Timeline |
1960s | Origins of the Centre for Management in Agriculture (CMA) and the disciplinary areas of Economics, Marketing, Production & Quantitative Methods, Business Policy, Finance & Accounting and Organizational Behaviour |
1970 | Computer Centre established |
1973 | IIMA Working Paper Series initiated |
1975 | Public Systems Group (PSG) established |
1976 | First issue of Vikalpa, IIMA’s journal |
1991 | Ravi J. Matthai Centre for Educational Innovation (RJMCEI) formally established |
1999-2000 | Communication Area established |
2001 | Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) established |
2004 | Centre for Management of Health Services (CMHS) established |
2007 | IIMA-Idea Telecom Centre of Excellence (IITCoE) MoU signed |
2014 | India Gold Policy Centre (IGPC) established |
2015 | JSW School of Public Policy established |
2018 | Gender Centre established |
IIMA faculty have had diverse research interests spanning fields within management and beyond. The Research & Publications division have annual reports on the research output of the faculty members since 1967. IIMA’s Vikram Sarabhai library hosts much of this research output and is accessible on this link.
IIMA's research contributions have often been pioneering whether they have been in the fields of human resources development, finance, organizational behaviour, marketing, operations research or business history.
Action research has also been an important avenue for many faculty of IIMA. From Ravi Matthai’s Jawaja experiment in rural Rajasthan to Anil Gupta’s work on grassroots entrepreneurship, a wide canvas has been sketched by numerous faculty and students in researching and triggering change.
The supporting research staff- analysts, assistants, associates- have played a crucial role in facilitating the research ecosystem at IIMA. One such research staff member, Jahar Saha, rose up within the ranks to become faculty and then Director of IIMA, and another, Narayana Murthy, spearheaded India’s IT revolution via Infosys, before becoming the Chairperson of IIMA’s Board of Governors.
IIMA regularly set up research centres over several decades to examine the pressing questions of the day. Centres that are not mentioned in the above timeline are listed below: