Augmenting Career Development for Women: Agenda for Organizations and Individuals


Augmenting Career Development for Women: Agenda for Organizations and Individuals

Deepti Bhatnagar and Pandey Avinash

Working Papers

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Women's career development in organizations is oftn different from that of men. Although competent women, like competent men aspire for top positions of leadership in organizations, such positions often elude them. This is because the dual role responsibility of women in the work and home sphere prevents them from adopting the traditional hierarchical (male) model of career progress. The facilitate women's career development, it is our contention that one needs to begin with a better understanding of the structure of career opportunities in organizations, along with an appreciation of the diversity of women employees and the career options that they select. Our paper begins with a discussion of possible career movement opportunities in organizations, using the three-dimensional framework proposed by Schein (1971). The paper then looks at the career choices and consequent career paths that are actually adopted by career women in organizations. Based on an analysis of the above, the paper ends with specific suggestions for organizations and women so as to help facilitate the career development of women.