This is the Introductory chapter to Author's forthcoming book entitle, “ European Economic Community and Non-European Communities”. What is happening in Europe is gigantic with far-reaching implications for Indian and other developing countries. The paper analyses in depth the ideas of Jean Monnet, the Father of European Economic Community, and the basic motives underlying formation of EEC and their implications. Common Market is only a strategy to achieve the primary politico-economic objective namely, a United States of Europe. The process by which Common Market might become a supra-national state is shrewdly set up in such a way that process is gradual and imperceptible. The recent developments in East Europe and Russia are not spontaneous but part of the long-term strategy for uniting Europe and people of “European Origin”, and for “Unity of West”. Europe's march from Nationalism to Supra-nationalism may lead to Euro-racialism, creating a threat of War of Races in near future. India and other developing countries which are mostly non-European countries have to keep in mind these implications of EEC.