To meet raw material requirements. Wimco.the biggest match industry in India, has been promoting popular based agroforestry thorough agroforestry projects approved by National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) in the northern region of India since 1984. This study aims at evaluating the performance of polular based agroforestry in terms of income, employment and environmental impact. Popular based agroforestry is economically viable and relatively more profitable in comparison to many of the crop rotations followed in the study are. Popular plantations with intercrops are more remunerative in a plantation of seven years instead of eight years. This land use system is capable of providing employment opportunities on farms and the preserving ecological system as well. The cost charged by Wimco for technical advice, however, reduces the income from poplar plantation substantially. With farmers gaining experiences, farmers can expect high dividends in subsequent rotations.