Earlier working papers on EEC (W.P. 841 and 854) tell us that the Common Market is a strategy towards ultimate political objective of a United States of Europe. The driving force behind the “Unity of Europe and people of European origin” is genetic-ethnic-racial. Europe's march towards supra-nationalism leads to supra-Euracialism. Recent events in Eastern Europe and Russia are not spontaneous but result of long-term strategy for uniting people of European origin. As Common Market was Monnet's (Father of EEC) strategy towards unification of Europe, so also Gorbachov's perestroika and glasnost are strategies to provide 'freedom' to East-European communities and European Russia to ultimately become members of a United States of Europe. EEC-1992 is a landmark, a symbol of consolidation of European Community's power. It can also be a prelude to a War of Races. Schizophrenia and intense attention paid to economic and commercial interests in the current literature on EEC has hidden the deadly politico-racial objectives of EEC. Are the non-Europeans aware of all these processes? Do they have any strategy to face EEC? Whether by cooperating with EEC, with an eye to short-term gains, will they end up further strengthening Europe's drive towards its politico-racial objectives? These two papers sought answers to such questions and related issues. What has been the Indian reaction to EEC all these years? In this paper we present twelve sets of questions which provide a broad framework for reviewing the works of Indian scholars, diplomats and columnists on EEC. These cover questions pertaining to: § Emergence of Neo-Nazism and racial fundamentalism in Europe; § European Supra-nationalism and its impact on communities of European origin; § Impact of EEC on NAM; § Communication (propaganda) strategy of EEC; Reliability of data provided by EEC and its impact on demand and supply projections and trade. § Nature of European society in future; § Alternatives to the traditionally followed policies of 'economic interdependence', and 'cooperation with EEC', such as Gandhian non-cooperation strategy i.e., 'neither trade, nor aid' strategy and its implications; § Environmental concerns, and their implications to the third world countries; § Collaboration among non-European Communities in the field of trade, science and technology, and especially in development of modern weapon systems and defence strategies; § People of mixed races and natives in Latin America and their reactions to EEC; § Racial discrimination in Europe and the New World Countries; discriminatory immigration laws limited movement of non-European people. § Racial heritage and its influence on India's reaction to EEC; § Basic issues such as: free movement of materials/goods/products, or free movement of people and culture? Primary objective: International Economic Order or International Social Order for Survival (SOS) of humanity?