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Working Papers | 1987

Application of Markov Chains to Management of Leasing

Samir K. Barua and Srinivasan G

The paper presents application of Markov Chains to management of leasing. The paper demonstrates that, despite low percentage of bad debts, there could be a significant reduction in the returns earned by a lessor because of delays in payment. Since a lessor typically operates with a very small spread between returns earned and the cost of funds, a reduction in returns could jeopardise the very viability of the business. Markov Chains could be useful in assessing the impact on the rate of return because of the quality of accounts a lessor has, as reflected by the prevailing transition probability matrix. The model could in addition be used for assessing working capital needs, arriving at the age distribution of accounts and predicting the incidence of bad debts.

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Working Papers | 1987

Introducing the Young Japanese Executive: Antecedents and Outlook

Thomas P S, P. R. Shukla, and Verma Pramod

The young Japanese executive is a product of his socio-economic environment specifically the Japanese educational system. Thus the paper first highlights the key features of the Japanese school and higher education system, touching briefly upon the scope and extent of post-graduate management education in Japan. The young Japanese executive is also poised on the threshold of a management career in a dynamic industrial firm. Hence the paper goes on to discuss recruitment (in the context of the Life-time employment system), training (including in overseas MBA programs) and promotion (with reference to key attributes of Japanese top management such as the search for Wa, or harmony, and the emphasis on Seishin, or the managerial spirit). Finally, the paper focuses on an emerging problem for young Japanese managers viz. International management in developed as well as developing countries. The paper concludes that the problems facing young Japanese managers, especially those assigned abroad, are interesting and challenging ones and merit the attention of management educators world wide, including India.

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Working Papers | 1987

Optimal Mix of Coupons in a Mess System

Samir K. Barua and Gupta Omprakash K

Most organisations operate staff mess or canteen facility for its employees where payments for food items are made with money coupons rather than cash. In such coupon-based transaction system, the management needs to decide the denominations in which the coupons should be printed and also the proportion in which these denominations should be combined to form a coupon book which is made available to the employees. These decisions are made with the twin objectives of minimising the total number of coupons used as well as ensuring that most transactions are feasible. This paper reports the details of the method used for studying such a problem in a specific organisation. The study arrives at an optimal mix of coupons which leads to a significant improvement over the existing practice.

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Working Papers | 1987

Development Orientation of Charity - The Case of Sri Kshetra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project

M. R. Dixit

This is the study of a Rural Development Project initiated by the Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara Temple. As a project of the temple it has certain unique features and advantages in implementation. The design and implementation of this project in the context of the widely shared traditions of the temple are described and analysed in this paper. Certain relevant implications for managing development projects in respect of peoples participation, creating minimum living conditions, integration in implementation, selection and training of field workers, planning and review systems and networking are discussed. Some unexplored questions are presented towards the end for further study.

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Working Papers | 1987

Economic Order Quantity When Ordering Costs are Lot Size Dependent

Gupta Omprakash K

Classical EOQ model assumes that the ordering cost A is constant and independent of lot size. This paper deals with the case when A depends on the lot size and increases at a decreasing rate. Firstly A is assumed to increase in steps as a function of lot size . In both cases models are analyzed and procedures are given for determining the optimal lot size.

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Working Papers | 1987

An Improved Procedure for Economic Order Quantity with all Unit Price Discounts

Gupta Omprakash K

Suppliers often offer price discounts for large purchases. These discounts are generally of two types: all unit discounts and incremental discounts. This paper presents an improved procedure for determining the economic order quantity under all unit discounting scheme. Upper bounds on the total relevant costs are obtained which are used to discard certain high-price ranges form consideration.

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Working Papers | 1987

Banking in Backward Regions: Banks-NGO-POOR Interface - Alternatives for Action

Anil K. Gupta

The problem of improving access of poor to formal banking system in risky ecological regions has acquired added importance in recent times. The ecological imbalances, reduced opportunities for productive investments, fluctuations in outputs, lack of technological break through, seasonal as well as permanent migration, poor infrastructure, multi-enterprise based household survival strategies etc. pose tremendous challenge to designers of accessible organizations. We have taken into account the spatial, seasonal, sectoral dimensions of social stratification while conceptualising the problems of access of poor to natural resources, assurance from the institution and abilities or the skills of the poor to convert access into investments. The socio-ecological paradigm so developed has been used to abstract lessons from six cases of Bank-NGO-Poor interface. While we do not believe that the challenge of developing poor in backward regions can be left primarily on the shoulders of NGOs, we do recognise the need for learning from innovative approaches. The experience of six cases studied by colleagues at IIM and GIAP has been synthesized in this paper. Several policy options identified earlier have been validated while need for some more has also become apparent. It is hoped that NABARD will be able to use insights emerging from this ongoing group research effort to make banking in backward region more accessible to poor.

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Working Papers | 1987

Regional Development Policy: An International Survey of Incentive Scheme

Ramachandran K

Industrialisation of backward areas has attracted the attention of governments all over the world, both developing and advanced. These efforts vary from direct investment to indirect assistance. This paper reviews the scheme of assistance offered, broadly categorised as physical financial and fiscal incentives. Data for this study were collected from a mail survey of incentive schemes and published literature. No particular sampling technique was used to select the countries for study. This analysis of schemes in fiftyfive countries suggests that fiscal incentives are used as the major incentive in poor countries, whereas financial incentives are more important in rich countries. The type of incentive offered depends on the capacity of country to spare funds for regional development and the risks involved in blocking up scarce resources in unused investments. Advanced countries compete among themselves to attract international investments by offering liberal incentives. Also, incentives are more where environmental risk is high. The findings are useful to regional development policy making in countries at different levels of development to draw on the experiences of others. The pattern of changes in regional incentives is useful to understand the structure of incentive system.

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Working Papers | 1987

Incidence of Deferred Tax Due to Depreciation: An Empirical Study

Parikh Shweta and Srinivasan G

Deferred tax arises due to difference in the reported income and taxable income. In India it is not obligatory for corporations to provide for deferred tax which results in mismatch of tax liability and pre-tax income. In this study we look into the incidence of tax deferral due to difference in depreciation methods. A sample of thirty companies have been studied for four years. We have presented the extent of tax deferral and the resultant overstatement of reported income in the sample companies. The trend of overstatement over the years is also analysed and the implications are highlighted.

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Working Papers | 1987

Leasing Industry in India: Structure and Prospects

Pandey I M

The aim of this paper is to critically evaluate the structure and prospects of the leasing industry in India. Financial data of 29 selected leasing companies are analyzed to formulate the strategic groups of the leasing companies. It is argued that the winners of future would be either those leasing companies which are large in size and affect economies of scale or those which are associated with business houses. The options available to new entrants for successful survival are to enter the leasing business either as a large company or a specialized company. Entry on a leasing-cum-manufacturing will pose difficulty in terms of government regulation, raising of large capital and managerial capability.

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