Exploring the role of urban green spaces in 'smartening' cities in India


Exploring the role of urban green spaces in 'smartening' cities in India

Rama Mohana R Turaga, Sandip Chakrabarti, Urmila Jha-Thakur, and Dipita Hossain

Journal Articles | Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal

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This paper explores the conceptualization of Urban Green Space (UGS) within India’s urban planning process. In doing so, the context of the Smart Cities Mission (SCM), which is a flagship programme for urban transformation in the country, is chosen. We identified four key elements of UGS planning in the literature – quantity, accessibility, multifunctionality, and connectivity. Using this as a framework for analysis, we reviewed the national SCM guidelines and plans of four cities – Gwalior, Bhagalpur, Chandigarh, and Udaipur – in depth. We find that multifunctionality does not feature in the planning of UGS, and the notable absence of a connected, strategic vision suggests the need for strategic-level planning and assessment that goes beyond the project level in India.