Biogas Technology: The Indian Scenario


Biogas Technology: The Indian Scenario

Moulik T K and Mehta Swati

Working Papers

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Energy in many forms is vital for nations, economic and social development. The importance of energy was brought into sharp focus since the 1970's oil shortage which escalated the prices of conventional energy. Since then attention has shifted to alternative sources of energy. For a country like India, where resources are scarce and development essential, it is imperative that a strong infrastructural base be achieved for it's growth. One of the critical components is the generation and supply of cheap energy. As an alternative source of energy, biogas technology is being promoted in India in a mass scale in order to meet India's one of the most important energy needs i.e. Cooking energy (constituting technology has received special attention because of the easy applicability, the vastness of the country and infrastructural deficiencies which exists regarding the supply of power to all corners of India. Along with providing an economic and practical alternative for energy generation, biogas technology also provides various advantages to the user. Biogas provides cheaper fuel and energy for lighting and domestic purposes, prevents or decreases deforestation, provides the farmers with cheaper and enriched manure for their fields, and lastly but not the least, improves the environment by keeping the kitchen clean and hygienic and decreases the drudgery for women.