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Working Papers | 1985

Ethnicity - The Indian Situation

Pestonjee D M and Nair Vidya

The paper attempts to review some opinions about ethnicity. Its main focus is to bring to light the prevailing social and legal position of ethnicity in the Indian context. The paper can be useful for ISPE course. It can also raise issues of national integration.

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Working Papers | 1985

Manpower Requirement Planning: A Framework and Case Studies

Korgaonkar M G

This working paper deals with the problem of manpower requirement planning (MRP). A framework is elucidated for detailed MRP. The proposed framework is then applied to determine manpower requirements in 6 different industrial situations including both manufacturing as well as service organizations.

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Working Papers | 1985

Managing Socio-Political Environment in India: A New Task for Top Management

Chaudhari Shekhar

A recent study of environmental scanning practices of larger Indian corporations (Dixit 1984) surprisingly finds a total absence of socio political factors in a list of twenty-five external factors considered to be most important by the sample of 24 companies. Though this study was conducted on a relatively small sample, it does indicate the contemporary belief of corporate management that socio-political forces in the external management are not very critical to the prosperity of the firm perhaps because according to them they can be managed easily. However, this paper takes the view that the nature of the socio-political environment is changing and is increasingly becoming adverse for the survival and prosperity of the firm. Hence business organizations would be required to devote an increasing among of time and energy towards understanding and anticipating the social consequences of their operations. The paper also discusses too approaches for responding to the new challenge: the "issues management" approach and the good corporate citizenship approach and suggests that the latter is the more creative and effective one?

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Working Papers | 1985

Poverty, Inequality and Development in Dual Economies with Urban Informal Sector

Das Gupta A and Gang Ira N

In this paper a general model of dualistic economies with urban informal sectors is proposed. The model is able to encompass a wide variety of distortions and institutional features which may affect such economies. Within this framework the two types of dualism, modern and traditional sector dualism, are distinguished and the implications of development patterns and productivity enhancing development policies for distribution are examined. It is show that traditional sector enrichment growth has the type of dualism present. However, Productivity enhancing development policies may have implications which lead to undesirable distributional and growth consequences even if they ostensibly promote growth in a desired target sector in a general equilibrium setting.

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Working Papers | 1985

The Indian and Chinese Growth Experience as Case Studies in the Application of the Feldman-Mahalanobis Model Strategy under a Wage Goods Constraints

Kumar Saurabh

The Feldman-Mahalanobis model has played a very important role in shaping the industrialisation strategies of China and India and, of course, earlier the Soviet Union. An unstated, but crucial assumption in this model is that there exists a sufficiently large surplus of wage goods in the final/agricultural sector for the wage goods constraint not to impose limitations on the industrialisation possibilities. The paper attempts to examine the validity of this assumption in both India and China. It is argued that the wage goods constraint has been significantly constrictive in both the countries. A simple theoretical model is also attempted to bring out the consequences of such a circumstance.

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Working Papers | 1985

Inflation Accounting: Perspective and Prospects

Gupta Ramesh

During the last two decades, there have been several proposals on how financial statements should be adjusted to show the effects of Inflation. The earlier suggestions were to adjust the financial statements using a general price index. Lately the emphasis has been on current value accounting. In UK's SSAP-16 (and more recently ED 35) USA's FAS-33, Canada's section 4510 of CICA Handbook were considered landmark at the time of their issuance. Yet, every one of these proposals is having an uneasy time and lacks general acceptance. The status of inflation accounting remains fluid and confusing. The accounting profession, realising that theoretically there is no right answer, has opted to experiment the different approaches. Abandoning the experiment may prove risky and costly, if high inflation is to return. One can only conclude that inflation accounting remains a controversial topic and is likely to continue to be so in the near future.

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Working Papers | 1985

Distribution and Development Effects of Tariff Subsidy Policies in a Small, Open Dual Economy

Das Gupta A and Gang Ira N

In this paper the effects of tariff cum subsidy policies in a small open dual economy with intersectoral migration are considered. The model used is an extended version of the mobile capital Harris-Todaro model of Corden-Findlay and McCool. Within this framework the effects of policies on unemployment, absolute incomes, inequality and development patterns are studied. The major results are that policies which result in traditional sector development are likely to reduce both unemployment and inequality. Furthermore, subsidies to traditional sector capital may be the best available subsidy in the presence of revenue constraints.

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Working Papers | 1984

Household Energy Behaviour and Urban Development: The Case of Ahmedabad

Ganapathy R S and Norman Kent L

Energy is a key input to meet the basic needs of human beings like food, clothing and shelter. Household energy behaviour needs to be understood for ensuring individual and social well being. The urban household energy use in India is critical because of the wide variations in the quantity of energy use among the socioeconomic and ethnic groups residing in a city. This paper develops a conceptual framework and describes a case study of household energy behaviour in Ahmedabad, a major Indian city. In the context of the energy profile of the city, household energy is assessed from the demand and supply sides. A survey of three hundred households and secondary data analysis was done. The results link energy consumption to cooking patterns, technology and source availability. Three scenarios for the household energy use in year 2001 are constructed and policy instruments and programmes to achieve a desirable scenario that is sustainable, equitable and efficient, are developed. Some general policy options are also discussed.

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Working Papers | 1984

On the Estimation of Elasticity in Economics

Das Gupta A and Misra P N

For the measurement of elasticity, given two observations of a bivariate relationship, the arc elasticity formula has been traditionally used by economists and statisticians. However, no proper statistical justification for this procedure exists in the literature. In this paper measures of elasticity on an arc are derived using widely accepted statistical criteria such as the minimum absolute deviation criterion and the least squares criterion. It is shown that in the linear bivariate case the minimum absolute deviation elasticity is the arc elasticity. However, the formulae according to the least squares criterion and other criteria differ from arc elasticity even in the linear case. A numerical comparison of formulae is also provided and these are assessed on the basis of a 'goodness of fit' statistic developed for this purpose.

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Working Papers | 1984

Indian Business Houses and Entrepreneurship: A Note on Research Trends

Tripathi Dwijendra

The working paper is the survey of the work done in relation to large Indian business houses. It suggests the areas of further research and also a strategy for research in Indian entrepreneurial behaviour.

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