The development of ocean resources has become a major strategic programme for India. The vastness, complexity and uncertainty of the ocean environment necessitate a co-ordinated, and responsive organization structure. This paper outlines the design considerations and proposes an organizational structure within the Government of India, to achieve its main objectives in ocean development. Firstly, an analysis of tasks, roles and linkages in ocean development is attempted. Various approaches to organization design like contingency theory, cultural analysis, stakeholder analysis, matrix organization and organizational learning are reviewed in the context of the tasks ahead in ocean development. It is argued that the design of the structure should be seen in multiple ways and structure is much more than an objective set of relationships and formal location of authority. Such a processual view of the structure enables us to look at its design as a part of ocean development rather than an "objective stage" prior to its implementation. Consistent with the nature of advanced technology, the turbulent environment and an assessment of the alternatives in organizational structure within Government of India, an organizational structure at the top management level and programmes is designed. The structure is based on an analysis of environmental conditions and task requirements as well as perceptions of and consensus among stake-holders. The design is informed by a larger contextual understanding of India's strategic vision and her political economy.