions and whose outcomes are coalitionally fair solutions to the underlying equity problem determined by the strategies used. It is shown that for such a game any equal-income competitive equilibrium allocation for the true utilities is a Nash equilibrium outcome for the non-cooperative game.

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Working Papers | 1989

Coal for Sugar Production: Economic and Policy Issues

Gupta Tirath and Vinod Ahuja

Use of bagasse for paper and newsprint making has long since been emphasized in India. Since a major portion of bagasse has been used as fuel by the sugar industry, coal has been suggested as an alternative source of energy. The shift has also been practised to a limited extent. The limited experiences indicated that the industrial users of surplus bagasse, emanating from substitution with coal, were faced with uncertainties regarding availability of desired quantities at expected prices. The situation was not expected to improve due to strong perceptions of coal scarcity and disproportionate rise in its price. Some issues pertaining to demand-supply management and prices of coal have also been discussed. These and the experiences indicated that coal usage for sugar production may to be sustainable within the foreseeable future, and a reversal of the current policies in that regard can be expected if economic rather than financial price of coal was considered.

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Working Papers | 1989

Bagasse Based Paper and Newsprint in India: Economic and Policy Issues

Gupta Tirath and Vinod Ahuja

Bagasse usage as a cellulosic material for paper and newsprint making has been induced by the Government of India. The paper summarizes the relevant policies. Seven caselets pertaining to bagasse based paper and newsprint production have been analyzed. Quantities of i) residual bagasse without specific efforts, ii) residual bagasse with its drying and densification prior to use as energy for sugar making, and iii) surplus bagasse due to using coal as an alternative fuel have been assessed. These resulted in a reasoning that enhacing the quantity of residual bagasse through its drying and densification was the most viable alternative. It has also been reasoned that sustainable and tension free growth of paper and newsprint industries could be encouraged by i) encouraging integrated sugar-paper enterprises where the size of sugar and paper units should be at least 540,000 and 30,000-35,000 tonnes a year, respectively.

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Working Papers | 1989

Capital Structure Decision-Making Process in DFIS: A Case Study

Pandey I M

The focus of the paper was on understanding the process of capital structure management of development finance institutions (DFIs) using the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India as a case study. The results indicate that the development of the capital structure pattern of the ICICI has not been systematic. It is also shown that the capital structure of a DFIs greatly influences its investment decisions. The recommendations made are: (a) to lift, at least, partially the restriction on lending rate of DFIs; (b) to convert the government loans to DFIs into equity; (c) DFIs should use the cost of capital concept to improve the quality of their appraisal procedure.

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Working Papers | 1989

Threat Bargaining Games with a Variable Population

Lahiri Somdeb

In this paper we establish links between desirable properties satisfied by familiar solutions to bargaining games with a variable population and the Nash equilibrium concept for threat bargaining games.

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Working Papers | 1988

Bargaining with a Variable Population for Games with a Reference Point

Lahiri Somdeb

We consider axiomatic models of bargaining defined over a domain of problems containing different numbers of agents, define a concept called restricted monotonicity with respect of changes in the number of agents, and show that a solution due to Lahiri (1988), which satisfies monotonicity with respect to the disagreement point, meets the aforementioned requirement. Finally, we consider a class of solutions which are defined with respect to a reference point [concept due to Thomson (1981)] and show that this class satisfies our axiom of restricted monotonicity.

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Working Papers | 1988

Acquaculture: Marketing and Economics in India

Srivastava Uma Kant

The paper is designed to analyse the existing marketing systems for aquaculture produce and their impact on the economics of aquaculture from the point of view of fish farmers. The paper is divided into five parts. Part I presents an overview of demand-supply scenario and resource potentials. Part II presents the present status of aquaculture in India, both freshwater and brackishwater. Part III deals with the Marketing Channels, use flows, physical flows and farmers' share in consumers rupee. Part IV presents in economics of both freshwater as well as brackishwater aquaculture. Part V presents the research needs in the area of economics and marketing of aquaculture produce.

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Working Papers | 1988

Monotonicity with Respect to the Disagreement Point and Risk Sensitivity of a New Solution to Nash Bargaining Problems

Lahiri Somdeb

We propose a solution to the bargaining problem which responds appropriately to certain changes in the disagreement point, for a fixed feasible set. If di increases, while for j=/i, dj remains constant, our solution recommends an increase in agent i's payoff, in agreement with intention. We also show that an increase in risk aversion is to the player's own advantage and to the disadvantage of the opponent in the two person case; to the disadvantage of all opponents in the multi-person generalization.

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Working Papers | 1988

Financial Performance of Public Enterprises in India: A Case Study of Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited

Gupta Anand P

The failure of public enterprises to generate the targeted resources is a major factor responsible for the rising public sector deficit in India-a problem which in turn may create the following problems: crowding out of private sector from financial markets, inflation, and balance of payments pressure. The Government is beginning to worry about the emerging scenario. The Government urgently needs to develop a strategy to deal with the worsening public finance situation. Obviously, improvement in the financial performance of public enterprises will have to be a major component of this strategy. This paper looks at the financial performance of the largest public enterprise in the fertilizer sector-Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited (RCFL)-with a view to understand what ails it. The paper stresses that RCFL has done poorly: its reported pretax profits as per cent of average net worth have ranged between 2.5 and 10.2 sine its incorporation in 1978, which is substantially lower than the profitability norms set up by Government of India's Fertilizer Industry Coordination Committee. The paper asserts that a major factor responsible for this is RCFL's inefficiency in the use of various inputs (e.g., feedstock, power). Why is RCFL not being able to achieve the Fertilizer Industry Coordination Committee's input consumption norms, especially when these norms are not only achievable but can also be improved upon" This needs to be urgently investigated.

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