Dr. Rajeev Sharma worked at the Ravi J. Matthai Centre for Educational Innovation from June 3, 1996 till the date of his retirement on November 30, 2017. Prior to that he had taught Psychology at Allahabad and was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. At the institute, he was involved in researching innovation in education, educational organizations like schools and colleges, entrepreneurial opportunity in the education sector, enhancing academic performance of first generation learners and children from disadvantaged backgrounds, and community involvement in the educational process. He designed and taught a PGP course titled 'Enterprise and Innovation in Education'. He was also a secondary member of the Communication Area and taught communication and pedagogical approaches in management and interpersonal communication in business and industrial organizations. He developed and participated in management development programmes for principals of schools, colleges and other institutions of higher education. He also coordinated and participated in consulting assignments sponsored by Swedish International Development Organization (SIDA), Department for International Development (DFID), and National Literacy Mission and Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. He authored a book titled 'Not by Grades Alone' that was based on case studies of innovative schools.
Date of Birth: November 07, 1952