Dhruv Goel


Prior to IIM-A, I completed M.Sc. in Economics from Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics. I am exploring the differences in technology adoption behaviour between similar type of agents like doctors and managers. In addition, I want to see how network effects play a role in an agent's decision to adopt a technology. This will add to the debate on why some countries are poor while other rich. I also have an interest in inequality and in institutional economics.


Email : phd17dhruvg@iima.ac.in



Academic Degrees/Education

Ph.D. Programme in Management

Research Interests

  • Health Economics
  • Technology Adoption
  • Innovation Economics
  • Labour Economics
  • Macroeconomic
  • Institutional Economics
  • Inequality
  • Economics of Coordination
  • Transaction-Cost Economics
  • Money and Institutions
  • Economics History
  • Business History