The Decision Process of Individuals under Conditions of Risk: An Experimental Study


The Decision Process of Individuals under Conditions of Risk: An Experimental Study

Samir K. Barua and Srinivasan G

Working Papers

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Theoretical models in finance are many a time based on unrealistic assumptions about the behaviour of individuals. Empirical validation of the models is expected to vindicate the assumptions. However, in most situations, the approaches used for empirical validations suffer from serious limitations, either because of the nature of data used or because of the testing procedures used. Hence, the doubts about the underlying assumptions on individual behaviour remain unresolved. In this paper, an attempt has been made to study some common beliefs about behaviour of individuals in risky situations, through a controlled experiment. The results indicate that some oft-believed behavioural traits are indeed true, and the theories based on assumptions which are counter to these beliefs, need to be reconsidered.