Concentration of Economic Power and Restrictive Trade Practices: Role of MRTP Act


Concentration of Economic Power and Restrictive Trade Practices: Role of MRTP Act

Khurana Rakesh

Working Papers

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This Paper reviews the historical background of public policy towards monopolies and restrictive trade practices, the development leading to enactment of MRTP Act in India and the impact which this Act has had on the concentration of economic power and restrictive trade practices. All the orders passed by the Government since the establishment of the Act till August 1977 in relation to concentration of economic power and all the judgements of the MRTP Commission delivered since the legislation of the Act till August 1976 have been analysed. Some results related to further concentration of economic power and role of MRTP Act, the arguments given by the applicants for approving their proposals regarding substantial expansion, establishment of new undertakings, amalgamation/mergers, acquisitions/take over as well as the arguments offered by government for approving or rejecting the proposal for the above, conditions imposed by the government while approving such proposals etc. have been reported. Some major dimensions of judgements of MRTP Commission in relation to restrictive trade practices and examination of cases of monopolistic trade practices have been outlines. Some suggestions for reorienting the MRTP Act to achieve its stated objectives and further research work needed in this area have been given.