Marketplace Options in an Emerging Economy Local Food Marketing System- Producers' Choices, Choice Determinants and Requirements


Marketplace Options in an Emerging Economy Local Food Marketing System- Producers' Choices, Choice Determinants and Requirements

Aashish Argade and A. K. Laha

Working Papers

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One of the important objectives of reforms in Indian agricultural marketing was to stimulate competition in the local food marketing system dominated by the state-regulated APMC marketplaces. This study was taken up to understand the different kinds of marketplaces that were available to producers besides the APMCs. Based on survey conducted in one of the pioneering states that introduced reforms, it was found that APMC and farm-gate emerged as the dominant marketplace options. The factors influencing choice of marketplaces were identified using binary logistic regression. Perishability of the produce, and services such as grading, storage and transport provided by buyers were found to be significant determinants of marketplace choice. A post-hoc survey was conducted to gauge farmers' expectations of services and facilities of a marketplace by presenting four scenarios. Even as farmers seem to expect a full-fledged APMC with wide-ranging facilities, warehousing seemed to be their major requirement. Willingness to pay for facilities and services was an important takeaway from the findings. The study has important implications for policy design and implementation, and scope for private sector participation