Innovation Insurgency: A New Paradigm of Engaging the Angry, Rebellion Youth of the Country


Innovation Insurgency: A New Paradigm of Engaging the Angry, Rebellion Youth of the Country

Anil K. Gupta

Working Papers

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In the current euphoric mood of economic growth, many times we forget that there has been another extraordinary growth which should cause us concern. This is the growth in the number of districts affected by naxalite violence. According to well informed sources, there are 150 districts affected by serious or moderate violence. There are about 70 districts in which part of the region is under considerable influence of the insurgents. Why are these people so angry? Is that the only way in which public policy makers would listen to the continued indifference towards the plight of poor people in marginal environments? If these peripheral regions become the centre of policy attention, perhaps the anger, persistent and single mindedness of the insurgents can be harnessed for a creative transformation of these regions. I propose an experiment in which those members of the insurgent group who can identify, document, valorize and commercialize or diffuse through non-commercial channels, the knowledge base products are invited to become innovation insurgents. The primary concern is that the conventional struggle of poor people around jal, jungle, and jamin (water, forest and land) is transformed into a struggle for jankari' knowledge). Using the Prior Informed Consent framework and drawing upon Honey Bee Network philosophy, we could build up a movement for mobilizing the innovation insurgents to strengthen a new economy and polity. I realise that innovation insurgents initiative cannot solve all problems of natural resource management in marginal environments. However, there is a need to listen and involve the angry youth of our society, who fortunately is unwilling to be patient indefinitely with the continued injustice and exploitation.