Forecasting Money Supply Using Box-Jenkins and other Procedures


Forecasting Money Supply Using Box-Jenkins and other Procedures

Gupta G S

Working Papers

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The big provides forecasts on the money supply in India during 1993-01 through 1995-04, using the quarterly data for the period 1970-01 to 1992-04 and several alternative appropriate statistical and econometric methods. Appropriate statistical and econometric methods. Appropriate statistical tests and accuracy measures have been applied to assess the credibility of the alternative methods and within the sample period forecasts. It is found that the forecasts through the Box-Jenkin's method are the most conservative while those from the decomposition method the most liberal ones, those through the regression and exponential smoothing fall in between the two extremes. Arguments have been advanced for their comparative strengths and weaknesses. As per the results, the money supply is expected to be around Rs.5,000 billion in Dec. 1995, and it could vary between Rs.4,764 billion and Rs.5,814 in that period.