A Consumer View of Cooperative Outlets A Report of Small-Scale Studies in Bombay and Ahmedabad


A Consumer View of Cooperative Outlets A Report of Small-Scale Studies in Bombay and Ahmedabad

Sen Gupta Subroto

Working Papers

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This report is based on two small scale studies to obtain consumer images and perceptions about cooperative outlets. One study focused on consumer views about a locality cooperative store and the other on a cooperative department store. The study has shown that "non-adulteration" is the strongest image dimension of the cooperative outlets. On the other hand, the consumers do not give the same high rating to cooperatives in regard to "charging lower prices". Similarly, another weak area in the image of cooperatives is in respect of efficiency of service and courtesy of salesmen. The study also shows different ways in which consumers perceive a locality cooperative store and a large department store like Apna Bazar. It also indicates the types of purchases made at these two types of outlets.