Information Technology for Developing Countries: Priority Sectors and Prefered Technology


Information Technology for Developing Countries: Priority Sectors and Prefered Technology

Krishnayya J G

Working Papers

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Priority areas for computer-based information systems are located in developing countries, and a preferred technology (midi-computers) is identified. After describing the priority areas where information management and information technology can make positive contributions in developing countries, the bureaucratic (managerial) infrastructure essential for their implementation is examined. Distinctions are made between the skills required for problem analysis, system design, implementation and maintenance. System design is identified as the phase most appropriate for the participation of the professional "expert". The economics of minicomputer and communication-based systems for the priority areas of developing countries are critically examined. The conclusion is drawn that, for developing countries, microprogrammed minicomputer information processing systems offer significant advantages in cost, redundancy, maintenance, lead-time for implementation, and in the systematic growth of management skills with processing capacity. They can also be combined with microcomputer-based message-switching data-communications facilities. Examples are taken from actual situations in the Airline industry, in logistics networks for commodity distribution, and in a mixed information-retrieval and data-analysis situation.