Panel 4: Jawaja and Beyond - Social Projects at IIMA

Panel 4: Jawaja and Beyond - Social Projects at IIMA

'The Rural University': Artisans Alliance of Jawaja

"The Rural University assumes that the development of rural India will occur, not through mere target oriented plans, but through the development of people. Developmental activities without the deep involvement of people are without foundation. Self-reliance and mutuality are basic to the idea of the Rural University." - Ravi J. Matthai

Ravi Matthai, IIMA's first full-time director, initiated his 'field experiment' in education for selfreliance-the 'Rural University'-in Jawaja, a rural corner of Rajasthan, in 1975. IIMA was soon joined by the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, and the extraordinary quest of these institutions to partner on equal terms with a community of weavers and leather craftspersons belonging to some of the most marginalized sections of our society, is alive to this day. The Artisans Alliance of Jawaja (AAJ) has changed with the times, there have been many ups and downs, and the numbers remain small, but the influence of brand 'Jawaja' has been significant. AAJ is respected throughout India's craft sector and has built up a reputation for itself in overseas markets. Jawaja is now an important site of learning for craft students. IIMA has shown the same spirit of reaching out in its more recent social projects such as SMILE (Student-Mediated Initiative for Learning to Excel) and PRAYAAS, both of which target the education of underprivileged children.

IIMA has shown the same spirit of reaching out in its more recent social projects such as SMILE (Student-Mediated Initiative for Learning to Excel) and PRAYAAS, both of which target the education of underprivileged children.