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Working Papers | 1985

A Note on the Effects of Tax-Subsidy Polcies on the Personal Distribution of Income in Dual Economies

Das Gupta A

In this paper the effect of tax-subsidy policies on the personal income distribution is studied using the mobile capital Harris-Todaro model of Corden-Findlay-McCool. It is shown that tax subsidy packages with efficiency promoting properties also have attractive effects on the personal distribution of income.

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Working Papers | 1985

Inter-Organisational mobility of Management Graduates of Selected Institutions in India

A. K. Jain and Saha Jahar

This paper provides the findings on inter-organizational mobility of management graduates (MGs) of selected institutions in India. The findings are based on 668 returns of mailed questionnaires that were sent to the alumni of six institutions, including the three national ones (Indian Institute of Management at Ahmedabad, Bangalore, and Calcutta) who graduated during the years 1966 to 1977. Mobility has been defined on six dimensions: i) the number of organisations worked in the first year, ii) the number of organisations worked in the first three years, iii) the number of organisations worked in the first five years, iv) the minimum duration in an organization, v) the maximum duration in an organization, and vi) the average duration in an organization. On the first dimension, it is found that percentage of MGs who leave their first employer in first year (also called early leavers) is quite low (7.6%) and this is comparable to what is experienced in USA. However, additional 10% of MGs (a total of 18%) worked for one of the employers in their career for less than one year. Thus, the concept of early leavers needs to be redefined to include the latter category too. On the basis of dimensions (ii) to (vi) above, a very large proportion of MGs have been found to have stable careers (60 to 85%) and only a very low proportion of them could be termed as job hoppers (2 to 12%). These findings are comparable to those of MGs in US. We seek the considered views of the readers of this paper for sharply defining the categories of mobility so that the findings on career progress and mobility of the management graduates could be properly presented in the final paper. The last section of the paper contains a questionnaire for providing this information to the authors.

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Working Papers | 1985

How Fairly is the Fair-Sex Treated? An Agenda for Research on Managerial Women in a Male-Dominated Organization

Deepti Bhatnagar

Though Indian women have been joining managerial ranks in growing numbers, little research has been conducted to investigate their problems in the male-dominated world of work. Based on a review of literature, this paper suggests workplace integration, non-availability of mentors, problems of token status, conflict between sex-roles stereotypes and work roles, sexuality and the workplace, evaluation and attribution of women's performance, problems of playing the leader and differential treatment in personnel mattes as some of the issues which need immediate attention of researchers.

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Working Papers | 1985

The PI Motive: A Base for Development

Khandwalla P N

The paper presents the relevance, conceptual foundations, and operational measure of an important motive of professionals, and one that may be critical for socio-economic transformation. It is labelled the pioneering-innovating (PI) motive. The strength of the PI motive is assessed vis-a-vis five other motives for a sample of 750 professionals and professionals-in-the-making. Five hypotheses concerning the PI motive are tested. Four are supported while one receives mixed support. Several implications of the findings are discussed.

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Working Papers | 1985

Approach and Avoidance Behaviour of Managers

Pareek Udai

Research on understanding, with a view to influencing, the behaviour of individuals in organizational settings is continuing for long. This paper analyses the employee behaviour in terms of his various needs or motives. It presents the validity and reliability measures of an instrument developed to operationalize the six needs or motives, namely achievement, affiliation, extension, influence, control and dependency on two dimensions-approach and avoidance. Finally, how the instrument can be used for self-analysis, individual counselling, training and OD are indicated.

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Working Papers | 1985

Manpower Requirement Planning: A Framework and Case Studies

Korgaonkar M G

This working paper deals with the problem of manpower requirement planning (MRP). A framework is elucidated for detailed MRP. The proposed framework is then applied to determine manpower requirements in 6 different industrial situations including both manufacturing as well as service organizations.

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Working Papers | 1985

The Biogas Program in India and China: A Comparative Analysis of Experiences

Moulik T K

This paper describes the historical processes and experiences in the biogas technology promotion programme in India and China. The comparative analysis of the experiences in India and China is an attempt to bring out the politico-historical, administrative and policy differences in rural technology transfer, promotion and management with particular reference to biogas technology under two distinct politico-social settings.

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Working Papers | 1985

Ethnicity - The Indian Situation

Pestonjee D M and Nair Vidya

The paper attempts to review some opinions about ethnicity. Its main focus is to bring to light the prevailing social and legal position of ethnicity in the Indian context. The paper can be useful for ISPE course. It can also raise issues of national integration.

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Working Papers | 1985

Managing Socio-Political Environment in India: A New Task for Top Management

Chaudhari Shekhar

A recent study of environmental scanning practices of larger Indian corporations (Dixit 1984) surprisingly finds a total absence of socio political factors in a list of twenty-five external factors considered to be most important by the sample of 24 companies. Though this study was conducted on a relatively small sample, it does indicate the contemporary belief of corporate management that socio-political forces in the external management are not very critical to the prosperity of the firm perhaps because according to them they can be managed easily. However, this paper takes the view that the nature of the socio-political environment is changing and is increasingly becoming adverse for the survival and prosperity of the firm. Hence business organizations would be required to devote an increasing among of time and energy towards understanding and anticipating the social consequences of their operations. The paper also discusses too approaches for responding to the new challenge: the "issues management" approach and the good corporate citizenship approach and suggests that the latter is the more creative and effective one?

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Working Papers | 1985

Poverty, Inequality and Development in Dual Economies with Urban Informal Sector

Das Gupta A and Gang Ira N

In this paper a general model of dualistic economies with urban informal sectors is proposed. The model is able to encompass a wide variety of distortions and institutional features which may affect such economies. Within this framework the two types of dualism, modern and traditional sector dualism, are distinguished and the implications of development patterns and productivity enhancing development policies for distribution are examined. It is show that traditional sector enrichment growth has the type of dualism present. However, Productivity enhancing development policies may have implications which lead to undesirable distributional and growth consequences even if they ostensibly promote growth in a desired target sector in a general equilibrium setting.

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