Meenakshi Malya

Meenakshi Malya


Prof. Meenakshi Malya (4th Feb 1936- ), was a faculty member of IIMA for fourteen years from Feb 1966 to June 1980. She was associated with the Centre for Management in Agriculture (CMA), Production & Quantitative Methods Area and Economics Area, and was best known for co-teaching the course 'Mathematics and Statistics for Management' (MSM, popularly called Mote-Saha-Malya for the faculty who taught it).

Born in Mangalore, she did her undergraduate studies in Madras, and was Research Officer (Statistics) at the Agricultural Economics Research Center, University of Madras in the early 1960s. There, she published several articles on the application of statistical techniques in the agricultural sector. She did a M. Sc from Aberdeen, before joining IIMA in 1966 on the persuasion of Prof. D K Desai, who was setting up the research centre on agriculture at IIMA.

At IIMA, she wrote numerous cases, books, consulted, taught in executive education programmes and held several administrative positions including Co-ordinator of 3-Tiered Programme in 1969 at Agra, Chair of Management Development Programmes (1974-75), Alumni Activities (1977-78), Research & Publications (1978-79), Member of Placement Committee (1976-78), Policy & Planning Committee (1978-79) and was a member of the core group at IIMA advising on the establishment of the Indian Institute of Forest Management (1978-79). She did her DBA (PhD) in Managerial Economics from Harvard (1969-73), sponsored by IIMA. She resigned in 1980 for spiritual pursuits in an ashram in Pune.

She was interviewed by Mr. Raman Nanda (PGP 1976) for the IIMA Oral History project on December 17, 2021 and the video and transcript of that interview is stored at IIMA Archives.

A list of selected publications of Prof. Meenakshi Malya is provided below:


Malya, M. Meenakshi. Socio-Economic Surveys in Rural India: A Review of Purposes, Design, Organisation and Achievements. Aberdeen: School of Agriculture, 1967.

Malya, M. Meenakshi; Madappa, P. P; Gupta, V. K; Kothari, K. B; Desai, D.K; Narayanan, V. S. Planning and implementation in agriculture: studies on High Yielding Varieties Programme. 1967. IIMA.

Mote, V. L.; Malya, M. Meenakshi; and Saha, Jahar. Tables for Capital Investment Analysis. 1968.

Malya, M. Meenakshi; Nambudiri, C. N. S.; Vora, M. N.; Paul, Samuel; Sarin, P. K.; and Parameswaran, K. V. Market Potential of Plastic Products for Gujarat Based Manufacturers. Ahmedabad: Government of Gujarat, 1969.

Malya, M. Meenakshi; Mote, V. L.; and Saha. Jahar. Capital Investment Decisions. New Delhi: Macmillan Company of India, 1979.


CMA: 1966: Transportation Model: Cost Minimization, Capital Budgeting and Investment Decisions, Inventory Control; 1969: Planning in Thanjavur (A, B, C, D); 1980: One day in the life of Hari Krishna Singh.

P&IR: 1977: TELCO: Manpower Planning (A, B, C).

QM: 1967: Capital Budgeting and Investment Decisions; 1968: Prasad Cotton Mills; 1970: Electricals and Transformers Limited; 1975: Samyog Chemicals (B), Seshan and the Investments, Bahalpur Pineapple Products Limited, North Assam Agro Industries Cooperative Society Limited; 1976: Pikko Company; Ratnagar District Development Plan, Arun Ranganath Deshpande (A, B, C, D, E, F), Victor Gaskets India Limited (A, B, C, D, E), Samyog Electricals Ltd., Supreme Pharmaceuticals Limited; 1977: Planning of Service Centres in Dharampur Taluka, Introduction to PERT and CPM, Modernization of Cotton Ginning in Kapusia, Heavy Engineering Works Ltd., Use of PERT in Technique in Educational Administration; 1978: HPCL, Drop the Coin into the Bowl, Duality in Linear Programming, Sonali Multipurpose Project; 1979: A Sheet Metal Cutting Problem, Introduction to the Problem of Costs; 1984: Dharwar Drilling Society.


Parthasarathy, G and Malya, M. Meenakshi, 'A Case Study', Agricultural Situation in India, 1960, Vol. 15 (1).

Malya, M. Meenakshi, 'Linear Programming and Farm Planning', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1962, Vol. 17 (1), p. 206-11.

Malya, M. Meenakshi, 'Urbanisation and Cropping Pattern', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1963, Vol. 18 (1), p. 90-96.

Malya, M. Meenakshi and Rajagopalan, R, 'Nature of Risk Associated with Rainfall and its Effect on Farming- A Case Study of Kurnool District Andhra Pradesh', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1964, Vol. 19 (1), p. 76-81.

Mote, V. L. and Malya, M. Meenakshi, 'Decision Analysis: Experiences and Expectations', Economic & Political Weekly, 1970, Vol 5 (22).

Malya, M. Meenakshi. Assessment of Interdependent Uncertainties. Doctoral Dissertation, Harvard University, 1973.

Malya, M. Meenakshi, 'Uncertainty Analysis in Project Appraisal', Vikalpa, 1976, Vol. 1 (1), p. 21-30.

Malya, M. Meenakshi, 'A Note on the Methodological Problems of Using the Employment Data from the Farm Management Studies', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1979, Vol. 34 (2).

Malya, M. and Gosalia, A. 1979. 'Wage Determination for Self-Employed Persons: Some Methodological Explorations'. IIMA Working Paper No. 276.

1967-68, worked on research project titled 'High Yielding Varieties Programme' and secured seed money for research project titled 'Efficiency of Fertilizer Distribution Channels'.

Co-ordinated first annual IIMA Society conference on New Horizons on Management in Feb 1977 and presented paper.

Date of Birth: February 04, 1936